Uses of Class

Packages that use URLName

Uses of URLName in javax.mail

Fields in javax.mail declared as URLName
protected  URLName Service.url
          The URLName of this service.

Methods in javax.mail that return URLName
 URLName Folder.getURLName()
          Return a URLName representing this folder.
 URLName Service.getURLName()
          Return a URLName representing this service.

Methods in javax.mail with parameters of type URLName
protected  void Service.setURLName(URLName url)
          Set the URLName representing this service.
 Store Session.getStore(URLName url)
          Get a Store object for the given URLName.
 Folder Session.getFolder(URLName url)
          Get a closed Folder object for the given URLName.
 Transport Session.getTransport(URLName url)
          Get a Transport object for the given URLName.
 void Session.setPasswordAuthentication(URLName url, PasswordAuthentication pw)
          Save a PasswordAuthentication for this (store or transport) URLName.
 PasswordAuthentication Session.getPasswordAuthentication(URLName url)
          Return any saved PasswordAuthentication for this (store or transport) URLName.
abstract  Folder Store.getFolder(URLName url)
          Return a closed Folder object, corresponding to the given URLName.

Constructors in javax.mail with parameters of type URLName
Service.Service(Session session, URLName urlname)
Store.Store(Session session, URLName urlname)
Transport.Transport(Session session, URLName urlname)