From: on behalf of Sent: Thursday, 9 September 2004 2:36 a.m. To: CTHOMBOR@CS.AUCKLAND.AC.NZ Subject: IEEE Seminar Announcement : Hardware Address Lookup Engine for Terabits/sec IP Routing Dear IEEE Member: You are invited to attend the following IEEE/IEE/IPENZ free seminar organised by IEEE and the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Auckland. Speaker: Professor Arun K. Somani Topic: Hardware Address Lookup Engine for Terabits/sec IP Routing When: Monday 13th of September, 6:00 pm for refreshments, seminar presentation from 6:30 - 7:30 pm. Where: Lecture Theater, Room 3.401, Engineering Building 403, 20 Symonds Street, School of Engineering, The University of Auckland Contact for further information: Abstract: --------- With a rapid increase in the data transmission link rates and an immense continuous growth in the Internet traffic, the demand for routers that perform Internet protocol forwarding at high speed and throughput is ever increasing. The key issue in the router performance is the IP address lookup mechanism based on the longest prefix matching scheme. Earlier work on fast Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) routing table lookup includes, software mechanisms based on tree traversal or binary search methods, and hardware schemes based on content addressable memory (CAM), memory lookups and the CPU caching. These schemes depend on the memory access technology which limits their performance. We present a review of one trie-based scheme and suggest a binary decision diagrams (BDDs) based optimized combinational logic for an efficient implementation of fast address lookup scheme in reconfigurable hardware. The results show that the BDD hardware engine gives a throughput of up to 175.7 million lookups per second (Ml/s) for a large AADS routing table with 33 796 prefixes, a throughput of up to 168.6 Ml/s for an MAE*West routing table with 29 487 prefixes, and a throughput of up to 229.3 Ml/s for the Pacbell routing table with 6822 prefixes. Besides the performance of the scheme, routing table update and the scalability to Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) issues are discussed. Biography: Arun K. Somani is currently Jerry R. Junkins Chair Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Iowa State University where he first served as David C. Nicholas Professor during 1997-2002. He earned his MSEE and PhD degrees in electrical engineering from the McGill University, Montreal, Canada, in 1983 and 1985, respectively. He worked as Scientific Officer for Govt. of India, New Delhi from 1974 to 1982 and as a faculty member at the University of Washington, Seattle, WA from 1985 to 1997. Professor Somani's research interests are in the area of fault tolerant computing, computer interconnection networks, WDM-based optical networking, wireless communication, computer architecture, and parallel computer systems. He has taught courses in these areas and published more than 200 technical papers and has graduated more than 60 MS and 17 PhD students and currently supervising 11 graduate students. He is the chief architects of anti-submarine warfare system (developed for Indian navy), Proteus multicomputer system (developed for US coastal navy), and Meshkin fault-tolerant computer system (developed for the Boeing Company). He has served on several program committees of various conferences in his research areas was the General Chair of IEEE Fault Tolerant Computing Symposium - 1997 and Technical Program Committee Chair of International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, 1999, and OPTICOMM 2003. He has been elected a Fellow of IEEE for his contributions to theory and applications of computer networks. _______________________________________________________ Sam Kolahi ( IEEE newsletter editor / membership development officer IEEE New Zealand North Section