__gnu_pbds::priority_queue< _Tv, Cmp_Fn, Tag, _Alloc > Class Template Reference

Inherits type< _Tv, Cmp_Fn, _Alloc, Tag >.

List of all members.

Public Types

Public Member Functions

Detailed Description

template<typename _Tv, typename Cmp_Fn = std::less<_Tv>, typename Tag = pairing_heap_tag, typename _Alloc = std::allocator<char>>
class __gnu_pbds::priority_queue< _Tv, Cmp_Fn, Tag, _Alloc >

A priority queue composed of one specific heap policy.

Template Parameters:
_TvValue type.
Cmp_FnComparison functor.
TagInstantiating data structure type, see container_tag.
_AllocAllocator type.

Base is dispatched at compile time via Tag, from the following choices: binary_heap_tag, binomial_heap_tag, pairing_heap_tag, rc_binomial_heap_tag, thin_heap_tag

Base choices are: detail::binary_heap, detail::binomial_heap, detail::pairing_heap, detail::rc_binomial_heap, detail::thin_heap.

Definition at line 83 of file priority_queue.hpp.

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