std::tr2 Namespace Reference




Detailed Description

ISO C++ TR2 entities toplevel namespace is std::tr2.

Function Documentation

template<typename _WordT , typename _Alloc >
bool std::tr2::operator!= ( const dynamic_bitset< _WordT, _Alloc > &  __lhs,
const dynamic_bitset< _WordT, _Alloc > &  __rhs 

These comparisons for equality/inequality are, well, bitwise.

Definition at line 1291 of file dynamic_bitset.

template<typename _WordT , typename _Alloc >
dynamic_bitset<_WordT, _Alloc> std::tr2::operator& ( const dynamic_bitset< _WordT, _Alloc > &  __x,
const dynamic_bitset< _WordT, _Alloc > &  __y 
) [inline]

Global bitwise operations on bitsets.

__xA bitset.
__yA bitset of the same size as __x.
A new bitset.

These should be self-explanatory.

Definition at line 1332 of file dynamic_bitset.

template<typename _WordT , typename _Alloc >
dynamic_bitset<_WordT, _Alloc> std::tr2::operator- ( const dynamic_bitset< _WordT, _Alloc > &  __x,
const dynamic_bitset< _WordT, _Alloc > &  __y 
) [inline]

Global bitwise operations on bitsets.

__xA bitset.
__yA bitset of the same size as __x.
A new bitset.

These should be self-explanatory.

Definition at line 1362 of file dynamic_bitset.

template<typename _WordT , typename _Alloc >
bool std::tr2::operator< ( const dynamic_bitset< _WordT, _Alloc > &  __lhs,
const dynamic_bitset< _WordT, _Alloc > &  __rhs 

These comparisons for equality/inequality are, well, bitwise.

Definition at line 1297 of file dynamic_bitset.

template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _WordT , typename _Alloc >
std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& std::tr2::operator<< ( std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &  __os,
const dynamic_bitset< _WordT, _Alloc > &  __x 

Global I/O operators for bitsets.

Direct I/O between streams and bitsets is supported. Output is straightforward. Input will skip whitespace and only accept '0' and '1' characters. The dynamic_bitset will grow as necessary to hold the string of bits.

Definition at line 1455 of file dynamic_bitset.

References std::__ctype_abstract_base< _CharT >::widen().

template<typename _WordT , typename _Alloc >
bool std::tr2::operator<= ( const dynamic_bitset< _WordT, _Alloc > &  __lhs,
const dynamic_bitset< _WordT, _Alloc > &  __rhs 

These comparisons for equality/inequality are, well, bitwise.

Definition at line 1303 of file dynamic_bitset.

template<typename _WordT , typename _Alloc >
bool std::tr2::operator== ( const dynamic_bitset< _WordT, _Alloc > &  __lhs,
const dynamic_bitset< _WordT, _Alloc > &  __rhs 

These comparisons for equality/inequality are, well, bitwise.

Definition at line 1285 of file dynamic_bitset.

template<typename _WordT , typename _Alloc >
bool std::tr2::operator> ( const dynamic_bitset< _WordT, _Alloc > &  __lhs,
const dynamic_bitset< _WordT, _Alloc > &  __rhs 

These comparisons for equality/inequality are, well, bitwise.

Definition at line 1309 of file dynamic_bitset.

template<typename _WordT , typename _Alloc >
bool std::tr2::operator>= ( const dynamic_bitset< _WordT, _Alloc > &  __lhs,
const dynamic_bitset< _WordT, _Alloc > &  __rhs 

These comparisons for equality/inequality are, well, bitwise.

Definition at line 1315 of file dynamic_bitset.

template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _WordT , typename _Alloc >
std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& std::tr2::operator>> ( std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &  __is,
dynamic_bitset< _WordT, _Alloc > &  __x 

Global I/O operators for bitsets.

Direct I/O between streams and bitsets is supported. Output is straightforward. Input will skip whitespace and only accept '0' and '1' characters. The dynamic_bitset will grow as necessary to hold the string of bits.

Definition at line 1383 of file dynamic_bitset.

References std::basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::empty(), std::basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::push_back(), std::basic_ios< _CharT, _Traits >::rdbuf(), std::basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::reserve(), std::tr2::dynamic_bitset< _WordT, _Alloc >::resize(), std::basic_ios< _CharT, _Traits >::setstate(), std::basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::size(), std::tr2::dynamic_bitset< _WordT, _Alloc >::size(), and std::basic_ios< _CharT, _Traits >::widen().

template<typename _WordT , typename _Alloc >
dynamic_bitset<_WordT, _Alloc> std::tr2::operator^ ( const dynamic_bitset< _WordT, _Alloc > &  __x,
const dynamic_bitset< _WordT, _Alloc > &  __y 
) [inline]

Global bitwise operations on bitsets.

__xA bitset.
__yA bitset of the same size as __x.
A new bitset.

These should be self-explanatory.

Definition at line 1352 of file dynamic_bitset.

template<typename _WordT , typename _Alloc >
dynamic_bitset<_WordT, _Alloc> std::tr2::operator| ( const dynamic_bitset< _WordT, _Alloc > &  __x,
const dynamic_bitset< _WordT, _Alloc > &  __y 
) [inline]

Global bitwise operations on bitsets.

__xA bitset.
__yA bitset of the same size as __x.
A new bitset.

These should be self-explanatory.

Definition at line 1342 of file dynamic_bitset.