MAHDI REZAEI PhD, Computer Science, 2014.
Rsearch Interests: Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Classification, Scene undesrtanding; particularly real-world applications: • Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) • Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) • Driver Distraction Detection (face, eye, and head pose analysis) under challenging lighting conditions • Road Hazard Analysis
Professional Memberships: • IEEE Computer Society • CVF The Computer Vision Foundation • IAPR International Association for Pattern Recognition • CITR Research group • .enpeda.. Project in collaboration with Daimler A.G. & Mercedes Benz • Spark Network
Department of Computer ScienceComputer Science
News & Highlights: PhD Thesis of the Year! As one of the few (statistically under 1%) among all PhD theses, from all fields, the University of Auckland selected my thesis as one of the best theses of the year! more ...
Outstanding Publication
Having an average h5-index of 174 citations per paper, CVPR holds the world Rank #1, higher than any other conferences and journals in the field of Computer Vision. CVPR is also the only conference proceedings among top 100 publications in all academic fields, where the 99 others are journal publications only. Being the first author, my paper titled "Look at the Driver, Look at the Road: No Distraction! No Accident!" is accepted in CVPR 2014 and will be presented in Columbus, Ohio, USA, on June 24-27, 2014. The paper introduces a Computer-Vision technique for simultaneous monitoring of the "Driver Behaviour" and "Road Hazards" to prevent imminet crashes in real-world driving scenrios. more ...
Research to Commercialization
After gaining successful and promising results in developing my PhD research, now we are looking for angle investors to commercialize IntelliEye as a revolutionary safety product for automotive industry and transportation systems. Utilizing computer vision and image processing techniques, the system is able to detect driver’s level of drowsiness, fatigue and distraction by tracking and analyzing driver's eye status and head pose. more ...
Spark $100K Qualifiers Award
As one of the finalists of Spark competition, I am proud to announce I won two reputable prizes of the year 2011: "Spark Ideas Challenge Award" and "Spark $100,000 Qualifiers Award". My project-IntelliEye has been selected as one of the top 11 research programs among all the applications received from all faculties, students and staff!
The Spark challenge is the New Zealand's premier business plan competition. With worthwhile prizes, mentoring and networks, the $100K challenge is designed as a launch pad for students and staff from all disciplines to transform their academic ideas into a real business. more ...
Visit by China Minister of Science and Technology Ministry of Science and Technology (PR China) and thirteen member delegation visited The University of Auckland on 28 March 2011. As the only selected PhD student from the University of Auckland and from .enpeda.. team, it was a great honor for me to have this opportunity to present a live demo of my work to him. more ...