Computer Science

HALT(8)        Linux System Administrator's Manual        HALT(8)

       halt, reboot, poweroff - stop the system.

       /sbin/halt [-n] [-w] [-d] [-f] [-i] [-p]
       /sbin/reboot [-n] [-w] [-d] [-f] [-i]
       /sbin/poweroff [-n] [-w] [-d] [-f] [-i]

       Halt  notes  that  the system is being brought down in the
       file /var/log/wtmp, and then either tells  the  kernel  to
       halt,  reboot or poweroff the system. If halt or reboot is
       called when the system is not in runlevel 0  or  6,  shut-
       down(8)  will be invoked instead (with the flag -h or -r).

       -n     Don't sync before reboot or halt.

       -w     Don't actually reboot or halt but  only  write  the
              wtmp record (in the /var/log/wtmp file).

       -d     Don't  write  the  wtmp record. The -n flag implies

       -f     Force halt or reboot, don't call shutdown(8).

       -i     Shut down all network interfaces just  before  halt
              or reboot.

       -p     When halting the system, do a poweroff. This is the
              default when halt is called as poweroff.

       If you're not the superuser,  you  will  get  the  message
       `must be superuser'.

       Under  previous  sysvinit releases, reboot and halt should
       never be called directly. From this release  on  halt  and
       reboot invoke shutdown(8) if the system is not in runlevel
       0 or 6.

       Miquel van Smoorenburg,

       shutdown(8), init(1)

                           Feb 24, 1998                         1

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