Directory examples/release/Benchmarks/

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examples/release/Benchmarks/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
rambaut 8 (100.0%) 11544 (100.0%) 1443.0

Most Recent Commits

rambaut 2011-11-11 23:32 Rev.: 4405

Reorganization of the examples/release folder. Please add/remove anything that will be packaged with the next release.

7 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • examples/release/Benchmarks: benchmark1.xml (new), benchmark2.xml (new)
rambaut 2010-08-29 04:29 Rev.: 3469

Slight update to benchmark1.xml

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • examples/release/Benchmarks: benchmark1.xml (+2 -2)
rambaut 2010-08-29 01:47 Rev.: 3468

Added a third benchmark file. old_benchmark.xml is the old (trivially small) one. benchmark1.xml is 1400-odd HA1 flu genomes (about 500 patterns) to test big trees with modest amounts of data. benchmark2.xml is 60-odd mitochondrial genomes resulting in >5000 site patterns to test modest trees with lots of data.

11535 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • examples/release/Benchmarks: benchmark1.xml (+10296), benchmark2.xml (+877), old_benchmark.xml (new 362)
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