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- ...
- In application to a
much simpler problem of binary labelling where such approach leads
to an exact solution, the maximum-flow / minimum-cut technique was
proposed first in [44].
- ...
- Scene assumptions enable the matching
regions to be
delimited. Assuming no ``out-of-image" matching eliminates the lower
right triangle. Restricting a closest distance (or maximum
disparity) eliminates much of the upper left. However, plenty of
candidate matches remain!
- ... 3.1
- To generate that noise, the normal
centred deviation
distribution is produced
from a uniformly distributed
random deviation and converted to the normal deviation with
distribution using an
obvious relationship .
- ...
complexity because SDPS is
linear in the image width ( ) and repeated at each row
( )
for image size ;
the complexity of NCSM-ITER is ,
where is the
range of disparities and
is the
number of iterations.