Computer Science

EDQUOTA(8)                                             EDQUOTA(8)

       edquota - edit user quotas

       /usr/etc/edquota [ -p proto-user ] [ -ug ] name...

       /usr/etc/edquota [ -ug ] -t

       edquota  is  a  quota editor.  One or more users or groups
       may be specified on the command line.  For  each  user  or
       group  a temporary file is created with an ASCII represen-
       tation of the current disk quotas for that user  or  group
       and an editor is then invoked on the file.  The quotas may
       then be modified, new quotas added, etc.  Upon leaving the
       editor,  edquota reads the temporary file and modifies the
       binary quota files to reflect the changes made.

       The editor invoked is vi(1) unless the EDITOR  environment
       variable specifies otherwise.

       Only the super-user may edit quotas.  (In order for quotas
       to be established on a file system, the root directory  of
       the file system must contain a file, owned by root, called
       quota.user or  See quotaon(8) for details.)

       -u     Edit the userquota. This is the default.

       -g     Edit the groupquota.

       -p     Duplicate the quotas of the prototypical user spec-
              ified  for each user specified.  This is the normal
              mechanism used to initialize quotas for  groups  of

       -t     Edit the soft time limits for each file system.  If
              the time limits are zero, the default  time  limits
              in   <linux/quota.h>   are  used.   Time  units  of
              sec(onds), min(utes), hour(s), day(s), week(s), and
              month(s)  are  understood.  Time limits are printed
              in the greatest possible time unit  such  that  the
              value is greater than or equal to one.

       quota.user or
                           quota file at the file system root
       /etc/mtab           mounted file systems

       quota(1),  vi(1),  quotactl(2), quotacheck(8), quotaon(8),

       The format of the temporary file is inscrutable.

                         Tue Jun  8 1993                        1

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