Uses of Class

Packages that use Store

Uses of Store in javax.mail

Fields in javax.mail declared as Store
protected  Store
          The parent store.

Methods in javax.mail that return Store
 Store StoreClosedException.getStore()
          Returns the dead Store object
 Store Folder.getStore()
          Returns the Store that owns this Folder object.
 Store Session.getStore()
          Get a Store object that implements this user's desired Store protcol.
 Store Session.getStore(java.lang.String protocol)
          Get a Store object that implements the specified protocol.
 Store Session.getStore(URLName url)
          Get a Store object for the given URLName.
 Store Session.getStore(Provider provider)
          Get an instance of the store specified by Provider.

Constructors in javax.mail with parameters of type Store
StoreClosedException.StoreClosedException(Store store)
StoreClosedException.StoreClosedException(Store store, java.lang.String message)
Folder.Folder(Store store)
          Constructor that takes a Store object.

Uses of Store in javax.mail.event

Constructors in javax.mail.event with parameters of type Store
StoreEvent.StoreEvent(Store store, int type, java.lang.String message)