The synthesis procedure is similar to a best-first search problem, which selects and cuts the patch that has currently the best evaluation according to a heuristic function. Since the approach doesn't necessarily yield the best global solution, an iterative scheme should also be considered to refine the result towards a optimal global function.
Finding an optimal cut has been formulated by a well established
technique of graph cut in graph theory. Image
quilting [28] exploits one-dimensional graph cut,
i.e. each cut only goes one direction, while this method involves a
two-dimensional case, i.e. each cut goes arbitrarily on a 2D plane.
The graph cut algorithm have a worst-case computational complexity
of and an average of
for a graph with
nodes [59].
Three methods for selecting patches are investigated in [59]. The simplest and the fastest method is random placement, which places the entire input image into the output image lattice with a random shift each time. The second method, entire patch matching, finds the best transition of the input image by minimising a normalised SSD of the overlapping area between an input and an output images. The third method, sub-patch matching, searches an input image for the best match that minimises a certain distance function between two patches, which is similar to both the patch-based method [65] and image quilting [28].