Computer Science

PROCMAIL(1)                                           PROCMAIL(1)

       procmail - autonomous mail processor

       procmail [-ptoY] [-f fromwhom]
            [parameter=value | rcfile] ...
       procmail [-toY] [-f fromwhom] [-a argument]
            -d recipient ...
       procmail [-ptY] -m [parameter=value] ...  rcfile
            [argument] ...
       procmail -v

       For a quick start, see NOTES at the end.

       Procmail should be invoked automatically over the .forward
       file mechanism as soon as  mail  arrives.   Alternatively,
       when  installed  by  a  system  administrator,  it  can be
       invoked from within the mailer immediately.  When invoked,
       it  first  sets some environment variables to default val-
       ues, reads the mail message from stdin until an EOF, sepa-
       rates  the  body  from the header, and then, if no command
       line arguments are present, it starts to look for  a  file
       named  $HOME/.procmailrc.   According  to  the  processing
       recipes in this file, the mail message that  just  arrived
       gets  distributed into the right folder (and more).  If no
       rcfile is found, or processing of the rcfile falls off the
       end,  procmail  will  store the mail in the default system

       If no rcfiles and no -p have been specified on the command
       line,  procmail  will, prior to reading $HOME/.procmailrc,
       interpret  commands  from  /etc/procmailrc  (if  present).
       Care must be taken when creating /etc/procmailrc, because,
       if circumstances permit, it will  be  executed  with  root
       privileges  (contrary  to  the  $HOME/.procmailrc  file of

       If running suid root or  with  root  privileges,  procmail
       will  be able to perform as a functionally enhanced, back-
       wards compatible mail delivery agent.

       Procmail can also be used as a general purpose  mail  fil-
       ter,  i.e. provisions have been made to enable procmail to
       be invoked in a special sendmail rule.

       The rcfile format is described  in  detail  in  the  proc-
       mailrc(5) man page.

       The  weighted  scoring technique is described in detail in
       the procmailsc(5) man page.

       Examples for rcfile recipes can be looked up in the  proc-
       mailex(5) man page.

       TERMINATE   Terminate prematurely and requeue the mail.

       HANGUP      Terminate prematurely and bounce the mail.

       INTERRUPT   Terminate prematurely and bounce the mail.

       QUIT        Terminate  prematurely  and  silently lose the

       ALARM       Force a timeout (see TIMEOUT).

       USR1        Equivalent to a VERBOSE=off.

       USR2        Equivalent to a VERBOSE=on.

       -v   Procmail will print its version number,  display  its
            compile time configuration and exit.

       -p   Preserve  any  old  environment.   Normally  procmail
            clears the environment upon startup, except  for  the
            value  of TZ.  However, in any case: any default val-
            ues will override any preexisting  environment  vari-
            ables,  i.e.  procmail  will not pay any attention to
            any predefined environment variables, it will happily
            overwrite  them  with its own defaults.  For the list
            of environment variables that  procmail  will  preset
            see  the  procmailrc(5)  man page.  If both -p and -m
            are specified, the list of preset  environment  vari-
            ables  shrinks to just: LOGNAME, HOME, SHELL, ORGMAIL
            and MAILDIR.

       -t   Make procmail fail softly, i.e.  if  procmail  cannot
            deliver the mail to any of the destinations you gave,
            the mail will not bounce,  but  will  return  to  the
            mailqueue.   Another delivery-attempt will be made at
            some time in the future.

       -f fromwhom
            Causes procmail to regenerate  the  leading  `From  '
            line  with  fromwhom as the sender (instead of -f one
            could  use  the  alternate  and  obsolete  -r).    If
            fromwhom  consists merely of a single `-', then proc-
            mail will only update the timestamp on  the  `From  '
            line  (if  present,  if  not,  it will generate a new

       -o   Instead of allowing anyone to generate `From ' lines,
            simply override the fakes.

       -Y   Assume  traditional  Berkeley  mailbox format, ignore
            any Content-Length: fields.

       -a argument
            This will set $1 to be equal to argument.  It can  be
            used  to  pass  meta  information  along to procmail.
            This is typically  done  by  passing  along  the  $@x
            information from the sendmail mailer rule.

       -d recipient ...
            This  turns  on explicit delivery mode, delivery will
            be to the local user  recipient.   This,  of  course,
            only  is possible if procmail has root privileges (or
            if procmail is already running with  the  recipient's
            euid and egid).  Procmail will setuid to the intended
            recipients and  delivers  the  mail  as  if  it  were
            invoked  by  the recipient with no arguments (i.e. if
            no rcfile is found, delivery is like ordinary  mail).
            This option is incompatible with -p.

       -m   Turns  procmail  into  a general purpose mail filter.
            In this mode one rcfile must be specified on the com-
            mand line.  After the rcfile, procmail will accept an
            unlimited number of arguments.  If the rcfile  is  an
            absolute path starting with /etc/procmailrcs/ without
            backward references (i.e. the parent directory cannot
            be mentioned) procmail will, only if no security vio-
            lations are found, take on the identity of the  owner
            of  the rcfile (or symbolic link).  For some advanced
            usage of this option you should look in the  EXAMPLES
            section below.

       Any arguments containing an '=' are considered to be envi-
       ronment variable assignments, they will all  be  evaluated
       after the default values have been assigned and before the
       first rcfile is opened.

       Any other  arguments  are  presumed  to  be  rcfile  paths
       (either  absolute,  or if they start with `./' relative to
       the current directory; any other relative path is relative
       to  $HOME,  unless  the -m option has been given, in which
       case all relative paths are relative to the current direc-
       tory);  procmail will start with the first one it finds on
       the command line.  The following ones will only be  parsed
       if  the  preceding ones have a not matching HOST-directive
       entry, or in case they should not exist.

       If no rcfiles are specified,  it  looks  for  $HOME/.proc-
       mailrc.   If  not  even that can be found, processing will
       continue according to the default settings of the environ-
       ment variables and the ones specified on the command line.

       Examples for rcfile recipes can be looked up in the  proc-
       mailex(5) man page.  A small sample rcfile can be found in
       the NOTES section below.

       Skip the rest of this EXAMPLES section unless  you  are  a
       system  administrator  who  is vaguely familiar with send- syntax.

       The -m option is typically used when  procmail  is  called
       from  within  a rule in the file.  In order to
       be able to do this it is convenient  to  create  an  extra
       `procmail' mailer in your file (in addition to
       the perhaps already present `local' mailer that starts  up
       procmail).  To create such a `procmail' mailer I'd suggest
       something like:

              Mprocmail, P=/usr/bin/procmail, F=mSDFMhun, S=11, R=21,
                      A=procmail -m $h $g $u

       This enables you to use rules  like  the  following  (most
       likely  in  ruleset 0) to filter mail through the procmail
       mailer (please note the leading tab to continue the  rule,
       and the tab to separate the comments):

                      $#procmail $@/etc/procmailrcs/some.rc $:$1@some.where.procmail$2
                      $1<@$2>$3       Already filtered, map back

       And /etc/procmailrcs/some.rc could be as simple as:

              :0                              # sink all junk mail
              * ^Subject:.*junk

              :0                              # pass along all other mail
              ! -oi -f "$@"

       Do  watch out when sending mail from within the /etc/proc-
       mailrcs/some.rc file, if you send mail to addresses  which
       match  the first rule again, you could be creating an end-
       less mail loop.

       /etc/passwd            to  set  the  recipient's  LOGNAME,
                              HOME and SHELL variable defaults

                              system  mailbox;  both  the  system
                              mailbox and the immediate directory
                              it  is in will be created everytime
                              procmail starts and either  one  is
                              not present

       /etc/procmailrc        initial global rcfile

       /etc/procmailrcs/      special privileges path for rcfiles

       $HOME/.procmailrc      default rcfile

                              lockfile  for  the  system  mailbox
                              (not  automatically  used  by proc-
                              mail,   unless   $DEFAULT    equals
                              /var/spool/mail/$LOGNAME  and proc-
                              mail is delivering to $DEFAULT)

       /usr/sbin/sendmail     default mail forwarder

       _????`hostname`        temporary   `unique'    zero-length
                              files created by procmail

       procmailrc(5), procmailsc(5), procmailex(5), sh(1),
       csh(1), mail(1), mailx(1), binmail(1), uucp(1),
       aliases(5), sendmail(8), egrep(1), grep(1), biff(1),
       comsat(8), lockfile(1), formail(1), cron(1)

       Autoforwarding mailbox found
                              The system mailbox had its suid  or
                              sgid  bit  set, procmail terminates
                              with EX_NOUSER assuming  that  this
                              mailbox must not be delivered to.

       Bad substitution of "x"
                              Not  a  valid  environment variable
                              name specified.

       Closing brace unexpected
                              There was no corresponding  opening
                              brace (nesting block).

       Conflicting options    Not  all  option  combinations  are

       Conflicting x suppressed
                              Flag x is not compatible with  some
                              other flag on this recipe.

       Couldn't create "x"    The  system mailbox was missing and
                              could not/will not be created.

       Couldn't determine implicit lockfile from "x"
                              There were no `>>'  redirectors  to
                              be  found,  using simply `$LOCKEXT'
                              as locallockfile.

       Couldn't unlock "x"    Lockfile was already gone, or write
                              permission  to  the  directory were
                              the lockfile is has been denied.

       Deadlock attempted on "x"
                              The locallockfile specified on this
                              recipe  is  equal to a still active

       Denying special privileges for "x"
                              Procmail will not take on the iden-
                              tity that comes with the rcfile be-
                              cause  a  security  violation   was
                              found (e.g.  -p or variable assign-
                              ments on the command line) or proc-
                              mail had insufficient privileges to
                              do so.

       Descriptor "x" was not open
                              As  procmail  was  started,  stdin,
                              stdout  or stderr was not connected
                              (possibly an attempt to subvert se-

       Enforcing stricter permissions on "x"
                              The system mailbox of the recipient
                              was found to be unsecured, procmail
                              secured it.

       Error while writing to "x"
                              Nonexistent  subdirectory, no write
                              permission, pipe died or disk full.

       Exceeded LINEBUF       Buffer  overflow  detected, LINEBUF
                              was  too  small,  PROCMAIL_OVERFLOW
                              has been set.

       Excessive output quenched from "x"
                              The  program or filter "x" tried to
                              produce too  much  output  for  the
                              current  LINEBUF, the rest was dis-

       Extraneous x ignored   The  action  line  of  this  recipe
                              makes flag x meaningless.

       Failed forking "x"     Process  table  is full (and NORES-
                              RETRY has been exhausted).

       Failed to execute "x"  Program not in path,  or  not  exe-

       Forced unlock denied on "x"
                              No write permission in the directo-
                              ry where lockfile "x"  resides,  or
                              more  than  one  procmail trying to
                              force a lock at  exactly  the  same

       Forcing lock on "x"    Lockfile "x" is going to be removed
                              by force because of a timeout  (see
                              also: LOCKTIMEOUT).

       Incomplete recipe      The  start  of  a recipe was found,
                              but it stranded in an EOF.

       Insufficient privileges
                              Procmail either needs  root  privi-
                              leges,   or  must  have  the  right
                              (e)uid and (e)gid to run in  deliv-
                              ery mode.  The mail will bounce.

       Invalid regexp "x"     The regular expression "x" contains
                              errors (most likely some missing or
                              extraneous parens).

       Kernel-lock failed     While trying to use the kernel-sup-
                              ported locking calls, one  of  them
                              failed (usually indicates an OS er-
                              ror), procmail ignores  this  error
                              and proceeds.

       Kernel-unlock failed   See above.

       Lock failure on "x"    Can  only occur if you specify some
                              real weird (and illegal)  lockfile-
                              names  or if the lockfile could not
                              be created because of  insufficient
                              permissions  or  nonexistent subdi-

       Lost "x"               Procmail tried to clone itself  but
                              could  not find back rcfile "x" (it
                              either got removed or it was a rel-
                              ative path and you changed directo-
                              ry since procmail  opened  it  last

       Missing action         The  current recipe was found to be

       Missing closing brace  A nesting block  was  started,  but
                              never finished.

       Missing name           The  -f option needs an extra argu-

       Missing argument       You specified  the  -a  option  but
                              forgot the argument.

       Missing rcfile         You  specified the -m option, proc-
                              mail expects the name of an  rcfile
                              as argument.

       Missing recipient      You  specified  the  -d  option  or
                              called procmail under  a  different
                              name, it expects one or more recip-
                              ients as arguments.

       No space left to finish writing "x"
                              The filesystem containing "x"  does
                              not  have enough free space to per-
                              mit delivery of the message to  the

       Out of memory          The  system  is  out  of swap space
                              (and NORESRETRY has  been  exhaust-

       Processing continued   The  unrecognised  options  on  the
                              command line are ignored,  proceed-
                              ing as usual.

       Program failure (nnn) of "x"
                              Program  that  was started by proc-
                              mail returned nnn  instead  of  EX-
                              IT_SUCCESS  (=0);  if  nnn is nega-
                              tive, then this is the  signal  the
                              program died on.

       Renaming bogus "x" into "x"
                              The system mailbox of the recipient
                              was found  to  be  bogus,  procmail
                              performed evasive actions.

       Skipped: "x"           Couldn't  do  anything  with "x" in
                              the rcfile (syntax error), ignoring

       Suspicious rcfile "x"  The owner of the rcfile was not the
                              recipient or  root,  the  file  was
                              world  writable,  or  the directory
                              that   contained   it   was   world
                              writable,  or  this was the default
                              rcfile ($HOME/.procmailrc) and  ei-
                              ther  it  was group writable or the
                              directory  that  contained  it  was
                              group  writable (the rcfile was not

       Terminating prematurely whilst waiting for ...
                              Procmail received a signal while it
                              was waiting for ...

       Quota exceeded while writing "x"
                              The  filesize quota for the recipi-
                              ent on  the  filesystem  containing
                              "x"  does not permit delivering the
                              message to the file.

       Timeout, terminating "x"
                              Timeout has occurred on program  or
                              filter "x".

       Timeout, was waiting for "x"
                              Timeout  has  occurred  on program,
                              filter or file "x".  If  it  was  a
                              program  or  filter, then it didn't
                              seem to be running anymore.

       Truncated file to former size
                              The file could not be delivered  to
                              successfully, so the file was trun-
                              cated to its former size.

       Truncating "x" and retrying lock
                              "x" does not seem  to  be  a  valid
                              filename  or the file is not empty.

       Rescue of unfiltered data succeeded/failed
                              A filter  returned  unsuccessfully,
                              procmail  tried  to  get  back  the
                              original text.

       Unexpected EOL         Missing closing quote, or trying to
                              escape EOF.

       Unknown user "x"       The  specified  recipient  does not
                              have a corresponding uid.

       Extended diagnostics can be turned on and off through set-
       ting the VERBOSE variable.

       [pid] time & date      Procmail's  pid  and  a  timestamp.
                              Generated whenever procmail logs  a
                              diagnostic  and  at  least a second
                              has elapsed since the  last  times-

       Acquiring kernel-lock  Procmail  now  tries to kernel-lock
                              the most recently opened file  (de-

       Assigning "x"          Environment variable assignment.

       Assuming identity of the recipient, VERBOSE=off
                              Dropping  all  privileges (if any),
                              implicitly turns off extended diag-

       Bypassed locking "x"   The  mail  spool  directory was not
                              accessible to procmail,  it  relied
                              solely on kernel locks.

       Executing "x"          Starting  program  "x".   If  it is
                              started by procmail directly (with-
                              out  an  intermediate shell), proc-
                              mail will show where  it  separated
                              the  arguments by inserting commas.

       HOST mismatched "x"    This host was called "x", HOST con-
                              tained something else.

       Locking "x"            Creating lockfile "x".

       Linking to "x"         Creating  a hardlink between direc-
                              tory folders.

       Match on "x"           Condition matched.

       Matched "x"            Assigned "x" to MATCH.

       No match on "x"        Condition  didn't   match,   recipe

       Notified comsat: "$LOGNAME@offset:file"
                              Sent comsat/biff a notice that mail
                              arrived for user $LOGNAME at  `off-
                              set' in `file'.

       Opening "x"            Opening file "x" for appending.

       Rcfile: "x"            Rcfile changed to "x".

       Reiterating kernel-lock
                              While  attempting  several  locking
                              methods,  one  of   these   failed.
                              Procmail  will reiterate until they
                              all succeed in rapid succession.

       Score: added newtotal "x"
                              This   condition   scored   `added'
                              points, which resulted in a `newto-
                              tal' score.

       Unlocking "x"          Removing lockfile "x" again.

       You should create a shell script that uses lockfile(1) be-
       fore  invoking  your  mail shell on any mailbox file other
       than the system mailbox (unless of course, your mail shell
       uses the same lockfiles (local or global) you specified in
       your rcfile).

       In the unlikely event that you  absolutely  need  to  kill
       procmail  before  it  has  finished, first try and use the
       regular kill command (i.e.  not kill -9, see  the  subsec-
       tion  Signals  for  suggestions), otherwise some lockfiles
       might not get removed.

       Beware when using the -t option, if procmail repeatedly is
       unable  to  deliver the mail (e.g. due to an incorrect rc-
       file), the system mailqueue could fill up.  This could ag-
       gravate both the local postmaster and other users.

       The /etc/procmailrc file might be executed with root priv-
       ileges, so be very careful of what you put in  it.   SHELL
       will  be  equal  to  that  of the current recipient, so if
       procmail has to invoke the shell, you'd better set  it  to
       some safe value first.  See also: DROPPRIVS.

       Keep  in  mind  that  if chown(1) is permitted on files in
       /etc/procmailrcs/, that they can be chowned  to  root  (or
       anyone else) by their current owners.  For maximum securi-
       ty, make sure this directory is executable to root only.

       Procmail is not the proper tool for  sharing  one  mailbox
       among  many  users,  such as when you have one POP account
       for all mail to your domain. It can be done if you  manage
       to  configure  your MTA to add some headers with the enve-
       lope recipient data in order to tell Procmail who  a  mes-
       sage  is  for,  but this is usually not the right thing to
       do.  Perhaps you want to investigate if  your  MTA  offers
       `virtual user tables', or see e.g. the `multidrop' facili-
       ty of Fetchmail.

       After removing a lockfile by force, procmail  waits  $SUS-
       PEND seconds before creating a new lockfile so that anoth-
       er process that decides to remove the stale lockfile  will
       not remove the newly created lock by mistake.

       Procmail  uses  the  regular TERMINATE signal to terminate
       any runaway filter, but it does not check  if  the  filter
       responds to that signal and it only sends it to the filter
       itself, not to any of the filter's children.

       A continued Content-Length: field is not handled  correct-

       The  embedded  newlines  in  a  continued header should be
       skipped when matching instead of being treated as a single
       space as they are now.

       If there is an existing Content-Length: field in the head-
       er of the mail and the -Y option is not  specified,  proc-
       mail  will  trim  the  field  to  report the correct size.
       Procmail does not change the fieldwidth.

       If there is no Content-Length: field or the -Y option  has
       been  specified  and procmail appends to regular mailfold-
       ers, any lines in the body of the message that  look  like
       postmarks  are prepended with `>' (disarms bogus mailhead-
       ers).  The regular expression that is used to  search  for
       these postmarks is:
              `\nFrom '

       If  the destination name used in explicit delivery mode is
       not in /etc/passwd, procmail will proceed as  if  explicit
       delivery  mode  was not in effect.  If not in explicit de-
       livery mode and should the uid procmail is running  under,
       have  no  corresponding  /etc/passwd entry, then HOME will
       default to /, LOGNAME will default to #uid and SHELL  will
       default to /bin/sh.

       When  in  explicit delivery mode, procmail will generate a
       leading `From ' line if none is present.  If  one  is  al-
       ready  present procmail will leave it intact.  If procmail
       is not invoked with one of the following user or group  ids
       :  root,  daemon,  uucp, mail, x400, network, list, slist,
       lists or news, but still has to generate or accept  a  new
       `From ' line, it will generate an additional `>From ' line
       to help distinguish fake mails.

       For security reasons procmail will only use an absolute or
       $HOME-relative  rcfile  if it is owned by the recipient or
       root, not world writable, and the  directory  it  is  con-
       tained  in  is  not world writable.  The $HOME/.procmailrc
       file has the additional constraint  of  not  being  group-
       writable or in a group-writable directory.

       If  /var/spool/mail/$LOGNAME is a bogus mailbox (i.e. does
       not belong to the recipient, is unwritable, is a  symbolic
       link or is a hard link), procmail will upon startup try to
       rename it into a file starting with `BOGUS.$LOGNAME.'  and
       ending in an inode-sequence-code.  If this turns out to be
       impossible, ORGMAIL will have no initial value, and  hence
       will inhibit delivery without a proper rcfile.

       If  /var/spool/mail/$LOGNAME  already  is a valid mailbox,
       but has got too loose permissions  on  it,  procmail  will
       correct  this.   To  prevent procmail from doing this make
       sure the u+x bit is set.

       When delivering to directories  (or  to  MH  folders)  you
       don't need to use lockfiles to prevent several concurrent-
       ly running procmail programs from messing up.

       Delivering to MH folders is slightly more  time  consuming
       than  delivering  to  normal directories or mailboxes, be-
       cause procmail has to search for the next available number
       (instead of having the filename immediately available).

       On  general failure procmail will return EX_CANTCREAT, un-
       less option -t is specified, in which case it will  return

       To  make  `egrepping' of headers more consistent, procmail
       concatenates all continued header fields; but only  inter-
       nally.   When delivering the mail, line breaks will appear
       as before.

       If procmail is called  under  a  name  not  starting  with
       `procmail'  (e.g.  if it is linked to another name and in-
       voked as such), it comes up in explicit delivery mode, and
       expects  the  recipients'  names as command line arguments
       (as if -d had been specified).

       Comsat/biff notifications are done using  udp.   They  are
       sent  off once when procmail generates the regular logfile
       entry.  The notification messages have the  following  ex-
       tended  format  (or as close as you can get when final de-
       livery was not to a file):

       Whenever procmail itself opens a file to  deliver  to,  it
       consistently uses the following kernel locking strategies:

       Procmail is NFS-resistant and eight-bit clean.

       Calling up procmail with the -h or -? options  will  cause
       it  to  display a command-line help and recipe flag quick-
       reference page.

       There exists an excellent  newbie  FAQ  about  mailfilters
       (and  procmail  in  particular), it is being maintained by
       Nancy McGough <> and can be obtained by send-
       ing  a mail to with the following
       in the body:
              send usenet/news.answers/mail/filtering-faq

       Instead of using the system provided invocation  of  proc-
       mail  when mail arrives, you can control the invocation of
       procmail yourself.  In this case your $HOME/.forward  (be-
       ware, it has to be world readable) file should contain the
       line below.  Be sure to  include  the  single  and  double
       quotes,  and it must be an absolute path.  The #YOUR_USER-
       NAME is not actually a parameter that is required by proc-
       mail,  in fact, it will be discarded by sh before procmail
       ever sees it; it is however  a  necessary  kludge  against
       overoptimising sendmail programs:

       "|exec /usr/bin/procmail"

       Procmail  can  also  be  invoked to postprocess an already
       filled system mailbox.  This can be useful  if  you  don't
       want  to or can't use a $HOME/.forward file (in which case
       the following script could  periodically  be  called  from
       within cron(1), or whenever you start reading mail):



              if cd $HOME &&
               test -s $ORGMAIL &&
               lockfile -r0 -l1024 .newmail.lock 2>/dev/null
                trap "rm -f .newmail.lock" 1 2 3 13 15
                umask 077
                lockfile -l1024 -ml
                cat $ORGMAIL >>.newmail &&
                 cat /dev/null >$ORGMAIL
                lockfile -mu
                formail -s procmail <.newmail &&
                 rm -f .newmail
                rm -f .newmail.lock
              exit 0

   A sample small $HOME/.procmailrc:
       MAILDIR=$HOME/Mail      #you'd better make sure it exists
       DEFAULT=$MAILDIR/mbox   #completely optional
       LOGFILE=$MAILDIR/from   #recommended

       * ^From.*berg

       * ^Subject:.*Flame

       Other  examples for rcfile recipes can be looked up in the
       procmailex(5) man page.

       This program is part of the procmail mail-processing-pack-
       age  (v3.13.1)  available  at or in pub/procmail/.

       There exists a mailinglist for questions relating  to  any
       program in the procmail package:
                     for submitting questions/answers.
                     for subscription requests.

       If  you would like to stay informed about new versions and
       official patches send a subscription request to
       (this is a readonly list).

       Stephen R. van den Berg

BuGless                     1999/03/30                          1

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