Computer Science

joytest(3)             Svgalib User Manual             joytest(3)

       joytest - test the svgalib joystick package in text mode

       joytest number

       This  demo  program  tries  to  open the joystick with the
       given number and calibrates it. The user  is  prompted  to
       press  <Return>  after  which any state change of the joy-
       stick is reported until the program is killed.

       This demo is part of svgalib  and  can  be  found  in  the
       demos/  subdirectory of the original svgalib distribution.
       However, it is not installed in  the  system  by  default,
       s.t.  it  is unclear where you can find it if your svgalib
       was installed by some linux distribution. Even then,  when
       you  have the demo on your system, you probably won't have
       the sources s.t. it is only of limited use for you.

       In case of any such problem, simply get an svgalib distri-
       bution  from  the  net. You even don't need to install it.
       Just make in the demos/ subdirecty. As  of  this  writing,
       svgalib-1.3.0.tar.gz  is  the  latest  version  and can be
       retrieved    by    ftp     from     at
       /pub/Linux/libs/graphics     and     at
       /pub/linux/sources/libs which will most probably  be  mir-
       rored by a site close to you.

       The  functions used by this demo are only available in ELF
       versions of svgalib. Due to backwards compatibility issues
       it cannot be used with shared a.out libs.

       svgalib(7),    vgagl(7),    libvga(5),   threed(6),
       accel(6), bg_test(6), eventtest(6),  forktest(6),  fun(6),
       keytest(6),  scrolltest(6), speedtest(6), spin(6), testac-
       cel(6), testgl(6),  testlinear(6),  vgatest(6),  plane(6),
       wrapdemo(6),  vgatest(6),  mjoytest(6),  joystick_init(3),
       joystick_close(3),        joystick_update(3),         joy-
       stick_sethandler(3),  joystick_setdefaulthandler(3),  joy-
       stick_getnumaxes(3),    joystick_getnumbuttons(3),    joy-
       stick_getaxis(3),   joystick_getbutton(3),   joystick_but-
       ton1(3),    joystick_getb1(3),     joystick_x(3),     joy-

       The  svgalib  joystick  handler  was mostly done by Daniel
       Engstr\"om <>.   Multiple  joy-
       stick,  VC  switching  support  and  code  to glue it into
       svgalib by Michael Weller  <>.
       Part  of  the  code  is  based  on  code from C. Smith and
       Vojtech Pavlik.

Svgalib 1.3.0             14 April 1998                         1

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