Computer Science

LKBIB(1)                                                 LKBIB(1)

       lkbib - search bibliographic databases

       lkbib [ -v ] [ -ifields ] [ -pfilename ] [ -tn ] key...

       lkbib searches bibliographic databases for references that
       contain the keys key...  and prints any  references  found
       on  the  standard output.  lkbib will search any databases
       given by -p options, and then  a  default  database.   The
       default database is taken from the REFER environment vari-
       able if it is set, otherwise it  is  /usr/dict/papers/Ind.
       For  each  database  filename  to be searched, if an index
       filename.i created by indxbib(1) exists, then it  will  be
       searched instead; each index can cover multiple databases.

       -v     Print the version number.

              Search filename.  Multiple -p options can be  used.

              When  searching  files  for  which no index exists,
              ignore the contents of fields whose  names  are  in

       -tn    Only  require  the first n characters of keys to be
              given.  Initially n is 6.

       REFER  Default database.

       /usr/dict/papers/Ind  Default database to be used  if  the
                             REFER  environment  variable  is not
                             set.  filename.i Index files.

       refer(1), lookbib(1), indxbib(1)

Groff Version 1.11         26 June 1995                         1

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