/trunk Developers: Sebastian.Hoehna

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Total Commits:
110 (0.5%)
Lines of Code:
15,206 (1.3%)
Most Recent Commit:
2009-04-16 23:27
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Activity by Clock Time

Activity by Hour of Day for Sebastian.Hoehna

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Activity in Directories

Directory Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 110 (100.0%) 15206 (100.0%) 138.2
src/dr/evomodel/operators/ 46 (41.8%) 6364 (41.9%) 138.3
src/dr/evolution/tree/ 20 (18.2%) 3949 (26.0%) 197.4
src/dr/inference/loggers/ 10 (9.1%) 2041 (13.4%) 204.1
src/test/dr/evomodel/operators/ 13 (11.8%) 1397 (9.2%) 107.4
src/dr/inference/markovchain/ 7 (6.4%) 728 (4.8%) 104.0
src/dr/app/beast/ 4 (3.6%) 364 (2.4%) 91.0
src/dr/evomodel/tree/ 6 (5.5%) 190 (1.2%) 31.6
src/dr/inference/operators/ 3 (2.7%) 163 (1.1%) 54.3
/ 1 (0.9%) 10 (0.1%) 10.0

Activity of Sebastian.Hoehna

Most Recent Commits

Sebastian.Hoehna 2009-04-16 23:27 Rev.: 1587

More stuff from my Masters project ...

845 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • src/dr/evolution/tree: AbstractCladeImportanceDistribution.java (new 560), ConditionalCladeFrequency.java (new 263), SimpleNode.java (+2 -6), WeightedMultiplicativeBinary.java (new 20)
Sebastian.Hoehna 2009-04-16 23:26 Rev.: 1586

Some more stuff on the tree proposal operators. Commiting sources from Masters project and some clean ups.

Remark: CCPImportanceDistributionOperator is working, but not efficient. Further work needs to be done.

1144 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • src/dr/evomodel/operators: AbstractImportanceDistributionOperator.java (+725 -125), CCPImportanceDistributionOperator.java (+128 -309), GibbsPruneAndRegraft.java (+291 -316), GibbsSubtreeSwap.java (-3)
Sebastian.Hoehna 2009-04-15 01:05 Rev.: 1573

Tidying up to resolve more the confusion between the Gibbs and Metropolized Gibbs Proposals.

3 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • src/dr/evomodel/operators: SimpleMetropolizedGibbsOperator.java (+1 -3)
  • src/dr/inference/markovchain: MarkovChain.java (+2 -18)
Sebastian.Hoehna 2009-04-14 23:42 Rev.: 1572

Change name of SimpleGibbsOperator to SimpleMetropolizedGibbsOperator to avoid confusion.

167 lines of code changed in 5 files:

  • src/dr/evomodel/operators: GibbsPruneAndRegraft.java (+1 -1), GibbsSubtreeSwap.java (+1 -1), SimpleGibbsOperator.java (del), SimpleMetropolizedGibbsOperator.java (+161)
  • src/dr/inference/markovchain: MarkovChain.java (+4 -4)
Sebastian.Hoehna 2009-03-04 10:07 Rev.: 1479

Some more work on the tree proposal operators

94 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • src/dr/inference/operators: SimpleMCMCOperator.java (+94 -62)
Sebastian.Hoehna 2009-03-04 10:01 Rev.: 1478

Added some stuff to get the MGS working.

288 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • src/dr/inference/markovchain: MarkovChain.java (+288 -239)
Sebastian.Hoehna 2009-03-04 09:54 Rev.: 1477

Some work on convergence measurements

827 lines of code changed in 5 files:

  • src/dr/inference/loggers: Convergence.java (new 222), ConvergenceListener.java (new 34), ConvergenceLogger.java (new 55), TreeLogger.java (+275), TreeSpaceLogger.java (new 241)
Sebastian.Hoehna 2009-03-04 09:35 Rev.: 1476

Added a quick but dirty endTreeEdit which increases the performance of the Metropolized Gibbs Sampler by 2 even for small datasets.

15 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • src/dr/evomodel/tree: TreeModel.java (+15)
Sebastian.Hoehna 2009-03-04 09:16 Rev.: 1475

Some work on the tree proposal operators.

95 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • src/dr/evomodel/operators: NNI.java (+95 -107)
Sebastian.Hoehna 2009-03-04 09:14 Rev.: 1474

Work on the new tree proposal operators. The two Metropolized Gibbs Samplers and the CCP guided samplers.

1240 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • src/dr/evomodel/operators: GibbsPruneAndRegraft.java (+338 -158), GibbsSubtreeSwap.java (+410 -235), ImportancePruneAndRegraft.java (+219 -280), ImportanceSubtreeSwap.java (+273 -285)
Sebastian.Hoehna 2009-03-04 09:10 Rev.: 1473

Some work on the tree proposal operators.

269 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • src/dr/evomodel/operators: ExchangeOperator.java (+269 -264)
Sebastian.Hoehna 2009-03-04 09:02 Rev.: 1472

A general framework for importance distributions by clades. It is used for the Metropolized Independence Sampler.

589 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • src/dr/evolution/tree: AbstractCladeImportanceDistribution.java (+550), ImportanceDistribution.java (new 39)
Sebastian.Hoehna 2009-03-04 09:00 Rev.: 1471

The WMB is the method used in TreeAnnotator. I designed this class in the same way as the CCP for estimating the posterior of trees.

645 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • src/dr/evolution/tree: WeightedMultiplicativeBinary.java (+645)
Sebastian.Hoehna 2009-03-04 08:58 Rev.: 1470

Some work on the conditional clade frequencies.

338 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • src/dr/evolution/tree: Clade.java (new), ConditionalCladeFrequency.java (+238 -253)
Sebastian.Hoehna 2009-03-04 08:57 Rev.: 1469

Added the new Tree Proposal Operators

353 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • src/dr/app/beast: BeastParser.java (+353 -350)
Sebastian.Hoehna 2009-03-03 18:31 Rev.: 1468

Error catching stuff.

6 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • src/dr/evolution/tree: SimpleNode.java (+6 -1)
Sebastian.Hoehna 2008-09-03 17:53 Rev.: 1178

A new kind of tree proposal operators. Still working on it ...

1015 lines of code changed in 7 files:

  • src/dr/evolution/tree: Clade.java (+217 -4), CladeDistribution.java (new 55), ConditionalCladeFrequency.java (+294 -139)
  • src/dr/evomodel/operators: AbstractImportanceDistributionOperator.java (+129), CCPImportanceDistributionOperator.java (+319)
  • src/dr/inference/operators: SimpleMCMCOperator.java (+1 -1)
  • src/test/dr/evomodel/operators: ImportancesubtreeSwapTest.java (del)
Sebastian.Hoehna 2008-09-03 17:50 Rev.: 1177

Tests for the tree operators

931 lines of code changed in 8 files:

  • src/test/dr/evomodel/operators: ExchangeOperatorTest.java (+166 -264), FNPRTest.java (+24 -38), GibbsSubtreeSwapTest.java (+122), ImportancePruneAndRegraftTest.java (+150), ImportanceSubtreeSwapTest.java (+152), NNITest.java (+25 -40), NarrowExchangeTest.java (+96), OperatorTest.java (+196)
Sebastian.Hoehna 2008-09-03 17:44 Rev.: 1176

Some work on the tree operators.

182 lines of code changed in 10 files:

  • src/dr/evomodel/operators: AbstractTreeOperator.java (+30), ExchangeOperator.java (+18 -25), FNPR.java (+4 -5), GibbsPruneAndRegraft.java (+9 -9), GibbsSubtreeSwap.java (+85 -43), ImportancePruneAndRegraft.java (+13 -11), ImportanceSubtreeSwap.java (+17 -13), NNI.java (+1 -1), SimpleGibbsOperator.java (new 1)
  • src/dr/inference/loggers: ConvergenceLogger.java (+4 -1)
Sebastian.Hoehna 2008-08-15 18:44 Rev.: 1138

Some new operators, but still under development. A little tigying up in the old stuff and some minor corrections.

1630 lines of code changed in 10 files:

  • src/dr/evomodel/operators: AbstractTreeOperator.java (-32), FNPR.java (+41 -49), GibbsPruneAndRegraft.java (+239), GibbsSubtreeSwap.java (+295), ImportancePruneAndRegraft.java (+363), ImportanceSubtreeSwap.java (+383), NNI.java (+23 -28), SimpleGibbsOperator.java (+161), SimpleOperator.java (+124)
  • src/dr/inference/loggers: ConvergenceLogger.java (+1 -2)

(11 more)

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