2 The University of Auckland - COMPSCI 725 S2 C

Computer Science

Archived Announcements

This page was updated on 5 November 2009.
  • Scholarship in Health Robotics.
  • NZISF breakfast meeting, 14 Oct 2009, 7:30am to about 9am: "Outsourcing Information Security - The oxymoron that defined an industry?", presented by Simon Burson.
  • I have sent feedback, by email, to oral report presenters #1 to #10. The average was 12.7/15 marks, the median was 13.5 marks, the low was 8.5 marks, and the high was 14.5 marks. The presentations have been somewhat better (so far) this year than in prior years, see e.g. the histogram of oral report marks for 2008. Congratulations to all presenters to date!
  • I have sent some suggestions, by email, to all 15 students who submitted a one-line description of a possible term paper in Assignment 1. If you submitted something on Assignment 1, but did not get a response, please resend it. If you haven't submitted something on Assignment 1, it's not too late -- I'll respond in FCFS fashion, with at most a 2-week turnaround, so if you submit today you may well get a response before the (suggested) deadline for the (ungraded) Assignment 2 (please see its description in Week 7, below).
  • There will be no lecture on Friday 18 September, due to an unforeseen conflict with the Part 4 Exhibition for ECE students. Also, as previously announced on this page and as discussed in lecture, there will be no lecture on Monday 14 September.
  • eDay 2009 is Saturday 12th September 2009. eDay organisers are looking for volunteers to assist at each eDay drop-off site. Volunteers are needed to help direct traffic, interview drivers about their awareness of e-waste issues and remove computer equipment from cars. Teams of 8 people are needed to staff an 'eDay bay' (4 people for each shift: 8.30am - 12.30am / 12 - 4pm). A bay is where cars park and unload their e-waste. Click on Volunteer if you want to help.
  • NZISF breakfast meeting, 9 Sep 2009, 7:30am to about 9am: " What does your passport say about you?", presented by Professor Ajit Narayanan of AUT.
  • IET Presentation Skills Seminar, 20 August 2009, from 5.30pm at Engineering 3.403. Presented by Kip Cooper, 2009 winner of IET PATW competition (S. Pacific Region).
  • NZISF breakfast meeting, 12 Aug 2009, 7:30am to about 9am: "A Simplified Approach to Technology Risk Management", presented by Chris Roberts of the GCSB.
  • "Wildcard certificate spoofs web authentication: SSL felled by null string", Dan Goodin, The Register, 30 July 2009.

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