Computer Science

accel(6)               Svgalib User Manual               accel(6)

       accel - tests the new style svgalib accelerator interface


       Test  new-style accelerated functions (As of this writing:
       Ark, Cirrus, Chips & Technologies cards, and Mach32 only).
       For  other cards the demo will not work (well it will com-
       plain about  missing  accelerator  support).  Don't  worry
       about this.

       During  the development of the Mach32 new style driver for
       1.2.12, this demo was  massively  extended  to  check  the
       Mach32 functions.

       Upon  startup  it  lists all supported SVGA modes and asks
       you to enter a number identifying the mode to  be  tested.
       The  supported  subfunctions  of vga_accel(3) in this mode
       are listed and the demo instructs  to  press  <Return>  to
       start the demos.

       If  supported, all drawing operations are performed in the

       Then the following tests are performed:

   Positioning tests
       These tests were originally intended  to  check  that  the
       accelerator  commands work on the proper screen locations.
       The screen shows 12 (4 x 3) smaller areas with red crosses
       in the corners. When everything is ok, the drawings should
       reach right in the corners of the crosses.

       A given card may not support all operations  listed  here.
       In  that  case  the  resp.  test  area  just shows the red
       crosses. For tests performed, the  name  of  the  test  is
       printed below the area. The tests are (from left to right,
       top to bottom):

       1.     A green box is drawn with vga_accel(ACCEL_FILLBOX).

       2.     A    cross   of   green   lines   is   drawn   with

       3.     A linux pixmap just fitting  into  the  crosses  is
              drawn with vga_accel(ACCEL_PUTIMAGE).

       4.     A  pixmap  just  fitting  into the crosses is drawn
              into the red crosses (by vgagl(5) which may or  may
              not use the accelerator). The pixmap is then copied
              to a few lines/columns below.  Green  crosses  mark
              the intended destination position.

       5.     Works  like 3. but copies to an area above the ori-
              gin. The accelerator must ensure that the  overlap-
              ping  areas are handled non corrupting. Thus, watch
              that the copy operation is properly performed.

       6.     A green triangle is drawn  above  the  top/left  to
              bottom/right      diagonal      by      use      of

       7.     Certain bitmaps are copied to the  screen.  In  the
              corners you'll see the digits

              0      top/left, green on red.

              1      top/right, red on green.

              2      bottom/left, black on white.

              3      bottom/right, white on black. Note that some
                     black border, not the digit will be  aligned
                     to the red crosses.

              Finally,  a  yellow  wizard image is drawn into the

              The bit ordering for bitmaps is a bit weird. Please
              check  that the digits are not mirrored or flipped.

       8.     This time bitmap transparency is tested by  drawing
              wizard  images onto the aforementioned linux pixmap
              (left to right, top  to  bottom)  in  yellow,  red,
              green,  and cyan. The background of the yellow wiz-
              ard is masked out by a black border  bitmap.   Note
              that the wizard will not reach into the red corners
              because the bitmap has some (transparent) border.

       9.     The text below this box is copied as  a  monochrome
              bitmap  from  the  screen  into  the corners listed
              under 7. in the same colors.

       10.    Two green rectangles with an edge cut out from  the
              bottom   is   drawn   using   vga_accel(ACCEL_POLY-
              top  line  twice. If supported, the lower rectangle
              is drawn in cyan and with the xor raster  operation
              s.t.  the  buggy  point is not drawn thus leaving a
              pin hole.

       11.    vga_accel(ACCEL_POLYHLINE)isusedtodrawsomegreen-
              lineswhichmakesthisarealook like a green box with a
              cut out, black M-style shape.

       12.    A  weird  green  polygon  is  filled  in  red  with
              vga_accel(ACCEL_POLYFILLMODE)  using the techniques
              given in vga_accel(3).  This needs  some  offscreen
              memory.  If  VGA memory is tight in that resolution
              the test cannot be performed.

       After this screen, you'll have to  hit  <Return>  to  con-

   Raster operations
       Again,  red  cross bordered areas are drawn on the screen,
       this time for each of the supported raster operations. For
       ROP_AND and ROP_XOR the areas are filled in white first.

       Three  overlapping  boxes  A, B, C are drawn such that you
       see the following areas.


       The pictures should show:

       1.     Replace mode. A, B, C are red,  green,  blue.  They
              just  overlap,  yielding  d  -  green and e, f, g -

       2.     The colors mix  using  ROP_OR  (and  a  nice  color
              table).  The  overlapping areas become the additive
              color mix: d - yellow, e - magenta, f - cyan, and g
              - white.

       3.     ROP_AND  is  used.  The  background is filled white
              first, s.t. there is something in video  memory  to
              and  with  non  trivially. We have A, B, C in cyan,
              magenta, yellow and d, e, f, g in blue, green, red,

       4.     ROP_XOR  is  used  and  the background filled white
              first too. A, B, C are red, green, blue again,  but
              the  overlapping  areas  d,  e,  f, g  become blue,
              green, red, white.

       5.     ROP_INV is used, s.t. A, B, C are all white and  d,
              e,  f,  g  become black, black, black, white.  Note
              that this is not done by using ROP_XOR and  drawing
              A,  B, C in white. Instead A, B, C are drawn in the
               red, green, blue. However,  the  accelerator  just
              inverts the memory contens.

       If   the   accelerator   supports  raster  operations  for
       ACCEL_DRAWHLINELIST actually disks  (well,  ellipses)  are
       drawn instead of boxes.

       After  this  screen,  you'll  have to hit <Return> to con-

   Replace QuixDemo
       If ACCEL_DRAWLINE  is  supported,  a  Quix  like  bouncing
       series  of lines in varying colors is drawn. The lines are
       removed from the screen by overdrawing them in black, thus
       erasing the dots and text on the background.

       The  test  lasts  about  5 seconds and some statistics are
       printed to stdout.

   XOR Mode QuixDemo
       As before, but this time all lines are  drawn  in  ROP_XOR
       mode  (if ACCEL_DRAWLINE supports raster operations). Thus
       the background will not be destroyed this time.

       The test lasts about 5 seconds  and  some  statistics  are
       printed to stdout.

   FillBox Demo
       The  screen is ACCEL_FILLBOX filled with a series of boxes
       of increasing colors.  In truei/high  color  modes  you'll
       probably  only see a series of varying blue tones (because
       these are at the beginning of the color  table  and  there
       are soo many of them).

       The  test  lasts  about  5 seconds and some statistics are
       printed to stdout.

   ScreenCopy Demo
       Some random dots are drawn on the screen and thirds of the
       screen contents are moved around using ACCEL_SCREENCOPY.

       The  test  lasts  about  5 seconds and some statistics are
       printed to stdout.

   Scroll Demo
       Some random dots are drawn on the  screen  and  moved  one
       line  up with ACCEL_SCREENCOPY.  In offscreen memory a new
       line is prepared which  will  be  cleared  by  ACCEL_FILL-
       willnot be performed if video memory is very tight.

       The test lasts about 5 seconds  and  some  statistics  are
       printed to stdout.

   FillBox with DrawHLineList Demo
       Like  the  FillBox  test,  but no box fill is done but the
       screen is filled with a list  of  horizontal  lines  drawn

       The  test  lasts  about  5 seconds and some statistics are
       printed to stdout.

   FillBox XOR Mode Demo
       Like the FillBox test, but the  XOR  raster  operation  is

       The  test  lasts  about  5 seconds and some statistics are
       printed to stdout.

   PutBitmap Demo
       The screen is filled with bitmasks consisting of tiny ver-
       tical lines alternating in red and blue.

       The  test  lasts  about  5 seconds and some statistics are
       printed to stdout.

       Here is a list of speed listings for  some  cards.  Please
       keep  in  mind that also the calling overhead for the pro-
       gram is measured. This seems  to  be  esp.  true  for  the

   Results on a Cirrus GD5434-E with 2Mb:
       640x480x256 60 Hz
              FillBox: 200.3 Mpixels/s (200.3 Mbytes/s)
              ScreenCopy: 51.0 Mpixels/s (51.0 Mbytes/s)
              Scroll Demo: 50.5 Mpixels/s (50.5 Mbytes/s)
              FillBox XOR: 83.2 Mpixels/s (83.2 Mbytes/s)

       320x200x256 70 Hz
              FillBox: 200.1 Mpixels/s (200.1 Mbytes/s)
              ScreenCopy: 52.3 Mpixels/s (52.3 Mbytes/s)
              Scroll Demo: 51.2 Mpixels/s (51.2 Mbytes/s)
              FillBox XOR: 87.1 Mpixels/s (87.1 Mbytes/s)

       640x480x32K 60 Hz
              FillBox: 90.9 Mpixels/s (181.8 Mbytes/s)
              ScreenCopy: 23.1 Mpixels/s (46.3 Mbytes/s)
              Scroll Demo: 23.0 Mpixels/s (46.1 Mbytes/s)
              FillBox XOR: 37.2 Mpixels/s (74.5 Mbytes/s)

       640x480x16M (32-bit) 60 Hz
              FillBox: 35.5 Mpixels/s (142.3 Mbytes/s)
              ScreenCopy: 9.3 Mpixels/s (37.3 Mbytes/s)
              Scroll Demo: 9.2 Mpixels/s (37.1 Mbytes/s)
              FillBox XOR: 14.6 Mpixels/s (58.6 Mbytes/s)

   On a Cirrus Logic 5426 VLB (50 MHz MCLK):
       640x480x256 60 Hz
              FillBox: 32.8 Mpixels/s (32.8 Mbytes/s)
              ScreenCopy: 16.4 Mpixels/s (16.4 Mbytes/s)
              Scroll Demo: 16.3 Mpixels/s (16.3 Mbytes/s)
              FillBox XOR: 16.5 Mpixels/s (16.5 Mbytes/s)

       640x480x32K 60 Hz
              FillBox: 12.2 Mpixels/s (24.4 Mbytes/s)
              ScreenCopy: 6.1 Mpixels/s (12.2 Mbytes/s)
              Scroll Demo: 6.0 Mpixels/s (12.1 Mbytes/s)
              FillBox XOR: 6.1 Mpixels/s (12.2 Mbytes/s)

   Tweaked to 60 MHz MCLK:
       640x480x256 60 Hz
              FillBox: 42.1 Mpixels/s (42.1 Mbytes/s)
              ScreenCopy: 21.0 Mpixels/s (21.0 Mbytes/s)
              Scroll Demo: 20.9 Mpixels/s (20.9 Mbytes/s)
              FillBox XOR: 21.1 Mpixels/s (21.1 Mbytes/s)

       640x480x32K 60 Hz
              FillBox: 16.7 Mpixels/s (33.5 Mbytes/s)
              ScreenCopy: 8.3 Mpixels/s (16.7 Mbytes/s)
              Scroll Demo: 8.3 Mpixels/s (16.7 Mbytes/s)
              FillBox XOR: 8.3 Mpixels/s (16.7 Mbytes/s)

   Results on a Mach32 EISA with 2Mb VRAM:
       1280x1024x256 60 Hz
              Replace  QuixDemo:  12.1 Klines/s (6.7 Mpixels/s or
              6.7 Mbytes/s)
              Xor QuixDemo: 9.9 Klines/s (5.1  Mpixels/s  or  5.1
              FillBox: 75.4 Mpixels/s (75.4 Mbytes/s)
              ScreenCopy: 26.4 Mpixels/s (26.4 Mbytes/s)
              Scroll Demo: 28.7 Mpixels/s (28.7 Mbytes/s)
              FillBox  with  DrawHlineList:  73.1 Mpixels/s (73.1
              FillBox XOR: 37.9 Mpixels/s (37.9 Mbytes/s)
              PutBitmap: 15.6 Mpixels/s (15.6 Mbytes/s)

       1024x768x64K 72Hz
              Replace QuixDemo: 12.3 Klines/s (5.2  Mpixels/s  or
              10.5 Mbytes/s)
              Xor  QuixDemo:  9.0 Klines/s (5.1 Mpixels/s or 10.3
              FillBox: 37.6 Mpixels/s (75.2 Mbytes/s)
              ScreenCopy: 13.2 Mpixels/s (26.4 Mbytes/s)
              Scroll Demo: 13.2 Mpixels/s (26.4 Mbytes/s)
              FillBox with DrawHlineList:  37.0  Mpixels/s  (74.0
              FillBox XOR: 18.9 Mpixels/s (37.8 Mbytes/s)
              PutBitmap: 15.2 Mpixels/s (30.5 Mbytes/s)

       You're encouraged to send in more data.  This demo is part
       of svgalib and can be found in the demos/ subdirectory  of
       the  original  svgalib  distribution.  However,  it is not
       installed in the system by default,  s.t.  it  is  unclear
       where  you  can  find  it if your svgalib was installed by
       some linux distribution. Even then, when you have the demo
       on  your  system, you probably won't have the sources s.t.
       it is only of limited use for you.

       In case of any such problem, simply get an svgalib distri-
       bution  from  the  net. You even don't need to install it.
       Just make in the demos/ subdirecty. As  of  this  writing,
       svgalib-1.2.12.tar.gz  is  the  latest  version and can be
       retrieved    by    ftp     from     at
       /pub/Linux/libs/graphics     and     at
       /pub/linux/sources/libs which will most probably  be  mir-
       rored by a site close to you.

       svgalib(7),   vgagl(7),   libvga(5),  vga_accel(3),
       threed(6), bg_test(6), eventtest(6), forktest(6),  fun(6),
       keytest(6),   mousetest(6),  scrolltest(6),  speedtest(6),
       spin(6),  testaccel(6),  testgl(6),  testlinear(6),  vgat-
       est(6), plane(6), wrapdemo(6)

       This manual page was edited by Michael Weller <eowmob@exp->. The demo and most of its documentation
       is due to Harm Hanemaayer <>.

Svgalib (>= 1.2.11)        29 July 1997                         1

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