Author | Changes | Lines of Code | Lines per Change |
Totals | 19 (100.0%) | 4068 (100.0%) | 214.1 |
msuchard | 17 (89.5%) | 4042 (99.4%) | 237.7 |
rambaut | 1 (5.3%) | 25 (0.6%) | 25.0 |
jheled | 1 (5.3%) | 1 (0.0%) | 1.0 |
Fixed log determine of a matrix and positive-definite check in WishartDistribution; there is still an error in LUPDecomposition.isPD()
15 lines of code changed in 2 files:
Implemented a log-determinant routine for numerical stability and fixed getParameterValue in DiagonalMatrix
768 lines of code changed in 3 files:
Bullet-proofing (or attempting to do so) eigen-decomposition and singular value decomposition. The Robust* classes are bug-hunting and temporary.
1568 lines of code changed in 2 files:
Code Police
1 lines of code changed in 1 file:
ComplexeSubstitutionModel will exponentiate any real matrix regardless if the infinitesimal generator contains complex eigenvalues (common in irreversible chains).
21 lines of code changed in 1 file:
Removed a dependency on some classes in dr.math on the "Parameter" class in dr.inference. The MultivariateDistribution was taking a Parameter as an argument but then extracting the values immediately. Just moved this up to the calling class MultivariateDistributionLikelihood
25 lines of code changed in 1 file:
Added AncestralSequenceAnnotator (which is a rip-off of TreeAnnotator). This class takes output from BAli-Phy and resample/summarizes the internal node sequences (including indels). Sorry, but I had to add a new constructor to TreeModel that copies the tree attributes.
327 lines of code changed in 2 files:
Added generalized GTR model with separate root and stationary distributions for irreversible processes. Added a Dirchlet prior distribution for informative root or stationary distributions. NodeTraitLogger just annotates trees with all traits.
225 lines of code changed in 2 files:
Started to add in classes for a multivate OU diffusion process and using Beast for doing (generalized) linear regression problems. May Beast become the new WinBugs!
742 lines of code changed in 2 files:
Added the classes below to implement the multivariate Comparative Method. Unfortunately, MultivariateTraitLikelihood no longer works with the current TreeModel with a HashMap of traitParameters.
313 lines of code changed in 2 files:
Removed dependence on numericalMethods.jar. Added Cholesky decomposition class.
63 lines of code changed in 1 file: