Computer Science

quotacheck(8)                                       quotacheck(8)

       quotacheck - scan a file system for disk usages

       quotacheck [-g] [-u] [-v] -a
       quotacheck [-g] [-u] [-v] filesys ...

       Quotacheck  performs a filesystems scan for usage of files
       and directories, used by either user or group. The  output
       is  the  quota  file  for the corresponding filesystem. By
       default the names for these files are:
       -  A user scan: quota.user
       -  A group scan:

       The resulting file consist of a struct dqblk for each pos-
       sible  id  up  to the highest existing uid or gid and con-
       tains the values for the disk file  and  block  usage  and
       possibly  excess  time for these values. ( for definitions
       of struct dqblk see <linux/quota.h> )

       Quotacheck should be run each time the  system  boots  and
       mounts  non-valid  file  systems.   This is most likely to
       happen after a system crash.

       The speed of the scan decrease with the amount of directo-
       ries  increasing.  The time needed doubles when disk usage
       is doubled as well. A 100 MB partition  used  for  94%  is
       scanned  in  1  minute, the same partition used for 50% is
       done in 25 seconds.

       -v     This way the program will give some usefull  infor-
              mation  about  what  it  is  doing, plus some fancy

       -d     This means debug. It will result in a lot of infor-
              mation  which can be used in debugging the program.
              The output is very verbose and the scan will not be

       -u     This flag tells the program to scan the disk and to
              count the files and directories used by  a  certain
              uid. This is the default action.

       -g     This flag forces the program to count the the files
              and directories used by a certain gid.

       -a     Check all of the quotas for  the  filesystems  men-
              tioned  in  /etc/fstab.  Both user and group quotas
              are  checked  as  indictated  by   the   /etc/fstab

       -R     When  used  in conjunction with -a, all filesystems
              except the root filesystem are checked for  quotas.

       Quotacheck  should  only  be  run as Super User. Non-priv-
       ilidged users are presumably not allowed to read  all  the
       directories on the given file system.

       quota(1),  quotactl(2), fstab(5), quotaon(8), quotaoff(8),
       edquota(8),  repquota(8),  fsck(8),  efsck(8),  e2fsck(8),

       quota.user,, /etc/fstab

       Edvard Tuinder <>
       Marco van Wieringen <>

                          Sat Aug 21 1993                       1

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