Computer Science

NTSYSV(8)                                               NTSYSV(8)

       ntsysv - simple interface for configuring runlevels

       ntsysv [--back] [--level <levels>]

       ntsysv is a simple interface for configuring runlevel ser-
       vices which are also configurable  through  chkconfig.  By
       default,  it  configures the current runlevel. If the user
       would like to configure other runlevels, those levels  can
       be  specified  on  the  command line by listing the levels
       after --levels,  without  any  spaces.  For  example,  the
       option --levels 016 edits runlevels 0, 1, and 6.

       A  service is considered to be started in the runlevel set
       if it is started in any of the runlevels which  are  being

       The  ntsysv  window  normally contains a Cancel button. If
       --back is specified, a Back button appears instead.

       ntsysv returns 0 on success, 2 on error, and 1 if the user
       cancelled (or backed out of) the program.

       chkconfig(8), tksysv(8)

       Erik Troan <>

                         Mon Oct 13 1997                        1

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