Computer Science

threed(6)              Svgalib User Manual              threed(6)

       threed - The svgalib 3d demo


       Well, the 3d demo...

       I,  Michael,  the  current svgalib maintainer, do not have
       any source for it.

       Thus, you may experience weird problems with  new  svgalib
       versions  and  you  need  installed a.out libc and svgalib
       versions.  Also the demo is known to be buggy  in  several
       aspects.  Thus, do not panic if it appears not to work for

       If it works in a certain mode for you be  happy  and  play
       around  with  it. For example, with recent svgalibs, 3d is
       unable to initialize the mouse if not started directly  in
       a linux console for unknown reasons.

       Otherwise: Don't worry at all.

   Here's the author's (Harm's) info about it:
       There's  also a 3d demo binary included in this directory.
       It has been in a similar state for several months now, but
       I'm  planning  to get some work done (although it probably
       won't be the  amazing  multi-player  networked  3D  light-
       source-shaded  real-time  VGA virtual reality simulation).
       I'll release the source code at some point  (when  it  has
       some  degree  of  flexibility).  I'm sorry that there's no
       scene description file; it will come. So now you know  you
       can  do  this kind of thing in Linux. And it's practically
       100% C code.

       You can  set  the  graphics  mode  to  be  used  with  the
       SVGALIB_DEFAULT_MODE     environment     variable    (e.g.
       G640x480x256). All linear 256 color,  32K  color  and  16M
       color  modes  are  supported,  with  page flipping used if
       available. Planar 256 color  VGA  modes  also  work.  This
       should  do 800x600 full screen 3D animation at near 10 fps
       with a good system.  Request: Please report if page  flip-
       ping goes wrong on a particular chipset (e.g. ET4000, Tri-
       dent) in 320x200x256. Also 32-bit  pixel  truecolor  modes
       don't work correctly, this will be fixed.  The user inter-
       face is somewhat primitive at this point:

       - Use the mouse to rotate.
       - Left button accelerates, right decelerates.
       - Press <W> to move upwards, <S> to go down again.
       - Use <R> and <F> to control the zoom factor.
       - <q> or <Ctrl>-C exits.

       Note that the light source rotates quickly at an  infinite
       distance.   This  is  not something that will easily occur
       naturally (as far as I know)...

       This demo is part of svgalib  and  can  be  found  in  the
       demos/  subdirectory of the original svgalib distribution.
       However, it is not installed in  the  system  by  default,
       s.t.  it  is unclear where you can find it if your svgalib
       was installed by some linux distribution. Even then,  when
       you  have the demo on your system, you probably won't have
       the sources s.t. it is only of limited use for you.

       In case of any such problem, simply get an svgalib distri-
       bution  from  the  net. You even don't need to install it.
       Just make in the demos/ subdirecty. As  of  this  writing,
       svgalib-1.2.12.tar.gz  is  the  latest  version and can be
       retrieved    by    ftp     from     at
       /pub/Linux/libs/graphics     and     at
       /pub/linux/sources/libs which will most probably  be  mir-
       rored by a site close to you.

       In  addition, source is still not available. Sorry, I just
       don't have it.

       svgalib(7),    vgagl(7),    libvga(5),    accel(6),
       bg_test(6), eventtest(6), forktest(6), fun(6), keytest(6),
       mousetest(6), scrolltest(6), speedtest(6),  spin(6),  tes-
       taccel(6), testgl(6), testlinear(6), vgatest(6), plane(6),

       This manual page was edited by Michael Weller <eowmob@exp->.  The  demo and most of it's documenta-
       tion    is    due    to    Harm    Hanemaayer     <H.Hane->.

Svgalib 1.3.0              8 April 1998                         1

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