Materials for CS775 students or other interested people:
Classifier 1: Closed-eye detector (.xml)
To obtain the highest performance for the developed classifier, please refer to the publications below:
Mahdi Rezaei, Reinhard Klette, “Novel Adaptive Eye Detection and Tracking for Challenging Lighting Conditions”, ACCV 2012 Workshops, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 7729, pp. 427-440, 2012. PDF
Mahdi Rezaei, Reinhard Klette,
“3D Cascade of Classifiers for Open and Closed Eye Detection in Driver
Distraction monitoring”, 14th Intl. Conf. CAIP 2011, Volume 6855, Pages
171-179, 2011.
Terms and Conditions:
1- Students and researches who use the closed-eye classifier in any form, ACCEPT to cite the above mentioned publications in their reports, manuscript, or papers.
2- The classifier is not allowed for any commercial purposes.
Tutorial 1: Creating a Cascade of Haar-like Classifiers: Step by Step
Haar Training Tools and Dataset Objetcmarker / XML Classifier / AdaBoost
Tutorial 2: Face and Eye Detection Using OpenCV: Step by Step
Face Detection Source Code Visual Studio / C++ / OpenCV