CS CON (NZCSRSC) 2016 is to be held at Victoria University of Wellington between 28 and 29 April 2016.
Paper submission is now closed and the peer review process is completed.
Final version of all papers have been processed and will be distributed at the conference.
Due to a small number of submissions, we will have an intimate and engaging conference affordable to all. We will start at noon on Thu 9 Apr 2015 with some informal and formal sessions, followed by a welcoming drinks and canapes. The main event will be on Friday 10 April 2015 where we have invited speakers, paper and poster presentations, panel discussions/workshops, and industry information desk throughout the day. Non-presenting student and staff are welcome to attend the main event on Friday (see registration dedtails).
Our plenary speaker is Dr Paul Ralph, who lectures in Computer Science at the University of Auckland. His research centres on the theoretical and empirical study of software and game development including projects, processes, practices, tools and developer cognition, socialization, productivity, well-being and effectiveness. Before joining Auckland, Paul completed a PhD at the University of British Columbia and lectured at Lancaster University. In 2013, Paul became publicity officer for the SEMAT General Theory of Software Engineering Initiative and in 2014 he co-founded the AIS Special Interest Group for Game Design and Research.
Conference attendees presenting a paper and/or poster from outside Auckland who pre-registered have all been allocated funding for travel/accommodation.
Please contact your department to make travel/accommodation arrangements and registration on your behalf.
Traditionally, participants of NZCSRSC are accommodated at the University's Wharenui. Unfortunately, we have not been able to secure that option for this conference as the Marae is not available. We have distributed a list of accommodation options and have asked each university to make booking arrangement on behalf of their participating students and get reimbursed accordingly.
Below is a list of accommodation options. If you live outside Auckland, please ask your department to make travel/accommodation arrangement for you
Registration is only $50 per person. Non-presenting students and staff are welcome to take part in the main event of the conference on Friday 10 April 2015. Registration closes on Tue 7 April 2015. Direct all enquiries about registration by email to info@nzcsrsc.nz