/trunk Developers: Michael.DefoinPLatel

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Total Commits:
79 (0.3%)
Lines of Code:
6,154 (0.5%)
Most Recent Commit:
2008-11-22 00:26
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Activity by Clock Time

Activity by Hour of Day for Michael.DefoinPLatel

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Activity in Directories

Directory Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 79 (100.0%) 6154 (100.0%) 77.8
src/dr/app/beauti/options/ 9 (11.4%) 1220 (19.8%) 135.5
src/dr/app/beauti/ 8 (10.1%) 971 (15.8%) 121.3
src/dr/evomodel/clock/ 23 (29.1%) 930 (15.1%) 40.4
examples/ 4 (5.1%) 816 (13.3%) 204.0
src/dr/evomodel/operators/ 5 (6.3%) 658 (10.7%) 131.6
src/dr/app/beauti/generator/ 6 (7.6%) 617 (10.0%) 102.8
src/dr/inference/operators/ 4 (5.1%) 429 (7.0%) 107.2
src/dr/app/beast/ 3 (3.8%) 271 (4.4%) 90.3
src/dr/math/ 2 (2.5%) 113 (1.8%) 56.5
src/dr/evomodel/tree/ 3 (3.8%) 60 (1.0%) 20.0
src/dr/evomodel/branchratemodel/ 2 (2.5%) 27 (0.4%) 13.5
src/dr/app/tools/ 1 (1.3%) 12 (0.2%) 12.0
src/dr/inference/trace/ 1 (1.3%) 10 (0.2%) 10.0
src/dr/evolution/io/ 1 (1.3%) 10 (0.2%) 10.0
src/dr/evomodel/substmodel/ 4 (5.1%) 5 (0.1%) 1.2
native/ 1 (1.3%) 3 (0.0%) 3.0
src/dr/app/tracer/traces/ 1 (1.3%) 2 (0.0%) 2.0
src/dr/evoxml/ 1 (1.3%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0

Activity of Michael.DefoinPLatel

Most Recent Commits

Michael.DefoinPLatel 2008-11-22 00:26 Rev.: 1324

Replace the test file

366 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • examples: testAutocorrelatedRelaxedClock.xml (+366)
Michael.DefoinPLatel 2008-11-20 06:41 Rev.: 1319

I finalize the intergration of the autocorrelated relaxed clock into Beauti. The final user still needs to be clever and check the settings of the priors (maybe some warnings should be added). In addition, I setup a test file for the autocorrelated model. Finally, I released Ziheng Yang's UNcorrelated model for further comparison with Drummond et al 2006 paper (so far I haven't seen any difference between the discretized and continuous version).

211 lines of code changed in 12 files:

  • examples: testAutocorrelatedRelaxedClock.xml (+56), testUncorrelatedRelaxedClock.xml (+1 -1)
  • src/dr/app/beast: BeastParser.java (+6 -5)
  • src/dr/app/beauti/options: BeautiOptions.java (+28 -16), ModelOptions.java (-4)
  • src/dr/evomodel/clock: ACLikelihood.java (+1 -3), EDLikelihood.java (del), GDLikelihood.java (del), NDLikelihood.java (del), RateChangeLikelihood.java (del), RateEvolutionLikelihood.java (+1 -1), UCLikelihood.java (+118)
Michael.DefoinPLatel 2008-11-04 04:17 Rev.: 1270

Completed the intergration of the Autocorrelated clock model into Beauti + improvement in the model itself. I am still not happy with the special operators, so they should not be used so far.

554 lines of code changed in 10 files:

  • examples: testUncorrelatedRelaxedClock.xml (+393)
  • src/dr/app/beauti/generator: BeastGenerator.java (+15)
  • src/dr/app/beauti/options: BeautiOptions.java (+11 -10), ModelOptions.java (+5), Operator.java (+1 -1), OperatorType.java (+28 -27)
  • src/dr/evomodel/clock: ACLikelihood.java (+6 -4), RateEvolutionLikelihood.java (+21 -28)
  • src/dr/evomodel/operators: RateSampleOperator.java (+60 -15), RateScaleOperator.java (+14 -16)
Michael.DefoinPLatel 2008-10-22 14:19 Rev.: 1244

Missing option for object file in Linux

3 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • native: Makefile (+3 -4)
Michael.DefoinPLatel 2008-10-10 09:52 Rev.: 1214

Started to integrate the autocorrelated relaxed clock in Beauti. Not happy yet with the intial priors. Some commented code will be removed later.

1749 lines of code changed in 8 files:

  • src/dr/app/beauti/generator: BeastGenerator.java (+95 -12), BranchRatesModelGenerator.java (+266), Generator.java (+152 -139), TreeLikelihoodGenerator.java (+27 -5), TreeModelGenerator.java (+62 -2)
  • src/dr/app/beauti/options: BeautiOptions.java (+1044 -899), ClockType.java (+2), ModelOptions.java (+101 -93)
Michael.DefoinPLatel 2008-09-18 23:43 Rev.: 1187

I added three operators for better mixing of rates with the autocorrelated model of rate of evolution

354 lines of code changed in 7 files:

  • src/dr/evomodel/clock: ACLikelihood.java (+17), EDLikelihood.java (new 30), GDLikelihood.java (new 47), NDLikelihood.java (new 55), RateChangeLikelihood.java (new 30), RateEvolutionLikelihood.java (+14 -4)
  • src/dr/evomodel/operators: RateSampleOperator.java (+161)
Michael.DefoinPLatel 2008-09-18 22:08

423 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • src/dr/evomodel/operators: RateScaleOperator.java (+209), RateVarianceScaleOperator.java (+214)
Michael.DefoinPLatel 2008-06-27 10:31 Rev.: 965

Fix a bug with the scaleAllIndependently option. The Hastings ratio was not computed properly. I can't figure out how bad it was... Please note that I rely on the existing formulla and I am not sure if this one is correct !

236 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • src/dr/inference/operators: ScaleOperator.java (+236 -236)
Michael.DefoinPLatel 2008-06-02 16:04 Rev.: 911

Some improvements for mixing with relaxed clock models

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • src/dr/evomodel/tree: TreeTraceAnalysis.java (+1 -1)
Michael.DefoinPLatel 2008-05-27 17:02 Rev.: 897

Some improvements for mixing with relaxed clock models

452 lines of code changed in 6 files:

  • src/dr/app/beast: BeastParser.java (+264 -261)
  • src/dr/evomodel/branchratemodel: DiscretizedBranchRates.java (+1 -1)
  • src/dr/evomodel/clock: ACLikelihood.java (+1 -1), RateEvolutionLikelihood.java (+8 -2)
  • src/dr/inference/operators: RandomWalkIntegerOperator.java (+177), UniformIntegerOperator.java (+1 -1)
Michael.DefoinPLatel 2008-04-30 18:33 Rev.: 840

Allow treeTraceAnalysis to check if a reference tree is present in the credible set (using the shortReport mehtod only)

59 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • src/dr/evomodel/tree: TreeTraceAnalysis.java (+7 -3), TreeTraceAnalysisParser.java (+52 -4)
Michael.DefoinPLatel 2008-04-30 12:13 Rev.: 838

Extend the model to allow the number of effective categories to be different from the number of branches + bug fix (the rightmost quantile was never used)

26 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • src/dr/evomodel/branchratemodel: DiscretizedBranchRates.java (+26 -10)
Michael.DefoinPLatel 2008-04-30 11:57 Rev.: 837

Bug fix

113 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • src/dr/math: UniformDistribution.java (+113 -95)
Michael.DefoinPLatel 2008-04-30 11:56 Rev.: 836

Allow optional upper and lower. If optional then the boundaries are obtained directly from the parameter.

15 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • src/dr/inference/operators: UniformIntegerOperator.java (+15 -4)
Michael.DefoinPLatel 2008-04-30 11:53 Rev.: 835

Restore TruncNormalDistribution

41 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • src/dr/app/beauti: PriorDialog.java (+41 -35)
Michael.DefoinPLatel 2008-04-30 11:51 Rev.: 834

Autocorrelated clock model of rate evolution (Yang and Rannala 2006). This should eventualy replace former RateChangeLikelihood and {ED,GD,LN}Likelihood

364 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • src/dr/evomodel/clock: ACLikelihood.java (+114), RateEvolutionLikelihood.java (+250)
Michael.DefoinPLatel 2007-12-10 14:19 Rev.: 637

Fix the RatechangeLikelihood to get the autocorrelated clock model working. Rates can be absolute or relative.

217 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • src/dr/evomodel/clock: EDLikelihood.java (+30 -24), GDLikelihood.java (+52 -47), NDLikelihood.java (+58 -53), RateChangeLikelihood.java (+77 -21)
Michael.DefoinPLatel 2007-12-10 14:16 Rev.: 636

Add an option in LogAnalyser to export the standard error

22 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • src/dr/app/tools: LogAnalyser.java (+12 -10)
  • src/dr/inference/trace: TraceAnalysis.java (+10 -5)
Michael.DefoinPLatel 2007-12-10 14:14 Rev.: 635

Display the log likelihood and all negative numbers in decimal format

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • src/dr/app/tracer/traces: SummaryStatisticsPanel.java (+2 -2)
Michael.DefoinPLatel 2007-11-26 07:10 Rev.: 625

Two missing files added.

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • src/dr/evoxml: BinarySubstitutionModelParser.java (new)
  • src/dr/math: TruncatedNormalDistribution.java (new)

(1 more)

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