Directory examples/release/testXML/

Total Files:
Deleted Files:
Lines of Code:

                directory in repo treePrior+clockModel (8 files, 2540 lines)

Lines of Code

examples/release/testXML/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 43 (100.0%) 10476 (100.0%) 243.6
rambaut 40 (93.0%) 10273 (98.1%) 256.8
msuchard 3 (7.0%) 203 (1.9%) 67.6

Most Recent Commits

rambaut 2013-02-15 12:47 Rev.: 5406

Ported recent updates from 1.7 branch

1 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • examples/release/testXML: testMSSD.xml (+1 -1)
msuchard 2012-11-03 14:45 Rev.: 5214

Updated testMNV for Gibbs sampling of precision parameter

126 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • examples/release/testXML: testMVN.xml (new)
msuchard 2012-10-28 14:36 Rev.: 5211

Implemented transposed matrix representations for multilocus branch rate models

77 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • examples/release/testXML: testTransposedMatrixParameter.xml (new 77)
rambaut 2012-08-08 22:36 Rev.: 5114

Updated testBinaryDollo.xml to use new alsSiteModel parser.

3 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • examples/release/testXML: testBinaryDollo.xml (+3 -3)
rambaut 2012-08-01 21:44 Rev.: 5080

Added test XML showing the tip date precision sampling.

478 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • examples/release/testXML: testTipDatePrecision.xml (new 478)
rambaut 2011-11-11 23:37

Reorganization of the examples/release folder. Please add/remove anything that will be packaged with the next release.

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • examples/release/testXML: treeOpsTest (del)
rambaut 2011-11-11 23:35 Rev.: 4407

Reorganization of the examples/release folder. Please add/remove anything that will be packaged with the next release.

9791 lines of code changed in 33 files:

  • examples/release/testXML: testAlignmentStatistics.xml (new 23), testAncestralReconstruction.xml (new 245), testAscertainment.xml (new 174), testAutocorrelatedRelaxedClock.xml (new 460), testBinaryDollo.xml (+148), testCodonLikelihood.xml (new 1183), testComparativeMethod.xml (new 292), testLatentLiability.xml (new 239), testLewisMk.xml (new 25), testLikelihood.xml (new 727), testLognormalPrior.xml (new 62), testMC3.xml (new 300), testMCMC.xml (new 175), testML.xml (new 165), testMSSD.xml (+208), testMVN.xml (+54), testMVOU.xml (new 302), testMarkovJumps.xml (new 150), testMissingIntegratedTraitLikelihood.xml (new 115), testMixedModel.xml (new 148), testMultiThreading.xml (new 423), testNormalModelGibbs.xml (new 109), testPMD.xml (new 1550), testPopTreeModel.xml (new 39), testPosteriorIBD.xml (new 194), testRestrictedAncestralReconstruction.xml (new 255), testSequenceSimulator.xml (new 143), testSimplePathSampling.xml (new 251), testStarTreeTest.xml (new 258), testStarTreeTest2.xml (new 252), testTransmissionStatistic.xml (new 682), testTreePathSampling.xml (new 288), testUniformizedMarkovJumps.xml (new 152)
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