The NZCSRSC is a conference organized by Computer Science research students to strengthen the research community in New Zealand by providing opportunities for students to share, discuss and acquire valuable feedback in regard to their research, build research network and definitely establish friendship. It is also a good opportunity for Computer Science research students from around New Zealand to gain vital experience in writing academic papers, peer reviewing, and presenting work at the conference. This year’s NZCSRSC will also include, along with all the other research topics related to computer science, the topic of e- Science. We are in the age of interdisciplinary and data-intensive science. In the recent past, there has been a huge proliferation of data in many science domains along various dimensions – volume, variety and velocity. Today, the research communities need new computational strategies and tools to manage the massive volumes of heterogeneous and distributed data. This launched the idea of e-Science: an attempt to revitalize and accelerate research in other knowledge domains with the latest computational tools and technologies (e.g. high-performance computing, semantic technologies and workflows). This gives an opportunity to ground and relate your computer science research in a bigger science picture.
But above all, we encourage and invite all students to make a submission related to any research areas in Computer Science. This is an inclusive and participatory event. In addition to the main research track, NZCSRSC 2015 will also feature workshops and a poster session.
The conference incorporates all major research areas in Computer Science including (but not limited to) the following:
Submissions are now being accepted for:
Full papers (with presentation) not exceeding 8 pages.
Short papers (with poster) not exceeding 4 pages.
All papers must be in PDF format and follow the ACM style guidelines:
Papers will be submitted through EasyChair:
Conference attendees presenting a paper, poster or lightning talk are eligible to apply for a travel grant, contingent to pre-registration on the website.
Papers must be written by a student author and reflect the student's own research. Papers can contain research in progress i.e. research does not need to be complete for a paper to be accepted. Papers may be co-authored as long as the primary author is a Computer Science research student at the time of submission and is affiliated with a New Zealand university. Papers extending work published in previous NZCSRSC are also accepted, provided the advancement is significant.
The NZCSRSC is a peer-reviewed conference. By submitting a paper, each student author agrees to be a reviewer. For each paper an author submits, they will receive two/three papers to review during the review period. Authors will be presented with their papers to review at the beginning of the review period.
All submissions will be checked for plagiarism. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. If you are unsure what constitutes plagiarism, or would like more information on academic referencing, please see the Submissions page.
These papers are work in progress. They are not archival publications and will not constrain future submissions. Your work in progress may be reused for later publications if appropriate. Copyright belongs to the author(s) / owner(s) of the paper. Note that this is a student conference reviewed by students.
Please find all details in the following document: