Class MAudit


public class MAudit
extends AbstractMetamataTask

Invokes the Metamata Audit/ Webgain Quality Analyzer on a set of Java files.

maudit performs static analysis of the Java source code and byte code files to find and report errors of style and potential problems related to performance, maintenance and robustness. As a convenience, a stylesheet is given in etc directory, so that an HTML report can be generated from the XML file.

Stephane Bailliez

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
classPath, cmdl, fileSets, includedFiles, metamataHome, optionsFile, sourcePath
Fields inherited from class
description, location, target, taskName, taskType, wrapper
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
          default constructor
Method Summary
protected  void checkOptions()
          validate the settings
protected  void cleanUp()
          clean up all the mess that we did with temporary objects
 Path createRulespath()
          classpath for additional audit rules these must be placed before metamata.jar !!
 Path createSearchpath()
          search path to use for unused global declarations; required when unused is set.
protected  ExecuteStreamHandler createStreamHandler()
          create a stream handler that will be used to get the output since metamata tools do not report with convenient files such as XML.
protected  java.util.Vector getOptions()
          create the option vector for the command
 void setExit(boolean flag)
          flag to tell the task to exit after the first error.
 void setFix(boolean flag)
          Automatically fix certain errors (those marked as fixable in the manual); optional, default=false
 void setFullsemanticize(boolean flag)
          internal/testing only
 void setList(boolean flag)
          Creates listing file for each audited file; optional, default false.
 void setOffsets(boolean flag)
          internal/testing only
 void setQuiet(boolean flag)
          flag to suppress copyright and summary messages; default false.
 void setTofile( outFile)
          The XML file to which the Audit result should be written to; required
 void setUnused(boolean flag)
          Finds declarations unused in search paths; optional, default false.
 void setVerbose(boolean flag)
          flag to print all messages; optional, default false.
Methods inherited from class
addAllVector, addFileSet, createClasspath, createJvmarg, createSourcepath, createTmpFile, execute, execute0, generateOptionsFile, getFileMapping, getMetamataJar, scanSources, scanSources, setHome, setMaxmemory, setMetamatahome, setUp
Methods inherited from class
getDescription, getLocation, getOwningTarget, getRuntimeConfigurableWrapper, getTaskName, getTaskType, getWrapper, handleErrorFlush, handleErrorOutput, handleFlush, handleInput, handleOutput, init, isInvalid, log, log, maybeConfigure, perform, reconfigure, setDescription, setLocation, setOwningTarget, setRuntimeConfigurableWrapper, setTaskName, setTaskType
Methods inherited from class
getProject, setProject
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MAudit()
default constructor

Method Detail


public void setTofile( outFile)
The XML file to which the Audit result should be written to; required


public void setFix(boolean flag)
Automatically fix certain errors (those marked as fixable in the manual); optional, default=false


public void setList(boolean flag)
Creates listing file for each audited file; optional, default false. When set, a .maudit file will be generated in the same location as the source file.


public void setUnused(boolean flag)
Finds declarations unused in search paths; optional, default false. It will look for unused global declarations in the source code within a use domain specified by the searchpath element.


public void setQuiet(boolean flag)
flag to suppress copyright and summary messages; default false. internal/testing only


public void setExit(boolean flag)
flag to tell the task to exit after the first error. internal/testing only


public void setOffsets(boolean flag)
internal/testing only


public void setVerbose(boolean flag)
flag to print all messages; optional, default false. internal/testing only


public void setFullsemanticize(boolean flag)
internal/testing only


public Path createRulespath()
classpath for additional audit rules these must be placed before metamata.jar !!


public Path createSearchpath()
search path to use for unused global declarations; required when unused is set.


protected java.util.Vector getOptions()
create the option vector for the command

Specified by:
getOptions in class AbstractMetamataTask


protected void checkOptions()
                     throws BuildException
validate the settings

checkOptions in class AbstractMetamataTask


protected ExecuteStreamHandler createStreamHandler()
                                            throws BuildException
Description copied from class: AbstractMetamataTask
create a stream handler that will be used to get the output since metamata tools do not report with convenient files such as XML.

Specified by:
createStreamHandler in class AbstractMetamataTask


protected void cleanUp()
                throws BuildException
Description copied from class: AbstractMetamataTask
clean up all the mess that we did with temporary objects

cleanUp in class AbstractMetamataTask

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