Computer Science

Lectures (archive)

Lecture notes and other handouts (archive).

  1. Lecture #4: History and Ethics of Copyright (31 July 2000). Available in PPS format and in PDF.
  2. Lecture #5: Watermarking, Tamper-Proofing and Obfuscation (2 August 2000). Available in PPS format (500 KB) and in PDF.
  3. Lecture #6a: Cohen, Operating System Protection Through Program Evolution (3 August 2000 presentation by J Macness). Available in PPS format and in PDF.
  4. Lecture #6b: Margrave, GSM Security and Encryption (3 August 2000 presentation by J Li). Available in PPS format and in PDF.
  5. Lecture #7a: Safeguarding and Charging for Information on the Internet (7 August 2000 presentation by Ho Yee Yip). Available in PPS format and in PDF.
  6. Lecture #7b: Design of an Electronic Payment System (7 August 2000 presentation by Dong Qiang). Available in PPS format and in PDF.
  7. Lecture #8a: Krakatoa: Decompilation in Java (9 August 2000 presentation by Karl Von Randow). Available in PPS format and in PDF. (Updated 9 August 2000.)
  8. Lecture #8b: The Maginot License (9 August 2000 presentation by Guanglun Yu). Available in PPS format and in PDF.
  9. Lecture #9a: SCAM, a Copy Protection System for Digital Documents (10 August 2000 presentation by Dennis Peper). Available in PPS format and in PDF.
  10. Lecture #9b: Survey of Web Security (Rubin & Geer) (10 August 2000 presentation by Ye Chen). Available in PPS format and in PDF.
  11. Lecture #10, From Expo to Hollers, by Peter Smith of Lucent Technologies, 14 August 2000. Lecture slides and draft article "HOLR4-1: A fourth order linear recurrence-based public-key cryptosystem" are available in hardcopy from the instructor. Handout of 10 August 2000 contains "Cryptography without exponentiation" by Peter Smith, Dr Dobb's Journal 20:4, 26-30, April 1994; and excerpts (pp. 1-7; 70-73; 114-116; 162-164; 127-128) from Douglas R Stinson, Cryptography: Theory and Practice, CRC Press, 1995.
  12. Lecture #11a: H.323 and Firewalls (Shore) (16 August 2000 presentation by Shannon McCracken). Available in PPS format and in PDF (updated 16 August 2000).
  13. Lecture #11b: Breaking Abstractions and Unstructuring Data Structures (Collberg et al.) (16 August 2000 presentation by Hongying Lai). Available in PPS format and in PDF.
  14. Lecture #12a: Security Issue in Mobile Code Systems (Chess) (17 August 2000 presentation by Ruobing Pan). Available in PPS format and in PDF.
  15. Lecture #12b: Feedback on oral presentations to date; choosing topics for your term paper (17 August 2000 presentation by instructor). Available in PPS format and in PDF.
  16. Lecture #13: Monday 21 August: Heather Mountifield, Subject Librarian for Science, speaking on "How the University Library can help you with your term paper." Available in PPS format and in PDF.
  17. Lecture #14a: Exploring Steganography (Johnson & Jojodia) (23 August 2000 presentation by Chongjian Liu). Available in PPS format and in PDF (updated 23 Aug 00).
  18. Lecture #14b: Kerberos (Neuman & T'so) (23 August 2000 presentation by Jian Jun Dong). Available in PPS format and in PDF.
  19. Lecture #15a: Robustness and Security of Digital Watermarks (Matheson et al.) (24 August 2000 presentation by Fariba Shadabi). Available in PPS format and in PDF (updated 24 Aug 00).
  20. Lecture #15b: Discussion of topics for your term paper (24 August 2000 presentation by instructor).
  21. Lecture #16a: Experience with Software Watermarking (Palsberg et al.) (11 September 2000 presentation by Charles (Yong) He). Available in PPS format and in PDF.
  22. Lecture #16b: Superdistribution (Mori & Kawahara) (11 September 2000 presentation by Ping Xu). Available in PPS format and in PDF.
  23. Lecture #17a: RSVP Cryptographic Authentication (Baker et al.) (13 September 2000 presentation by Colin Coghill). Available in PPS format and in PDF.
  24. Lecture #17b: Deducing Similarities in Java Sources from Bytecodes (Baker et al.) (13 September 2000 presentation by Ji Huang). Available in PPS format and in PDF.
  25. Lecture #18a: Tamper Resistant Software (Aucsmith) (14 September 2000 presentation by Andrew Paxie). Available in PPS format and in PDF.
  26. Lecture #18b: Java Security (Dean et al.) (14 September 2000 presentation by Yuhong Cai). Available in PPS format (142 KB) and in PDF (1.5 MB).
  27. Monday, 18 September 2000: Sample questions for final exam. (See Tests and Exams page for sample answers.)
  28. Lecture #20a: Extensible Security Architectures (Wallach et al.) (20 September 2000 presentation by David Waters). Available in PPS format and in PDF.
  29. Lecture #20b: Signing, Sealing and Guarding Java Objects (Gong) (20 September 2000 presentation by Patrick Lam). Available in PPS format and in PDF.

The lecture notes are available in "powerpoint slideshow" (pps) format and in "portable document format" (pdf). To view or print them in PPS, you will need Microsoft's PowerPoint or a PowerPoint viewer. You can download freeware PowerPoint viewers for your Macintosh (6.5 MB) or Windows PC (2.8 MB). Freeware PDF viewers are available from Adobe.

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