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Introduction Welcome PC Chairs message Keynotes Programme Proceedings Presentations Accepted papers Program committees Conference officers Important Dates Guidelines for AuthorsSubmissionWorkshops Calls Sponsorship Co-located conferences Registration Venue Auckland Airport Transport Auckland Accommodation Tourism Conference Details Conference video Contact |
Guidelines for Authors
1 Camera Ready Paper Submission
4 Copyright Transfer Form Camera Ready Paper SubmissionRemarks for the camera ready submission processAuthors are asked to read all these instructions carefully and prepare the submission according to the instructions. The submission process is different from the past, and your submission is unlikely to be complete if you do not study these guidelines.General Camera Ready DeadlineThe general camera ready deadline is extended to June 16, 2008 . All authors of all types of submissions to the main conference must have done a camera-ready submission according to the specific guidelines at this time. Workshops have their own guidelines and are not covered here.Camera Ready Source PackageIn addition to the camera ready document in PDF and all other required submissions, authors are required to submit a source package containing all source files necessary to create the camera-ready PDF. This can be either a single file, or a ZIP file of a folder that contains all necessary files. Make sure that this folder does contain all files, including the bibliographic information, and has no references to sources outside this folder. Do this, for example, by sending the zip to a co-author for testing.Guidelines for the Different TracksResearch PapersBeginning this year, research papers selected for presentation at the VLDB Conference will be published in the Journal of Data Management Research, a new journal set up for this purpose by the VLDB endowment. You may cite your paper as appearing in Vol. 1 of "JDMR (formerly Proc. VLDB)". This is a first step in a multi-year transition towards a more journal-like reviewing process for the VLDB conference. Please visit http://www.jdmr.org for a peek at future plans. When preparing the camera ready version of your paper, please make sure to address comments made by the reviewers. We will check to make sure you have made a reasonable effort to incorporate referee suggestions to the extent feasible. To facilitate this check, please provide, along with the camera-ready paper, a brief list of changes you have made to address referee suggestions. Research papers must adhere to the conference's duplicate submission policy, must be formatted according to the conference's camera ready format, and are limited to 12 pages and an appendix of 5 pages. The 12-page paper should be self-contained. The appendix provides room for additional material that might be of interest to a specialist, or for additional supporting results that would otherwise be omitted due to lack of space.
Camera ready submissions for research papers must be done electronically before the general camera ready deadline, through the Conference Management system
for the Core Database Technology or the Infrastructure for Information Systems track
Demonstration PapersDemonstration papers must adhere to the conference's duplicate submission policy, must be formatted according to the conference's camera ready format, and are limited to 4 pages.
Camera ready submissions for demonstration papers must be done electronically before the general camera ready deadline, through the
Conference Management system
Notes for Demonstration Presenters the VLDB 2008 demonstrations to be held in Marlborough Room 2, level 5, at the SkyCity Convention Centre from 25th to 28th August. The demos at this year's VLDB will closely follow the VLDB tradition in the previous years. There are six separate demo groups. Each demo group will have two sessions assigned throughout the conference - one long session and one short session (please note the mixed 4paper/3paper session format of this year's VLDB). Each group consists of six presentations. Marlborough Room 2 will be equipped with six stands to accommodate each presentation. Each stand will have the following:
x 1m (deep) x 2.5m (tall) You are welcome to set up your presentation within the boundaries of your chosen stand, however it must not extend into the space of other stands. Please do not have your set-up extend more than 2 metres from the back wall of your stand. Please be courteous to fellow demo presenters who are concurrently presenting and those who will follow you in subsequent sessions. Your presentation must be completely dismantled and taken down before the beginning of the next demo session. Posters The size of your poster is limited by the size of the back wall of your stand: specifically, the largest size it can be is 2.5m (wide) x 2.5m (tall). Posters may be affixed to the walls using non-permanent adhesive materials. For example, Velcro dots with adhesive backs are a good option, while nails and pins are not. We encourage all presenters to bring their own mounting materials. Internet Wireless internet is available for all delegates, but this is capped at 20mb per person. However, one demonstration stand will be provided with an Ethernet cable that will provide up to 500mb of Internet access. This stand is for presentations that will require direct high-volume access to the internet. If you require internet connection via Ethernet cable, you must set up your presentation at the appropriate stand. If you do not require use of the Ethernet cable, please endeavour to set up your presentation on one of the 'Ethernet-free' stands. Demonstration Presentation Guidelines There are no specific guidelines on how to prepare for or present your demonstration. Generally speaking, demos in the past have incorporated the use of posters, PowerPoint presentations, video and audio recordings. Presenters are on hand to discuss their demonstrations with VLDB delegates. Tutorial PapersTutorial papers must adhere to the conference's duplicate submission policy, must be formatted according to the conference's camera ready format, and are limited to 2 pages. Camera ready submissions for tutorial papers must be done electronically before the general camera ready deadline, by email to Gerald Weber (gerald AT cs.auckland.ac.nz)
and Xiaofang Zhou (zxf AT itee.uq.edu.au)
Industrial, Applications, and Experience PapersPapers in this track must adhere to the conference's duplicate submission policy, must be formatted according to the conference's camera ready format, and are limited to 12 pages. Camera ready submissions for papers in this track must be done electronically before the general camera ready deadline, through the Conference Management system
Experiments and Analyses PapersPapers in this track must adhere to the conference's duplicate submission policy, must be formatted according to the conference's camera ready format, and are limited to 3-12 pages. Camera ready submissions for papers in this track must be done electronically before the general camera ready deadline, through the Conference Management system
Formatting GuidelinesIt is the authors' responsibility to ensure that their submissions adhere strictly to the formatting detailed here. In particular, it is not allowed to modify the format with the objective of squeezing in more material. Submissions that do not comply with the formatting detailed here or with the length restrictions as stated in the calls or with additional information sent by email will be sent back to the authors and must be corrected, otherwise they cannot be included in the proceedings. General InformationIt is the authors' responsibility to ensure that their submissions adhere strictly to the formatting detailed here. In particular, it is not allowed to modify the format with the objective of squeezing in more material. Submissions that do not comply with the formatting detailed here or with the length restrictions as stated in the calls or with additional information sent by email will be sent back to the authors and must be corrected, otherwise they cannot be included in the proceedings.LaTeXVLDB provides a style template that is based on the ACM SIG Proceedings Style. You can download all necessary files here:
For your convenience, all these files are packed together into a .zip file to download: vldb_format.zip. For Microsoft WordPlease use this document vldb_sample.doc as template for preparing your paper. Please note that the document must be converted to pdf format before submission. Duplicate submission policyDuplicate submissions are not allowed. A submission is considered to be a duplicate submission if, at any time during the time when the submission is under consideration, there is another paper with the following properties:
Authors are expected to agree to the following terms: I understand that the paper being submitted must not overlap substantially with any other paper that I am a co-author of and that is currently submitted elsewhere. Furthermore, previously published papers with any overlap are covered prominently in this submission. Duplicate submissions will be rejected. Questions about this policy or how it applies to your work should be directed to the technical program chair. Copyright Transfer Form![]()
Fax Nr +64 9 373 7453 If no correctly completed and signed copyright transfer form was received by the proceedings chair, your paper cannot be published. No other means of submission of this form is possible. Emailing of a scanned document is not sufficient. For any questions, send an email to gerald[at]cs.auckland.ac.nz. Confirmation Service In case you feel unsure about whether your fax was received and you want a confirmation for your fax, please send an email to gerald[at]cs.auckland.ac.nz with the |