A generic MGRF model of spatially homogeneous textures is specified by the explicit spatial geometry (the characteristic neighbourhood) and quantitative strengths of statistical dependencies (clique potentials). Conventional model identification involves estimating both the characteristic neighbourhood and the Gibbs potential of each selected family, from a given texture. The process, in particular potential refinement via stochastic approximation, involves exponential time complexity [38].
In order to simplify the identification, a structural approach is proposed which focuses on identifying the geometric structure of texels (short for TEXture ELement [43]) and placement rules of their spatial arrangement. In the resulting texture description, a texture is constructed by a group of texels that repeats many times over the image plane by certain regular or stochastic spatial arrangement. This description is in line with structural approach to texture analysis [43], which suggests texels and their spatial organisation constitute a ``two-layered structure'' in a texture, specifying local and global properties, respectively,
In the proposed method, each texel is a micro geometric element, consisting of a group of image pixels (not necessarily continuous) with a certain spatial configuration. Each individual texel is distinguished by both the geometric structure and the combination of image signals over the structure. Usually, a texel involves a rather simple spatial configuration of only a small number of pixels. For example, Figure 6.4 shows a simple texel with hexagonal structure.
The structural identification of a generic MGRF model in
Eq. (6.2.5) for a given training image
involves the following steps: