Computer Science
vgatest(6) Svgalib User Manual vgatest(6)
vgatest - makes basic tests on any svgalib graphics mode
Mode test program. First the program gives a list of the
supported modes, then you enter a number and get a testim-
age in that mode.
The testimage consists of a sequence of crosses (in dif-
ferent colors, if the mode support has different colors)
in the top left corner.
Below you see three color bars red, green, blue with
increasing intensity from left to right. Depending on the
capabilities of the mode they are more or less jumpy (or
smooth for true color).
In case of modes with 32K or more colors, six squares will
appear on top of that, each showing some different smooth
color shades
It also shows some details from vga_getmodeinfo(3).
This demo is part of svgalib and can be found in the
demos/ subdirectory of the original svgalib distribution.
However, it is not installed in the system by default,
s.t. it is unclear where you can find it if your svgalib
was installed by some linux distribution. Even then, when
you have the demo on your system, you probably won't have
the sources s.t. it is only of limited use for you.
In case of any such problem, simply get an svgalib distri-
bution from the net. You even don't need to install it.
Just make in the demos/ subdirecty. As of this writing,
svgalib-1.2.12.tar.gz is the latest version and can be
retrieved by ftp from at
/pub/Linux/libs/graphics and at
/pub/linux/sources/libs which will most probably be mir-
rored by a site close to you.
svgalib(7), vgagl(7), libvga(5), vga_getmode-
info(3), threed(6), accel(6), bg_test(6), eventtest(6),
forktest(6), fun(6), keytest(6), mousetest(6), scroll-
test(6), speedtest(6), spin(6), testaccel(6), testgl(6),
testlinear(6), plane(6), wrapdemo(6)
This manual page was edited by Michael Weller <eowmob@exp->. The exact source of the referenced
demo as well as of the original documentation is unknown.
It is very likely that both are at least to some extent
are due to Harm Hanemaayer <>.
Occasionally this might be wrong. I hereby asked to be
excused by the original author and will happily accept any
additions or corrections to this first version of the
svgalib manual.
Svgalib (>= 1.2.11) 29 July 1997 1
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