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9    Using Configuration Files to Customize Your Windows Environment

You can use DECwindows as it comes packaged, or you can create a personalized environment. Most Motif applications provide built-in ways to change various settings such as colors and fonts. Customization functions are often found on the Options Menu on an application's menu bar. The customization features provided by an application typically are sufficient for most users. The changes you make with an application's option menu are recorded in special resource files.

You can modify these special files to further customize your environment; for example, you can change:

This chapter introduces the basics you need to customize your windows environment by editing the .Xdefaults, Mwm, .mwmrc, and application-specific resource files. It also describes how to switch keyboard styles, in Section 9.3.

After working through this chapter, you may want to learn more about the things you can customize. Refer to the appendixes to this guide, the mwm(1) and X(1) reference pages, the MWM section of the OSF/Motif Programmer's Guide, the X Window System Environment manual, and the X Window System Administrator's Guide.

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9.1    Understanding Resources and Resource Files

An important feature of the X Window System is its flexibility. You can control many aspects of an application's look and feel by using a variable called a resource. You change the behavior or appearance of a program by changing the value associated with a resource variable.

A resource is typically named for the aspect of window appearance or behavior that it controls. For example, the resource name iconBoxTitle is the title displayed at the top of the icon box. Resources can be set for data such as window size and color, graphics contents, and fonts. The resources for each client are listed on its reference page.

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9.1.1    Where Resource Values Are Specified

Resources and values are recorded in special files called resource files. Most applications read these files during startup and use the entries you defined to customize the appearance and characteristics of their windows.

The system default resource values are specified in files in /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults. These files are Mwm, Xdefaults, and application-specific resource files.

When you Save Current Settings with the Session Manager, you create an .Xdefaults file in your home directory. It differs from /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/Xdefaults insofar as you have customized your session as discussed in Chapter 7. Note the prefix period differentiating the names of your own .Xdefaults file from the system defaults file /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/Xdefaults.

When running Session Manager, the values in the file /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/Xdefaults apply to all applications and all users. Values in your ~/.Xdefaults file affect all applications that you run. The values in an application-specific resource file affect only a single application that you run. The values in /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/Xdefaults apply only if you are running Session Manager (dxsession). However, the values in ~/.Xdefaults apply regardless of which session manager you use.

You can also use your .Xdefaults file to customize individual applications by adding to it specifications from application-specific resource files. Another way to customize an individual application is by modifying, in your home directory, a copy of its application-specific resource file.

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9.1.2    Creating the .Xdefaults File

If you select the Save Current Settings menu item from the Session Manager's Options menu, an .Xdefaults file is created in your home directory. You can also create one by copying /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/Xdefaults to ~/.Xdefaults. You can modify, remove, or add to the entries in it to customize your global windows environment.

See Appendix D for a sample .Xdefaults file. Note that comment lines begin with an exclamation point (!).

The .Xdefaults file is simply a list of resource specification strings you enter or modify to customize your windows environment. Each resource specification in an .Xdefaults file has roughly the following format. (The exact format of a resource specification is given in Appendix A of the X Window System Toolkit, P. Asente & R. Swick, Digital Press, Bedford, MA, 1990.)

[name*]resource: value


name Specifies the name or name string representing the application or window component to which the resource assignment should apply. If this argument is not specified, the resource assignment is globally available to all applications.

You must separate names in this string with either an asterisk (*) or a period (.), as follows:

Specifies that the resource definition applies to all window components even if classes or names are omitted in the specification string.

Indicates that the resource definition applies only to the window component named.

resource Specifies the resource (characteristic) you want to modify.
value Specifies the value that is to be assigned to the resource.

Resource names are case sensitive. Most names begin with initial lowercase letters; compound names use initial capital letters to separate names, for example:


When you finish adding resource specifications to your .Xdefaults file, you must load changes into the server to have them take effect. To load changes, take one of the following actions:

By contrast, you do not have to start a new session or run xrdb to effect customizations contained in application-specific resource filesyou merely restart the application.

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9.1.3    Specifying Colors and Fonts

There are two general ways to specify a color when you are customizing your environment:

To specify a color directly, that is, without using a color name, use a three-part hexadecimal number. The three parts of the number specify the intensity of red, green, and blue, respectively.

The number must begin with a number sign (#) and cannot include any spaces. Each of the three parts must use the same number of digits. Here are some examples:

#9047A5    #F0F   #55559999BBBB   #0000FF     #50A070

When using a named color, be sure to type the name exactly as it appears in the file /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt on your system. This list of names is also available in the color widget's Browser color model (see Chapter 4).

Table 9-1 lists some of the window elements you can color. For more information, see the documentation for the client you want to modify.

There are many other ways to specify colors. See the X Window System Administrator's Guide.

Table 9-1: Example Color Resources

To color this element Use this resource
Pointer foreground color DXsession.pointer_foreground:
Session Manager display foreground color DXsession.display_foreground:
Session Manager display background color DXsession.display_background:
xterm window text XTerm*foreground:
xterm window background XTerm*background:
xterm window text cursor XTerm*cursorColor:
xterm window mouse pointer XTerm*pointerColor:
Window frame text Mwm*foreground:
Window frame background Mwm*background:
Top and left window frame bevel Mwm*topShadowColor:
Bottom and right window frame bevel Mwm*bottomShadowColor:
Active window frame text Mwm*activeForeground:
Active window frame background Mwm*activeBackground:
Top and left active window beveling Mwm*topShadowColor:
Bottom and right active window beveling Mwm*bottomShadowColor:

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Suppose you want all your xterm windows to have a blue background, a yellow foreground, and use the fixed font. Follow these steps:

  1. Start your text editor and open the .Xdefaults file in your home directory.

  2. Insert the following lines into the file:

    XTerm*foreground:        yellow
    XTerm*background:        blue
    XTerm*font:              fixed

  3. Save the file.

  4. Load the resources into your display's resource database with the command

    % xrdb -merge .Xdefaults

Start a new terminal window by entering the following command in a terminal window:

% xterm &

The new window's background should be blue and the foreground (text) should be yellow.

The default font sizes in DECterms are chosen to look best when using 100 DPI fonts. If the default fonts are too small or you are using 75 DPI fonts, you can change the fonts by adding the following resource specifications to the DECterm resource file /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/DXterm or the .Xdefaults file in your home directory:

\s-1DXterm.main.terminal.bigFontSetName:    -*-terminal-*-*-*--*-180-*-*-*-*-*-*
DXterm.main.terminal.littleFontSetName: -*-terminal-*-*-*--*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*\s+1

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Suppose you want to start a new terminal window, but want it to have a red background. You can override the settings in your .Xdefaults file by specifying colors on the command line. For example, enter the following command:

% xterm -bg red &

Since you did not specify a foreground color (-fg), the yellow value was read from the .Xdefaults file. To see which options are actually available for a particular client, refer to an application's reference page.

To specify a font on the command line, use the -fn option. For example, the following command creates an xterm window using an 18 point font named Courier:

% xterm -fn "-*-courier-medium-r-normal--18-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" &

The quotation marks surrounding the font name are necessary to prevent your shell from trying to interpret the wildcard font name as a file specification.

For a complete discussion of conventions for font names and font properties, see Part IV of the X Window System: The Complete Reference to Xlib, X Protocol, ICCM, XLFD. The X Window System Administrator's Guide provides detailed information about locating and managing fonts in the X Window System environment.

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9.1.4    Considerations for Setting Resources

Keep the following in mind when customizing resource files:

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9.1.5    Locating Resources

Resources are assigned when the application program creates a window component or by the application's default resource file. Some applications define unique resources for window components. For example:

These resources are named in the individual applications' reference pages and default resource files located in:


Customize these resources by referencing them by name in your .Xdefaults file.

Example 9-1 and Example 9-2 show sample application default-resource files.

Example 9-1: Visual Differences Default-Resource File

*dxdiff*textdisplay*fontList:    fixed
*dxdiff*displayLineNumbers:      True
*dxdiff*drawDiffsAsLines:        False
*dxdiff*displaymenu*borderWidth: 1

Example 9-2: DECterm Default-Resource File

DXterm*terminalMode:            1
DXterm*autoWrapEnable:          on
DXterm*autoResizeTerminal:      on
DXterm*autoResizeWindow:        on

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9.2    Changing Key Definitions

You can use the .Xdefaults file in your home directory to add resource specifications that change the way keys are mapped to text editing commands. Table 9-2 lists the text editing keys you can redefine and describes the preset text editing function for each key.

Table 9-2: Text Editing Keys and Preset Functions

Key Editing Function
-> (right arrow) Moves the cursor one character to the right. In a single-line field, the cursor does not move when positioned at the end of the line. In a multiline field, the cursor moves into the first position of the next line.
<- (left arrow) Moves the cursor one character to the left. In a single-line field, the cursor does not move when positioned at the beginning of the line. In a multiline field, the cursor moves into the last position of the previous line.
(up arrow) In a multiline field, moves the cursor up one line.
(down arrow) In a multiline field, moves the cursor down one line.
F12 Positions the cursor at the beginning of the line.
Shift/F12 Positions the cursor at the end of the line
F13 Deletes characters to the left of the cursor through the beginning of the word, and shifts to the left all text to the right of the deleted characters.
Shift/F13 Deletes the characters to the right of the cursor through the beginning of the word, and shifts to the left all text to the right of the deleted character.
<X] (Delete key) Deletes the character before the cursor and shifts to the left all text to the right of the deleted character.
Shift/<X] In overstrike mode, deletes the character under the cursor and shifts to the left all text to the right of the deleted character.

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9.2.1    Assigning New Text Editing Commands

A translation specification string in your .Xdefaults file assigns a text editing command to a named key or mouse button combination. To assign a new editing command to a named key, use the following syntax:

*Text.translations: key : function


key Specifies the key or mouse button that is used to invoke the named function.
function Specifies the function to be invoked when the named key is pressed.

You can also specify the following mouse buttons in a translation specification string:

Btn1 Left button
Btn2 Middle button
Btn3 Right button

You can assign the following actions to each mouse button:

Down Action is invoked when the button is pressed.
Up Action is invoked when the button is released.
PtrMoved Action is invoked when the mouse button is down and the pointer is moved.

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9.2.2    Example Text Translations

Example 9-3 provides text translation entries you can add to your .Xdefaults file. These resource specifications assign emacs-like key bindings to your keyboard keys when you use the Motif text widget (as, for example, when you edit with the Notepad [dxnotepad] desktop application).

Example 9-3: Sample Text Specifications

Shift<Key>osfDelete:    delete-next-character()\n\
<Key>osfDelete:         delete-previous-character()\n\
Shift<Key>osfRight:     forward-word()\n\
Shift<Key>osfLeft:      backward-word()\n\
<Key>F12:               beginning-of-line()\n\
Shift<Key>F13:          delete-next-word()\n\
<Key>F13:               delete-previous-word()\n\
Ctrl<Key>e:             end-of-line()\n\
Ctrl<Key>j:             delete-previous-word()\n\
Ctrl<Key>h:             beginning-of-line()\n\
Ctrl<Key>r:             redraw-display()\n\
Ctrl<Key>u:             delete-to-start-of-line()\n\
Shift ~Ctrl ~Alt<Btn1Down>:              extend-start()\n\
Shift ~Ctrl ~Alt Button1<PtrMoved>:      extend-adjust()\n\
Shift ~Ctrl ~Alt<Btn1Up>:                extend-end()\n\
Ctrl ~Shift ~Alt<Btn1Down>: grab-focus() set-insertion-point()\n\
Ctrl ~Shift ~Alt Button1<PtrMoved>:      \n\
Ctrl ~Shift ~Alt<Btn1Up>:                \n\
~Shift ~Ctrl ~Alt Button1<PtrMoved>:     extend-adjust()\n\
~Shift ~Ctrl ~Alt<Btn1Up>:               extend-end()\n\
~Shift ~Ctrl ~Alt<Btn3Down>:             stuff()\n\
Ctrl<Key>f:            forward-character()\n\
Ctrl<Key>b:            backward-character()\n\
Alt<Key>f:             forward-word()\n\
Alt<Key>b:             backward-word()\n\
Alt<Key>]:             forward-paragraph()\n\
Ctrl<Key>[:            backward-paragraph()\n\
Ctrl<Key>a:            beginning-of-line()\n\
Ctrl<Key>e:            end-of-line()\n\
Ctrl<Key>n:            next-line()\n\
Ctrl<Key>p:            previous-line()\n\
Ctrl<Key>v:            next-page()\n\
Alt<Key>v:             previous-page()\n\
Alt<Key>\\<:         beginning-of-file()\n\
Alt<Key>\\>:         end-of-file()\n\
Ctrl<Key>z:            scroll-one-line-up()\n\
Alt<Key>z:             scroll-one-line-down()\n\
Ctrl<Key>d:            delete-next-character()\n\
Ctrl<Key>h:            delete-previous-character()\n\
~Shift Alt<Key>d:      delete-next-word()\n\
~Shift Alt<Key>h:      delete-previous-word()\n\
Ctrl<Key>w:            kill-selection()\n\
Ctrl<Key>y:            unkill()\n\
Alt<Key>y:             stuff()\n\
Ctrl<Key>j:            newline-and-indent()\n\
Ctrl<Key>o:            newline-and-backup()\n\
Ctrl<Key>m:            newline()\n\
Ctrl<Key>l:            redraw-display()\n\
Ctrl<Key>k:            kill-to-end-of-line()\n\
Any<Key>:              self-insert()

Table 9-3 summarizes the functions you can assign to keys and describes the text-editing action for each.

Table 9-3: Text Functions

Function Description
forward-character Moves the cursor forward one character.
backward-character Moves the cursor backward one character.
forward-word Moves the cursor forward one word.
backward-word Moves the cursor backward one word.
forward-paragraph Moves the cursor forward one paragraph.
backward-paragraph Move backward one paragraph.
delete-next-character Deletes the character after the insertion point.
delete-previous-character Deletes the character before the insertion point.
delete-next-word Deletes the word after the insertion point.
delete-previous-word Deletes the word before the insertion point.
delete-next-line Deletes the line after the insertion point.
delete-previous-line Deletes the line before the insertion point.
delete-selection Deletes the selection.
insert-file Inserts a file into the text.
kill-next-word Kills the word after the insertion point.
kill-to-end-of-line Kills the characters after the insertion point to the end of the line.
kill-selection Kills the selection.
newline-and-indent Moves the cursor to the next new line and indent.
newline-and-backup Moves the cursor to the beginning of the previous line.
next-page Moves the cursor to the next screenful of text.
previous-page Moves the cursor to the previous screenful of text.
select-all Selects all the text.
select-word Selects the word the insertion point is in.
stuff Inserts the text that was last selected in any window.
unkill Inserts the text that was last deleted.

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9.3    Changing Keyboards

Several Digital workstations come with Personal Computer (PC) style keyboards. Currently, these keyboards have one of the following model numbers, although more models may be produced in the future:

Other Digital workstations come with keyboards such as the LK201 or LK401.

The two styles of keyboards differ both in the functions assigned to certain keys and in the number of function keys. For example, the PC-style keyboards have only 12 function keys (F1 through F12); the LK201/LK401 keyboards have 20 function keys (F1 through F14, Help, Do, and F17 through F20).

DIGITAL UNIX provides a script that automatically performs mappings to allow you to switch keyboard styles. This script, /usr/examples/pc_to_lk_keys.sh, uses the xmodmap utility to edit the keyboard modifier map and keysym table. (For details about the utility, see the xmodmap(1X) reference page.)

If you have a PC-style keyboard, you can run the script to map most of the keys on the two keypads to the right of the main keyboard, as well as a few keys in the top function key row, to the corresponding keys on the LK201/LK401 keyboards. For example, by running the script, you change the function of the keypad Insert key on the PC-style keyboard to perform the keypad Find function from the LK201/LK401 keyboards.

Similarly, if you have an LK201/LK401 style keyboard, you can run the same script, this time with the -u option flag, to map the keypad keys to the corresponding PC-style keys.

A copy of the script is located in the following file on your DIGITAL UNIX system: /usr/examples/pc_to_lk_keys.sh

To run the script, at the system prompt enter the name of the file as if you were entering a command. The first command line in the following example changes PC-style keys to LK201/LK401 keys. The second command line changes LK201/LK401 keys to PC-style keys.

% /usr/examples/pc_to_lk_keys.sh
% /usr/examples/pc_to_lk_keys.sh -u

To have the script run automatically each time you log on to your workstation, use an editor to create or modify the .xsession file in your home directory to read as follows :


This change PC-style keys to LK201/LK401 keys. The same .xsession file, but with -u added to the end of the second line, changes LK201/LK401 keys to PC-style keys.

Now, whenever you log in, your keyboard is automatically set to the different keyboard style.

Table 9-4 shows the keys on the LK201/LK401 keyboard and their corresponding equivalents on the Digital PC-style keyboard.

Table 9-4: LK201/LK401 Key Functions and Their PC-Style Equivalents

Key on the LK201/LK401 Keyboards Equivalent Key or Function on a PC-Style Keyboard
Help Print Screen
Do/Menu Scroll Lock
Insert Home
Find Insert
Remove Page Up
Next Page Down
Select Delete
Prev End
Keypad 0 Ins, Keypad 0
Keypad 1 End, Keypad 1
Keypad 2 down arrow, Keypad 2
Keypad 3 PgDn, Keypad 3
Keypad 4 left arrow, Keypad 4
Keypad 5 Keypad 5
Keypad 6 right arrow, Keypad 6
Keypad 7 home, Keypad 7
Keypad 8 up arrow, Keypad 8
Keypad 9 PgUp, Keypad 9
Keypad . (period) Keypad Del
Keypad - Keypad + (addition)
Keypad , no equivalent PC-style keypad key
Keypad Enter Keypad Enter
PF1 Num Lock
PF2 Keypad / (division)
PF3 Keypad * (multiplication)
PF4 Keypad - (subtraction)

Note that the Digital PC-style keyboard has a key labeled <- in the position where the key marked <X] is located on the LK201/LK401 keyboard. On both styles of keyboard, this key deletes the character to the left of the cursor when pressed. On the PC-style keyboard, you can use the Delete key on the near keypad to delete the character that the block cursor is on or the character to the left of the line cursor.

In keyboard mappings, the <- and <X] keys perform the backspace function. The Delete key on the PC-style keyboards performs the delete function.

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9.4    Customizing the Motif Window Manager (mwm)

To customize the Motif window manager (mwm), modify a special file called .mwmrc or set resources in the Mwm file in your home directory.

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9.4.1    Setting Window Manager Resources

The Mwm file contains resource settings for window manager items such as border, menu, and icon colors; focus policy; use of an icon box; icon placement and size; and menu bindings. The mwm first searches your home directory for the Mwm file, then searches for it in /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults.

Place all mwm resources in the Mwm resource file. For new resources to take effect, select Restart from the Workspace menu to restart mwm.


For monochrome monitors, mwm overrides the color resources defined in Mwm with those defined in /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/Mwm_bw and /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/Mwm_gray.

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9.4.2    Customizing Window Manager Behavior

Default operation of mwm is controlled by the systemwide file named /usr/lib/X11/system.mwmrc. This file establishes the contents of the Workspace (root) and Window menus, and what key and button combinations you use to invoke menu functions and manage windows.

The file .mwmrc defines:

See Appendix D for a listing of specific appearance and behaviors you can change.

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9.4.3    Customizing the Workspace Menu

This section describes how to make a personal copy of .mwmrc to add a Workspace submenu called "Clients" that contains some of the more frequently used X Consortium clients. Appendix D contains a sample file you can use for a reference.

  1. Copy the file system.mwmrc to your home directory with the following command:

    % cp /usr/lib/X11/system.mwmrc .mwmrc

  2. Edit the .mwmrc file. Look for the following text:

    Menu RootMenu { "Workspace" f.title "Shuffle Up" _U f.circle_up "Shuffle Down" _D f.circle_down "Next Window" _N f.next_key "Previous Window" _v f.prev_key no-label f.separator "Pack Icons" _P f.pack_icons "Options" _O f.menu MwmCustomizeMenu no-label f.separator "Restart..." _R f.restart "Help" _H f.menu MwmHelpMenu }

    After the line that begins with "Help" (and before the close brace), insert the following line to add a menu item called Clients to your Workspace menu:

             "Clients"        _C       f.menu   MyClientsMenu

    After the close brace, enter the following text to create the new Clients menu. Note the f.exec function is used to call each client.

    Menu   MyClientsMenu
        "Clients Menu"      f.title
        "Start Clock"       f.exec "xclock &"
        "Start Load"        f.exec "xload &"
        "Start Calc"        f.exec "xcalc &"
        "Start xbiff"       f.exec "xbiff &"

    When you are done, double-check your typing and then save the file.

The changes you made to .mwmrc are not read by the window manager until it is restarted. Select the Restart menu item in the Workspace menu to restart the window manager.