Computer Science

MKFS(8)        Linux System Administrator's Manual        MKFS(8)

       mkfs - make a Linux MINIX filesystem

       mkfs  [  -c  | -l filename ] [ -n namelength ] [ -i inode-
       count ] [ -v ] device [ size-in-blocks ]

       mkfs creates a Linux MINIX file-system on a  device  (usu-
       ally a disk partition).

       The device is usually of the following form:

              /dev/hda[1-8] (IDE disk 1)
              /dev/hdb[1-8] (IDE disk 2)
              /dev/sda[1-8] (SCSI disk 1)
              /dev/sdb[1-8] (SCSI disk 2)

       The  size-in-blocks  parameter  is the desired size of the
       file system, in blocks.  This information  can  be  deter-
       mined  from the fdisk(8) or cfdisk(8) program.  If omitted
       it will be determined  automaticaly.   Only  block  counts
       strictly  greater than 10 and strictly less than 65536 are

       -c     Check the device for bad blocks before creating the
              file  system.   If  any  are  found,  the  count is

       -n namelength
              Specify the  maximum  length  of  filenames.   Cur-
              rently,  the  only  allowable values are 14 and 30.
              30 is the default.

       -i inodecount
              Specify the number of inodes for the filesystem.

       -l filename
              Read the bad blocks list from filename.   The  file
              has  one  bad  block number per line.  The count of
              bad blocks read is printed.

       -v     Make a Minix version 2 filesystem.

       The exit code returned by mkfs.minix is one of the follow-

       0      No errors

       8      Operational error

       16     Usage or syntax error

       fsck(8), mkefs(8), efsck(8), reboot(8)

Util-linux 2.6             2 July 1996                          1

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