Computer Science

COMPSCI 725 S2C 04 Outdated Announcements

Archived Announcements

This page was updated on 21 October 2004.
  1. Tuesday, 19 October, 7:30am to 9am: Peter Gutmann will deliver a lecture entitled Why isn't the Internet Secure Yet, Dammit! to the NZCS.
  2. Friday, 15 October: I believe I have responded to all student email, regarding the Assignments and term papers. October. Please resend your message if you have not received a response to an email you sent on or before Thursday 14 October.
  3. Wednesday, 6 October, 7:30am to 8:45am: Deane Johns and Nigel Bonser will deliver a lecture entitled WFIA - Will My Mobile Solution Work? to the NZCS.
  4. Tuesday 21 September, 6pm: Ian Mitchell and the Bell Gully lawyers will deliver a lecture on NZ's Proposed Anti-Spam Legislation.
  5. Friday 17 September: Students who made presentations #1 through #10 should receive email from me, by this date, containing an assessment of their presentation.
  6. Tuesday 14 September, 4pm: Prof Hermann Maurer will deliver a lecture on Computers and Globalisation, in Room MLT1.
  7. Monday 13 September, 6pm: Prof Arun K Somaniwill deliver a lecture titled "Hardware Address Lookup Engine for Terabits/sec IP Routing".
  8. Wednesday 25 August and Friday 27 August: Prof James Goodman will run the class in Prof Thomborson's absence. He and his students are presenting two papers at the IFIP conference in Toulouse.
  9. 12 August (Thursday), 7:30am: "NGSCB - A New Tool for Securing Applications", seminar at the New Zealand Information Society Forum, by Matt Barret (MSc student) and Clark Thomborson. Advance reservation is required.
  10. Deadlines for Payment of Tuition Fees.
  11. 4 August (Wednesday), 12:30pm: third "bakery hour" of the term, in Room 461. Open to all CS graduate students and staff.
  12. 28 July (Wednesday), 1pm: second "bakery hour" of the term, in Room 461. Open to all CS graduate students and staff.
  13. Handling absence or illness:
    1. If you must leave for family emergencies etc, PLEASE talk to the lecturer, or somehow get a message to the department. Very few problems are so urgent that we cannot be told quite quickly.
    2. For problems affecting assignments or tests, see the lecturer (or send email, or call on the telephone).  This must be done as soon as reasonably possible, if we are to make alternative arrangements that will prevent you from getting a poor mark on this test or assignment.
    3. For illness during exams (or other problems that affect exam performance) students MUST contact the Examinations Office within ONE WEEK of the last affected examination to apply for an aegrotat pass (for illness) or compassionate pass (other problems).  THE ONE WEEK LIMIT IS STRICTLY ENFORCED.  See page 43 of the 2004 Computer Science Undergraduate Handbook.
    4. A lot of students have missed out on a whole semester of study because they just went away.  Many students have failed an examination because they did not report problems until they received the failing grade. In general, if there is a problem that will affect your study you should speak to someone as soon as possible.
    5. Students should sit the examination if at all possible, even if they do nothing much more than hand in a script with their name.
    6. It would also help if students read the examinations handbook that they receive, and double-check (triple-check?) the examination timetable.
    7. Some of this information is important.
  14. We should elect a student representative, see the AUSA Class Reps page for more information.  The first departmental staff/student meeting for semester 2 will be held 9th August, in Room 361, at 1pm.
  15. 21 July (Wednesday), 1pm: first "bakery hour" of the term, in Room 461. Open to all CS graduate students and staff.

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