Computer Science

FCNTL(2)            Linux Programmer's Manual            FCNTL(2)

       fcntl - manipulate file descriptor

       #include <unistd.h>
       #include <fcntl.h>

       int fcntl(int fd, int cmd);
       int fcntl(int fd, int cmd, long arg);
       int fcntl(int fd, int cmd, struct flock * lock);

       fcntl  performs one of various miscellaneous operations on
       fd.  The operation in question is determined by cmd:

       F_DUPFD  Makes arg be a copy of fd, closing  fd  first  if

                The   same   functionality  can  be  more  easily
                achieved by using dup2(2).

                The old and new descriptors may  be  used  inter-
                changeably.   They  share  locks,  file  position
                pointers and flags;  for  example,  if  the  file
                position is modified by using lseek on one of the
                descriptors, the position is also changed for the

                The  two  descriptors  do not share the close-on-
                exec flag, however.  The  close-on-exec  flag  of
                the  copy  is off, meaning that it will be closed
                on exec.

                On success, the new descriptor is returned.

       F_GETFD  Read the close-on-exec flag.   If  the  low-order
                bit  is 0, the file will remain open across exec,
                otherwise it will be closed.

       F_SETFD  Set the close-on-exec flag to the value specified
                by  arg (only the least significant bit is used).

       F_GETFL  Read the descriptor's flags (all flags (as set by
                open(2)) are returned).

       F_SETFL  Set the descriptor's flags to the value specified
                by arg.  Only O_APPEND,  O_NONBLOCK  and  O_ASYNC
                may be set; the other flags are unaffected.

                The  flags  are  shared between copies (made with
                dup(2) etc.) of the same file descriptor.

                The flags and their semantics  are  described  in

       F_GETLK,  F_SETLK  and F_SETLKW are used to manage discre-
       tionary file locks.  The third argument lock is a  pointer
       to  a struct flock (that may be overwritten by this call).

              Return the flock structure that  prevents  us  from
              obtaining  the lock, or set the l_type field of the
              lock to F_UNLCK if there is no obstruction.

              The lock is set (when l_type is F_RDLCK or F_WRLCK)
              or  cleared  (when  it is F_UNLCK).  If the lock is
              held by someone else, this call returns -1 and sets
              errno to EACCES or EAGAIN.

              Like  F_SETLK, but instead of returning an error we
              wait for the lock to be released.  If a signal that
              is to be caught is received while fcntl is waiting,
              it is interrupted and (after the signal handler has
              returned) returns immediately (with return value -1
              and errno set to EINTR).

       F_GETOWN, F_SETOWN, F_GETSIG and F_SETSIG are used to man-
       age I/O availability signals:

              Get  the  process  ID  or  process  group currently
              receiving SIGIO and SIGURG signals  for  events  on
              file descriptor fd.  Process groups are returned as
              negative values.

              Set the process  ID  or  process  group  that  will
              receive SIGIO and SIGURG signals for events on file
              descriptor fd.  Process groups are specified  using
              negative  values.  (F_SETSIG can be used to specify
              a different signal instead of SIGIO).

              If you set  the  O_ASYNC  status  flag  on  a  file
              descriptor  (either by providing this flag with the
              open(2) call, or by using the  F_SETFL  command  of
              fcntl),  a  SIGIO  signal is sent whenever input or
              output becomes possible on that file descriptor.

              The process or process group to receive the  signal
              can  be  selected  by using the F_SETOWN command to
              the fcntl function.  If the file  descriptor  is  a
              socket,  this  also selects the recipient of SIGURG
              signals that are delivered  when  out-of-band  data
              arrives  on  that  socket.   (SIGURG is sent in any
              situation where select(2) would report  the  socket
              as having an "exceptional condition".)  If the file
              descriptor corresponds to a terminal  device,  then
              SIGIO  signals  are  sent to the foreground process
              group of the terminal.

              Get the signal sent when input  or  output  becomes
              possible.   A  value  of  zero means SIGIO is sent.
              Any other value (including  SIGIO)  is  the  signal
              sent  instead,  and in this case additional info is
              available to the signal handler if  installed  with

              Sets  the  signal sent when input or output becomes
              possible.  A  value  of  zero  means  to  send  the
              default  SIGIO  signal.  Any other value (including
              SIGIO) is the signal to send instead, and  in  this
              case  additional  info  is  available to the signal
              handler if installed with SA_SIGINFO.

              By using F_SETSIG with a non-zero value,  and  set-
              ting  SA_SIGINFO for the signal handler (see sigac-
              tion(2)), extra information  about  I/O  events  is
              passed to the handler in a siginfo_t structure.  If
              the si_code field indicates the source is SI_SIGIO,
              the  si_fd  field gives the file descriptor associ-
              ated with the event.  Otherwise, there is no  indi-
              cation  which file descriptors are pending, and you
              should  use  the   usual   mechanisms   (select(2),
              poll(2),  read(2)  with  O_NONBLOCK  set  etc.)  to
              determine which file descriptors are available  for

              By  selecting a POSIX.1b real time signal (value >=
              SIGRTMIN), multiple I/O events may be queued  using
              the  same signal numbers.  (Queuing is dependent on
              available memory).  Extra information is  available
              if  SA_SIGINFO  is  set  for the signal handler, as

       Using these mechanisms,  a  program  can  implement  fully
       asynchronous  I/O  without using select(2) or poll(2) most
       of the time.

       The use of O_ASYNC, F_GETOWN, F_SETOWN is specific to  BSD
       and  Linux.   F_GETSIG  and  F_SETSIG  are Linux-specific.
       POSIX has asynchronous I/O and the aio_sigevent  structure
       to  achieve  similar  things;  these are also available in
       Linux as part of the GNU C Library (Glibc).

       For a successful call, the return  value  depends  on  the

       F_DUPFD  The new descriptor.

       F_GETFD  Value of flag.

       F_GETFL  Value of flags.

       F_GETOWN Value of descriptor owner.

       F_GETSIG Value  of  signal sent when read or write becomes
                possible,   or   zero   for   traditional   SIGIO

       All other commands

       On  error, -1 is returned, and errno is set appropriately.

       EACCES   Operation is prohibited by locks  held  by  other

       EAGAIN   Operation is prohibited because the file has been
                memory-mapped by another process.

       EBADF    fd is not an open file descriptor.

       EDEADLK  It was detected that the specified F_SETLKW  com-
                mand would cause a deadlock.

       EFAULT   lock is outside your accessible address space.

       EINTR    For  F_SETLKW,  the  command was interrupted by a
                signal.  For F_GETLK and F_SETLK, the command was
                interrupted  by  a  signal  before  the  lock was
                checked or acquired.  Most likely when locking  a
                remote  file  (e.g.  locking  over  NFS), but can
                sometimes happen locally.

       EINVAL   For F_DUPFD, arg is negative or is  greater  than
                the  maximum  allowable value.  For F_SETSIG, arg
                is not an allowable signal number.

       EMFILE   For F_DUPFD, the process already has the  maximum
                number of file descriptors open.

       ENOLCK   Too  many segment locks open, lock table is full,
                or a remote locking protocol failed (e.g. locking
                over NFS).

       EPERM    Attempted  to  clear  the O_APPEND flag on a file
                that has the append-only attribute set.

       The errors returned  by  dup2  are  different  from  those
       returned by F_DUPFD.

       SVr4,  SVID,  POSIX, X/OPEN, BSD 4.3.  Only the operations
       F_SETLK  and  F_SETLKW are specified in POSIX.1.  F_GETOWN
       and F_SETOWN are BSDisms not supported in  SVr4;  F_GETSIG
       and  F_SETSIG  are specific to Linux.  The flags legal for
       F_GETFL/F_SETFL are those supported by  open(2)  and  vary
       between these systems; O_APPEND, O_NONBLOCK, O_RDONLY, and
       O_RDWR are specified in POSIX.1.   SVr4  supports  several
       other options and flags not documented here.

       SVr4 documents additional EIO, ENOLINK and EOVERFLOW error

       dup2(2), open(2), socket(2), flock(2)

Linux                    23 December 1998                       1

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