Computer Science

LOOKBIB(1)                                             LOOKBIB(1)

       lookbib - search bibliographic databases

       lookbib [ -v ] [ -istring ] [ -tn ] filename...

       lookbib  prints a prompt on the standard error (unless the
       standard input is not a terminal), reads from the standard
       input  a  line  containing a set of keywords, searches the
       bibliographic databases filename...  for  references  con-
       taining those keywords, prints any references found on the
       standard output, and repeats this process until the end of
       input.   For  each database filename to be searched, if an
       index filename.i created by  indxbib(1)  exists,  then  it
       will  be  searched  instead; each index can cover multiple

       -v     Print the version number.

              When searching files for  which  no  index  exists,
              ignore  the  contents  of fields whose names are in

       -tn    Only require the first n characters of keys  to  be
              given.  Initially n is 6.

       filename.i  Index files.

       refer(1), lkbib(1), indxbib(1)

Groff Version 1.11         26 June 1995                         1

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