Directory src/dr/evomodel/arg/branchratemodel/

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Lines of Code

src/dr/evomodel/arg/branchratemodel/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 6 (100.0%) 477 (100.0%) 79.5
msuchard 1 (16.7%) 307 (64.4%) 307.0
alexei.drummond 3 (50.0%) 168 (35.2%) 56.0
rambaut 2 (33.3%) 2 (0.4%) 1.0

Most Recent Commits

rambaut 2010-06-02 00:12 Rev.: 3207

This update does a number of things. 1) TreeLoggerParser and DemographicLoggerParser were in dr.inferencexml which breaks the dependency rules as they link to things in dr.evomodel. These are now moved to dr.evomodelxml. 2) A dr.evolution.tree.TreeTrait interface is created which is a general purpose interface for access to traits on nodes/branches. BranchAttributeProvider and NodeAttributeProvider will be replaced by this interface in the next update. 3) All BranchRateModels now have a common abstract base class AbstractBranchRateModel to implement their common features (these now implement TreeTrait to provide rates).

2 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • src/dr/evomodel/arg/branchratemodel: (new)
alexei.drummond 2009-07-19 14:30 Rev.: 1873

Parameter -> Variable, Act 2 -- this is probably the biggest change made to core BEAST in a few years. So I tagged revision 1870 for convenience. Parameter is now basically obsoleted and should be replaced by DoubleVariable or Variable<Double> where appropriate. We can now also develop some Variable<Integer> and Variable<Boolean> et cetera so should be nice in the future... I have also added a Variable<double[]> for vectors and matrices. See dr.inference.tutorial.Tutorial1 for a first peek at programmable BEAST MCMC...

8 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • src/dr/evomodel/arg/branchratemodel: (+8 -7)
alexei.drummond 2008-11-27 21:21 Rev.: 1340

Moved ParameterChangeType -> Parameter.ChangeType

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • src/dr/evomodel/arg/branchratemodel: (+1 -2)
alexei.drummond 2008-11-27 13:08 Rev.: 1337

added variable size functionality to Parameter

159 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • src/dr/evomodel/arg/branchratemodel: (+159 -158)
msuchard 2008-08-14 11:09 Rev.: 1126

Port of ARG classes into the trunk. There are some very silly repeats of code (namely: TreeModel and ARGModel should inherit from a base class, ARGTreeLogger is almost indentical to TreeLogger, and CompoundParameter should replace ARGCompoundParameter).

307 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • src/dr/evomodel/arg/branchratemodel: (+307)
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