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H    Host Resources MIB Implementation

The Digital UNIX Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) agent implements the Host Resources MIB as described in RFC 1514. Although the RFC describes conceptual objects for management of host systems, it describes them in very general terms.

This appendix describes the Digital UNIX Host MIB implementation, including each group or table defined in RFC 1514 (with sample data). The formatting of SNMP data is specific to the implementation of an application. Digital currently does not ship an application that presents SNMP data in this manner with Digital UNIX.

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H.1    Digital UNIX Implementation Summary

The basic Digital UNIX implementation of RFC 1514 is as follows:

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H.2    The System Group

The System Group object implementation notes are as follows:

The following are sample data:

{hrSystemUptime.0                , TimeTicks, 0d 23:00:20.00}
{hrSystemDate.0                  , OCTET STRING, 1995-11-28,15:31:52.01}
{hrSystemInitialLoadParameters.0 , OCTET STRING, vmunix}
{hrSystemNumUsers.0              , Gauge, 0}
{hrSystemProcesses.0             , Gauge, 20}
{hrSystemMaxProcesses.0          , INTEGER, 1024}

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H.3    The Storage Group

Digital UNIX represents three types of logical storage: swap space, kernel memory, and file systems. The Storage Group object implementation is as follows:

See Section H.5 for information on the file system implementation.

The following are sample storage group data:

{hrStorageIndex.1               , INTEGER, 1}
{hrStorageType.1                , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, hrStorageRam}
{hrStorageDescr.1               , OCTET STRING, Total Kernel Memory}
{hrStorageAllocationUnits.1     , INTEGER, 1024}
{hrStorageSize.1                , INTEGER, 2088960}
{hrStorageUsed.1                , INTEGER, 261112}
{hrStorageAllocationFailures.1  , Counter, 0}
{hrStorageIndex.2               , INTEGER, 2}
{hrStorageType.2                , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, hrStorageVirtualMemory}
{hrStorageDescr.2               , OCTET STRING, Total Swap Space}
{hrStorageAllocationUnits.2     , INTEGER, 1024}
{hrStorageSize.2                , INTEGER, 200704}
{hrStorageUsed.2                , INTEGER, 11920}
{hrStorageAllocationFailures.2  , Counter, 0}
{hrStorageIndex.3               , INTEGER, 3}
{hrStorageType.3                , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, hrStorageRam}
{hrStorageDescr.3               , OCTET STRING, MBUF}
{hrStorageAllocationUnits.3     , INTEGER, 1}
{hrStorageSize.3                , INTEGER, 0}
{hrStorageUsed.3                , INTEGER, 4096}
{hrStorageAllocationFailures.3  , Counter, 0}
{hrStorageIndex.4               , INTEGER, 4}
{hrStorageType.4                , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, hrStorageRam}
{hrStorageDescr.4               , OCTET STRING, MCLUSTER}
{hrStorageAllocationUnits.4     , INTEGER, 1}
{hrStorageSize.4                , INTEGER, 0}
{hrStorageUsed.4                , INTEGER, 32768}
{hrStorageAllocationFailures.4  , Counter, 0}

{hrStorageIndex.99 , INTEGER, 99} {hrStorageType.99 , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, hrStorageOther} {hrStorageDescr.99 , OCTET STRING, /} {hrStorageAllocationUnits.99 , INTEGER, 1024} {hrStorageSize.99 , INTEGER, 63167} {hrStorageUsed.99 , INTEGER, 46098} {hrStorageAllocationFailures.99 , Counter, 0} {hrStorageIndex.100 , INTEGER, 100} {hrStorageType.100 , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, hrStorageOther} {hrStorageDescr.100 , OCTET STRING, /proc} {hrStorageAllocationUnits.100 , INTEGER, 8192} {hrStorageSize.100 , INTEGER, 0} {hrStorageUsed.100 , INTEGER, 0} {hrStorageAllocationFailures.100, Counter, 0} {hrStorageIndex.101 , INTEGER, 101} {hrStorageType.101 , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, hrStorageOther} {hrStorageDescr.101 , OCTET STRING, /usr} {hrStorageAllocationUnits.101 , INTEGER, 1024} {hrStorageSize.101 , INTEGER, 866102} {hrStorageUsed.101 , INTEGER, 596323} {hrStorageAllocationFailures.101, Counter, 0}

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H.4    The Device Tables

The Digital UNIX implementation supports CPUs, network interfaces, and disks in the device-related tables; printers are not supported. The CPU support is as follows:

The disk support is as follows:

The network device support is as follows:

The following are sample device table data:

{hrDeviceIndex.1                , INTEGER, 1}
{hrDeviceType.1                 , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, hrDeviceProcessor}
{hrDeviceDescr.1                , OCTET STRING, Digital 2100 Server Model A500MP}
{hrDeviceID.1                   , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, 0.0}
{hrDeviceStatus.1               , INTEGER, running}
{hrDeviceErrors.1               , Counter, 0}
{hrDeviceIndex.2                , INTEGER, 2}
{hrDeviceType.2                 , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, hrDeviceProcessor}
{hrDeviceDescr.2                , OCTET STRING, Digital 2100 Server Model A500MP}
{hrDeviceID.2                   , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, 0.0}
{hrDeviceStatus.2               , INTEGER, running}
{hrDeviceErrors.2               , Counter, 0}
{hrDeviceIndex.3                , INTEGER, 3}
{hrDeviceType.3                 , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, hrDeviceProcessor}
{hrDeviceDescr.3                , OCTET STRING, Digital 2100 Server Model A500MP}
{hrDeviceID.3                   , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, 0.0}
{hrDeviceStatus.3               , INTEGER, running}
{hrDeviceErrors.3               , Counter, 0}
{hrDeviceIndex.4                , INTEGER, 4}
{hrDeviceType.4                 , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, hrDeviceProcessor}
{hrDeviceDescr.4                , OCTET STRING, Digital 2100 Server Model A500MP}
{hrDeviceID.4                   , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, 0.0}
{hrDeviceStatus.4               , INTEGER, running}
{hrDeviceErrors.4               , Counter, 0}
{hrDeviceIndex.5                , INTEGER, 5}
{hrDeviceType.5                 , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, hrDeviceNetwork}
{hrDeviceDescr.5                , OCTET STRING, tu0 - DEC TULIP Ethernet Interface}
{hrDeviceID.5                   , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, 0.0}
{hrDeviceStatus.5               , INTEGER, running}
{hrDeviceErrors.5               , Counter, 9}
{hrDeviceIndex.6                , INTEGER, 6}
{hrDeviceType.6                 , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, hrDeviceNetwork}
{hrDeviceDescr.6                , OCTET STRING, tra0 - DEC DW300 Token Ring Interface}
{hrDeviceID.6                   , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, 0.0}
{hrDeviceStatus.6               , INTEGER, down}
{hrDeviceErrors.6               , Counter, 0}
{hrDeviceIndex.7                , INTEGER, 7}
{hrDeviceType.7                 , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, hrDeviceNetwork}
{hrDeviceDescr.7                , OCTET STRING, ln0 - DEC LANCE Ethernet Interface}
{hrDeviceID.7                   , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, 0.0}
{hrDeviceStatus.7               , INTEGER, running}
{hrDeviceErrors.7               , Counter, 40}
{hrDeviceIndex.8                , INTEGER, 8}
{hrDeviceType.8                 , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, hrDeviceNetwork}
{hrDeviceDescr.8                , OCTET STRING, sl0 - Serial Line Interface}
{hrDeviceID.8                   , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, 0.0}
{hrDeviceStatus.8               , INTEGER, down}
{hrDeviceErrors.8               , Counter, 0}
{hrDeviceIndex.9                , INTEGER, 9}
{hrDeviceType.9                 , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, hrDeviceNetwork}
{hrDeviceDescr.9                , OCTET STRING, lo0 - Local Loopback Interface.}
{hrDeviceID.9                   , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, 0.0}
{hrDeviceStatus.9               , INTEGER, unknown}
{hrDeviceErrors.9               , Counter, 0}
{hrDeviceIndex.10               , INTEGER, 10}
{hrDeviceType.10                , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, hrDeviceNetwork}
{hrDeviceDescr.10               , OCTET STRING, ppp0 - 2.2}
{hrDeviceID.10                  , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, 0.0}
{hrDeviceStatus.10              , INTEGER, down}
{hrDeviceErrors.10              , Counter, 0}
{hrDeviceIndex.11               , INTEGER, 11}
{hrDeviceType.11                , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, hrDeviceDiskStorage}
{hrDeviceDescr.11               , OCTET STRING, /dev/rz0 - SCSI RZ28}
{hrDeviceID.11                  , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, 0.0}
{hrDeviceStatus.11              , INTEGER, running}
{hrDeviceErrors.11              , Counter, 0}
{hrDeviceIndex.12               , INTEGER, 12}
{hrDeviceType.12                , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, hrDeviceDiskStorage}
{hrDeviceDescr.12               , OCTET STRING, /dev/rz1 - SCSI RZ28}
{hrDeviceID.12                  , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, 0.0}
{hrDeviceStatus.12              , INTEGER, running}
{hrDeviceErrors.12              , Counter, 0}
{hrDeviceIndex.13               , INTEGER, 13}
{hrDeviceType.13                , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, hrDeviceDiskStorage}
{hrDeviceDescr.13               , OCTET STRING, /dev/rz6 - SCSI RRD43}
{hrDeviceID.13                  , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, 0.0}
{hrDeviceStatus.13              , INTEGER, down}
{hrDeviceErrors.13              , Counter, 0}
{hrProcessorFrwID.1             , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, 0.0}
{hrProcessorLoad.1              , INTEGER, 4}
{hrProcessorFrwID.2             , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, 0.0}
{hrProcessorLoad.2              , INTEGER, 0}
{hrProcessorFrwID.3             , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, 0.0}
{hrProcessorLoad.3              , INTEGER, 10}
{hrProcessorFrwID.4             , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, 0.0}
{hrProcessorLoad.4              , INTEGER, 19}
{hrDiskStorageAccess.11         , INTEGER, readWrite}
{hrDiskStorageMedia.11          , INTEGER, unknown}
{hrDiskStorageRemoveble.11      , INTEGER, false}
{hrDiskStorageCapacity.11       , INTEGER, 2055240}
{hrDiskStorageAccess.12         , INTEGER, readWrite}
{hrDiskStorageMedia.12          , INTEGER, unknown}
{hrDiskStorageRemoveble.12      , INTEGER, false}
{hrDiskStorageCapacity.12       , INTEGER, 2055240}
{hrDiskStorageAccess.13         , INTEGER, readWrite}
{hrDiskStorageMedia.13          , INTEGER, unknown}
{hrDiskStorageRemoveble.13      , INTEGER, false}
{hrDiskStorageCapacity.13       , INTEGER, 0}
{hrPartitionIndex.11.1          , INTEGER, 1}
{hrPartitionLabel.11.1          , OCTET STRING, /dev/rz0a}
{hrPartitionID.11.1             , OCTET STRING, }
{hrPartitionSize.11.1           , INTEGER, 65536}
{hrPartitionFSIndex.11.1        , INTEGER, 1}
{hrPartitionIndex.11.2          , INTEGER, 2}
{hrPartitionLabel.11.2          , OCTET STRING, /dev/rz0b}
{hrPartitionID.11.2             , OCTET STRING, }
{hrPartitionSize.11.2           , INTEGER, 200704}
{hrPartitionFSIndex.11.2        , INTEGER, 0}
{hrPartitionIndex.11.3          , INTEGER, 3}
{hrPartitionLabel.11.3          , OCTET STRING, /dev/rz0c}
{hrPartitionID.11.3             , OCTET STRING, }
{hrPartitionSize.11.3           , INTEGER, 2055240}
{hrPartitionFSIndex.11.3        , INTEGER, 0}
{hrPartitionIndex.11.4          , INTEGER, 4}
{hrPartitionLabel.11.4          , OCTET STRING, /dev/rz0d}
{hrPartitionID.11.4             , OCTET STRING, }
{hrPartitionSize.11.4           , INTEGER, 595968}
{hrPartitionFSIndex.11.4        , INTEGER, 0}
{hrPartitionIndex.11.5          , INTEGER, 5}
{hrPartitionLabel.11.5          , OCTET STRING, /dev/rz0e}
{hrPartitionID.11.5             , OCTET STRING, }
{hrPartitionSize.11.5           , INTEGER, 595968}
{hrPartitionFSIndex.11.5        , INTEGER, 0}
{hrPartitionIndex.11.6          , INTEGER, 6}
{hrPartitionLabel.11.6          , OCTET STRING, /dev/rz0f}
{hrPartitionID.11.6             , OCTET STRING, }
{hrPartitionSize.11.6           , INTEGER, 597064}
{hrPartitionFSIndex.11.6        , INTEGER, 0}
{hrPartitionIndex.11.7          , INTEGER, 7}
{hrPartitionLabel.11.7          , OCTET STRING, /dev/rz0g}
{hrPartitionID.11.7             , OCTET STRING, }
{hrPartitionSize.11.7           , INTEGER, 893952}
{hrPartitionFSIndex.11.7        , INTEGER, 3}
{hrPartitionIndex.11.8          , INTEGER, 8}
{hrPartitionLabel.11.8          , OCTET STRING, /dev/rz0h}
{hrPartitionID.11.8             , OCTET STRING, }
{hrPartitionSize.11.8           , INTEGER, 895048}
{hrPartitionFSIndex.11.8        , INTEGER, 0}
{hrPartitionIndex.12.1          , INTEGER, 1}
{hrPartitionLabel.12.1          , OCTET STRING, /dev/rz1a}
{hrPartitionID.12.1             , OCTET STRING, }
{hrPartitionSize.12.1           , INTEGER, 65536}
{hrPartitionFSIndex.12.1        , INTEGER, 0}
{hrPartitionIndex.12.2          , INTEGER, 2}
{hrPartitionLabel.12.2          , OCTET STRING, /dev/rz1b}
{hrPartitionID.12.2             , OCTET STRING, }
{hrPartitionSize.12.2           , INTEGER, 200704}
{hrPartitionFSIndex.12.2        , INTEGER, 0}
{hrPartitionIndex.12.3          , INTEGER, 3}
{hrPartitionLabel.12.3          , OCTET STRING, /dev/rz1c}
{hrPartitionID.12.3             , OCTET STRING, }
{hrPartitionSize.12.3           , INTEGER, 2055240}
{hrPartitionFSIndex.12.3        , INTEGER, 0}
{hrPartitionIndex.12.4          , INTEGER, 4}
{hrPartitionLabel.12.4          , OCTET STRING, /dev/rz1d}
{hrPartitionID.12.4             , OCTET STRING, }
{hrPartitionSize.12.4           , INTEGER, 595968}
{hrPartitionFSIndex.12.4        , INTEGER, 0}
{hrPartitionIndex.12.5          , INTEGER, 5}
{hrPartitionLabel.12.5          , OCTET STRING, /dev/rz1e}
{hrPartitionID.12.5             , OCTET STRING, }
{hrPartitionSize.12.5           , INTEGER, 595968}
{hrPartitionFSIndex.12.5        , INTEGER, 0}
{hrPartitionIndex.12.6          , INTEGER, 6}
{hrPartitionLabel.12.6          , OCTET STRING, /dev/rz1f}
{hrPartitionID.12.6             , OCTET STRING, }
{hrPartitionSize.12.6           , INTEGER, 597064}
{hrPartitionFSIndex.12.6        , INTEGER, 0}
{hrPartitionIndex.12.7          , INTEGER, 7}
{hrPartitionLabel.12.7          , OCTET STRING, /dev/rz1g}
{hrPartitionID.12.7             , OCTET STRING, }
{hrPartitionSize.12.7           , INTEGER, 893952}
{hrPartitionFSIndex.12.7        , INTEGER, 0}
{hrPartitionIndex.12.8          , INTEGER, 8}
{hrPartitionLabel.12.8          , OCTET STRING, /dev/rz1h}
{hrPartitionID.12.8             , OCTET STRING, }
{hrPartitionSize.12.8           , INTEGER, 895048}
{hrPartitionFSIndex.12.8        , INTEGER, 0}
{hrNetworkIfIndex.5             , INTEGER, 1}
{hrNetworkIfIndex.6             , INTEGER, 2}
{hrNetworkIfIndex.7             , INTEGER, 3}
{hrNetworkIfIndex.8             , INTEGER, 4}
{hrNetworkIfIndex.9             , INTEGER, 5}
{hrNetworkIfIndex.10            , INTEGER, 6}

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H.5    The File System Table

The File System Table implementation is as follows:

The following are sample file system table data:

{hrFSIndex.1                    , INTEGER, 1}
{hrFSMountPoint.1               , OCTET STRING, /}
{hrFSRemoteMountPoint.1         , OCTET STRING, }
{hrFSType.1                     , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, hrFSBerkeleyFFS}
{hrFSAccess.1                   , INTEGER, readWrite}
{hrFSBootable.1                 , INTEGER, false}
{hrFSStorageIndex.1             , INTEGER, 99}
{hrFSLastFullBackupDate.1       , OCTET STRING, 0-1-1,0:0:0.0}
{hrFSLastPartialBackupDate.1    , OCTET STRING, 0-1-1,0:0:0.0}
{hrFSIndex.2                    , INTEGER, 2}
{hrFSMountPoint.2               , OCTET STRING, /proc}
{hrFSRemoteMountPoint.2         , OCTET STRING, }
{hrFSType.2                     , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, hrFSOther}
{hrFSAccess.2                   , INTEGER, readWrite}
{hrFSBootable.2                 , INTEGER, false}
{hrFSStorageIndex.2             , INTEGER, 100}
{hrFSLastFullBackupDate.2       , OCTET STRING, 0-1-1,0:0:0.0}
{hrFSLastPartialBackupDate.2    , OCTET STRING, 0-1-1,0:0:0.0}
{hrFSIndex.3                    , INTEGER, 3}
{hrFSMountPoint.3               , OCTET STRING, /usr}
{hrFSRemoteMountPoint.3         , OCTET STRING, }
{hrFSType.3                     , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, hrFSBerkeleyFFS}
{hrFSAccess.3                   , INTEGER, readWrite}
{hrFSBootable.3                 , INTEGER, false}
{hrFSStorageIndex.3             , INTEGER, 101}
{hrFSLastFullBackupDate.3       , OCTET STRING, 0-1-1,0:0:0.0}
{hrFSLastPartialBackupDate.3    , OCTET STRING, 0-1-1,0:0:0.0}
{hrFSIndex.4                    , INTEGER, 4}
{hrFSMountPoint.4               , OCTET STRING, /tools}
{hrFSRemoteMountPoint.4         , OCTET STRING, /tools@tools}
{hrFSType.4                     , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, hrFSNFS}
{hrFSAccess.4                   , INTEGER, readWrite}
{hrFSBootable.4                 , INTEGER, false}
{hrFSStorageIndex.4             , INTEGER, 0}
{hrFSLastFullBackupDate.4       , OCTET STRING, 0-1-1,0:0:0.0}
{hrFSLastPartialBackupDate.4    , OCTET STRING, 0-1-1,0:0:0.0}

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H.6    The Running Software Tables

The Running Software Table implementation is as follows:

The following are sample running software table data:

{hrSWRunIndex.0                 , INTEGER, 0}
{hrSWRunName.0                  , OCTET STRING, }
{hrSWRunID.0                    , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, 0.0}
{hrSWRunPath.0                  , OCTET STRING, }
{hrSWRunParameters.0            , OCTET STRING, }
{hrSWRunType.0                  , INTEGER, unknown}
{hrSWRunStatus.0                , INTEGER, running}
{hrSWRunIndex.1                 , INTEGER, 1}
{hrSWRunName.1                  , OCTET STRING, }
{hrSWRunID.1                    , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, 0.0}
{hrSWRunPath.1                  , OCTET STRING, /sbin/init}
{hrSWRunParameters.1            , OCTET STRING,  -a}
{hrSWRunType.1                  , INTEGER, unknown}
{hrSWRunStatus.1                , INTEGER, notRunnable}
{hrSWRunIndex.3                 , INTEGER, 3}
{hrSWRunName.3                  , OCTET STRING, }
{hrSWRunID.3                    , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, 0.0}
{hrSWRunPath.3                  , OCTET STRING, /sbin/kloadsrv}
{hrSWRunParameters.3            , OCTET STRING, }
{hrSWRunType.3                  , INTEGER, unknown}
{hrSWRunStatus.3                , INTEGER, notRunnable}
{hrSWRunIndex.16                , INTEGER, 16}
{hrSWRunName.16                 , OCTET STRING, }
{hrSWRunID.16                   , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, 0.0}
{hrSWRunPath.16                 , OCTET STRING, /sbin/update}
{hrSWRunParameters.16           , OCTET STRING, }
{hrSWRunType.16                 , INTEGER, unknown}
{hrSWRunStatus.16               , INTEGER, notRunnable}

{hrSWRunIndex.142 , INTEGER, 142} {hrSWRunName.142 , OCTET STRING, } {hrSWRunID.142 , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, 0.0} {hrSWRunPath.142 , OCTET STRING, /usr/sbin/routed} {hrSWRunParameters.142 , OCTET STRING, -q} {hrSWRunType.142 , INTEGER, unknown} {hrSWRunStatus.142 , INTEGER, notRunnable} {hrSWRunIndex.228 , INTEGER, 228} {hrSWRunName.228 , OCTET STRING, } {hrSWRunID.228 , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, 0.0} {hrSWRunPath.228 , OCTET STRING, /usr/sbin/nfsiod} {hrSWRunParameters.228 , OCTET STRING, 7} {hrSWRunType.228 , INTEGER, unknown} {hrSWRunStatus.228 , INTEGER, notRunnable} {hrSWRunIndex.394 , INTEGER, 394} {hrSWRunName.394 , OCTET STRING, } {hrSWRunID.394 , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, 0.0} {hrSWRunPath.394 , OCTET STRING, /usr/dt/bin/dtlogin} {hrSWRunParameters.394 , OCTET STRING, -daemon} {hrSWRunType.394 , INTEGER, unknown} {hrSWRunStatus.394 , INTEGER, notRunnable} {hrSWRunIndex.395 , INTEGER, 395} {hrSWRunName.395 , OCTET STRING, } {hrSWRunID.395 , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, 0.0} {hrSWRunPath.395 , OCTET STRING, /usr/sbin/getty} {hrSWRunParameters.395 , OCTET STRING, console console vt100} {hrSWRunType.395 , INTEGER, unknown} {hrSWRunStatus.395 , INTEGER, notRunnable} {hrSWRunIndex.396 , INTEGER, 396} {hrSWRunName.396 , OCTET STRING, } {hrSWRunID.396 , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, 0.0} {hrSWRunPath.396 , OCTET STRING, /usr/bin/X11/X} {hrSWRunParameters.396 , OCTET STRING, :0 -auth /var/dt/A:0-aaamka} {hrSWRunType.396 , INTEGER, unknown} {hrSWRunStatus.396 , INTEGER, notRunnable} {hrSWRunIndex.397 , INTEGER, 397} {hrSWRunName.397 , OCTET STRING, } {hrSWRunID.397 , OBJECT IDENTIFIER, 0.0} {hrSWRunPath.397 , OCTET STRING, dtlogin} {hrSWRunParameters.397 , OCTET STRING, <:0> -daemon} {hrSWRunType.397 , INTEGER, unknown} {hrSWRunStatus.397 , INTEGER, notRunnable}
{hrSWRunPerfCPU.0 , INTEGER, 9288} {hrSWRunPerfMem.0 , INTEGER, 10024} {hrSWRunPerfCPU.1 , INTEGER, 34} {hrSWRunPerfMem.1 , INTEGER, 64} {hrSWRunPerfCPU.3 , INTEGER, 17} {hrSWRunPerfMem.3 , INTEGER, 2000} {hrSWRunPerfCPU.16 , INTEGER, 4476} {hrSWRunPerfMem.16 , INTEGER, 88}
{hrSWRunPerfCPU.142 , INTEGER, 891} {hrSWRunPerfMem.142 , INTEGER, 112} {hrSWRunPerfCPU.228 , INTEGER, 0} {hrSWRunPerfMem.228 , INTEGER, 56} {hrSWRunPerfCPU.394 , INTEGER, 51} {hrSWRunPerfMem.394 , INTEGER, 264} {hrSWRunPerfCPU.395 , INTEGER, 7} {hrSWRunPerfMem.395 , INTEGER, 80} {hrSWRunPerfCPU.396 , INTEGER, 4329} {hrSWRunPerfMem.396 , INTEGER, 2648} {hrSWRunPerfCPU.397 , INTEGER, 8} {hrSWRunPerfMem.397 , INTEGER, 232}