Computer Science

CHKCONFIG(8)                                         CHKCONFIG(8)

       chkconfig  -  updates and queries runlevel information for
       system services

       chkconfig --list [name]
       chkconfig --add name
       chkconfig --del name
       chkconfig [--level levels] name <on|off|reset>
       chkconfig [--level levels] name

       chkconfig provides a simple command-line  tool  for  main-
       taining  the  /etc/rc.d  directory  hierarchy by relieving
       system administrators of the task of directly manipulating
       the numerous symbolic links in those directories.

       This  implementation of chkconfig was inspired by the chk-
       config command  present  in  the  IRIX  operating  system.
       Rather  than maintaining configuration information outside
       of the /etc/rc.d hierarchy, however, this version directly
       manages  the symlinks in /etc/rc.d. This leaves all of the
       configuration information  regarding  what  services  init
       starts in a single location.

       chkconfig has five distinct functions: adding new services
       for management, removing services from management, listing
       the current startup information for services, changing the
       startup information for services, and checking the startup
       state of a particular service.

       When  chkconfig  is  run  without any options, it displays
       usage information.  If only a service name  is  given,  it
       checks  to  see if the service is configured to be started
       in the current runlevel. If it is, chkconfig returns true;
       otherwise it returns false. The --level option may be used
       to have chkconfig query  an  alternative  runlevel  rather
       than the current one.

       If one of on, off, or reset is specified after the service
       name, chkconfig changes the startup  information  for  the
       specified service.  The on and off flags cause the service
       to be started or stopped, respectively, in  the  runlevels
       being changed.  The reset flag resets the startup informa-
       tion for the service to whatever is specified in the  init
       script in question.

       By  default,  the on and off options affect only runlevels
       3, 4, and 5, while reset affects  all  of  the  runlevels.
       The  --level option may be used to specify which runlevels
       are affected.

       Note that for every service, each runlevel  has  either  a
       start  script or a stop script.  When switching runlevels,
       init will not re-start  an  already-started  service,  and
       will not re-stop a service that is not running.

       --levels levels
              Specifies  the  run levels an operation should per-
              tain to. It is given as a string of numbers from  0
              to  7. For example, --levels 35 specifies runlevels
              3 and 5.

       --add name

              This option adds a new service  for  management  by
              chkconfig.   When a new service is added, chkconfig
              ensures that the service has either a  start  or  a
              kill  entry  in  every runlevel. If any runlevel is
              missing such an entry, chkconfig creates the appro-
              priate  entry as specified by the default values in
              the init script.

       --del name
              The service is removed from  chkconfig  management,
              and  any  symbolic links in /etc/rc.d which pertain
              to it are removed.

       --list name
              This option lists all of the services which chkcon-
              fig  knows  about,  and whether they are stopped or
              started in each runlevel.  If  name  is  specified,
              information in only display about service name.

       Each service which should be manageable by chkconfig needs
       two or more commented lines added to  its  init.d  script.
       The  first line tells chkconfig what runlevels the service
       should be started in by default, as well as the start  and
       stop  priority  levels.  If  the  service  should  not, by
       default, be started in any runlevels, a - should  be  used
       in  place of the runlevels list.  The second line contains
       a description for the service, and may be extended  across
       multiple lines with backslash continuation.

       For example, random.init has these three lines:
       # chkconfig: 2345 20 80
       # description: Saves and restores system entropy pool for \
       #              higher quality random number generation.
       This says that the random script should be started in lev-
       els 2, 3, 4, and 5, that its start priority should be  20,
       and  that  its  stop priority should be 80.  You should be
       able to figure out what the description says; the \ causes
       the line to be continued.  The extra space in front of the
       line is ignored.

       init(8) ntsysv(8) tksysv(8)

       Erik Troan <>

                          Wed Oct 8 1997                        1

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