/trunk Developers: danny.wilson@gmail.com

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Total Commits:
9 (0.0%)
Lines of Code:
1,454 (0.1%)
Most Recent Commit:
2012-08-09 04:56
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Activity by Clock Time

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Activity in Directories

Directory Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 9 (100.0%) 1454 (100.0%) 161.5
src/dr/evomodel/epidemiology/ 8 (88.9%) 1452 (99.9%) 181.5
src/dr/app/beast/ 1 (11.1%) 2 (0.1%) 2.0

Activity of danny.wilson@gmail.com

Most Recent Commits

danny.wilson@gmail.com 2012-08-09 04:56 Rev.: 5119

Submitting classes for epidemiological inference under deterministic SIS and SIR models to dr.evomodel.epidemiology

1454 lines of code changed in 9 files:

  • src/dr/app/beast: development_parsers.properties (+2)
  • src/dr/evomodel/epidemiology: LambertW.java (new 254), LogisticGrowthN0.java (new 147), LogisticGrowthN0Model.java (new 88), LogisticGrowthN0ModelParser.java (new 80), ODEDemographicFunction.java (new 397), SIRepidemic.java (new 282), SIRepidemicModel.java (new 117), SIRepidemicModelParser.java (new 87)
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