From:                                         Janczewski, Lech []

Sent:                                           Monday, 27 July 2009 3:19 p.m.

To:                                               undisclosed-recipients:

Subject:                                     NZISF meeting, 12 August


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New Zealand Information Security Forum (NZISF) cordially invites you and your friends to the August  2009 breakfast meeting:

Venue:           The Auckland Club, 34 Shortland St, CBD, Auckland

Date:             Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Time:             7:30 am

Cost:             NZISF, NZSA and NZCS members - $30, students - $20, all others - $ 35, Cash or cheque, no credit cards. 


Topic:            A Simplified Approach to Technology Risk Management


Technology risk management is problematic for many organisations, in particular smaller organisations.  Traditional methodologies are resource and time intensive, costly, difficult to manage, and often require special skills.


This presentation discusses some of the difficulties and provides a simple, but nonetheless robust way to identify, assess and manage technology risk.  This method has been adopted by the NZ Government’s Authentication Programme, with over 150 state sector employees trained since 2007.



Presenter:         Chris Roberts


Chris Roberts has spent over 36 years working in information technology assurance, systems and information security and technology risk management, including 18 years working with international consulting organisations. 


He has worked extensively in the areas of e-fraud, IT related investigations, computer forensics and vulnerability and technology system penetration testing as well as with national Computer Emergency Response and Critical Information Infrastructure Protection organisations.


In addition to large corporate and government clients, he has worked extensively with international AID organisations such as the World Bank, USAID, UNDP and the FAO.


Chris is a frequent speaker on a variety of technology assurance, governance and related security topics both to a variety of industry forums and as a visiting lecturer to the Massey MBA Programme, Victoria University’s Information Technology masters programme and The Information Science Faculty at the University of Otago.


Chris is currently the head of the GCSB’s Information Assurance Directorate’s Research Programme.



This meeting of the New Zealand Information Security Forum is proudly sponsored by:







Lech J. Janczewski