Directory doc/BookSection/

Total Files:
Deleted Files:
Lines of Code:


Lines of Code

doc/BookSection/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 62 (100.0%) 2098 (100.0%) 33.8
rambaut 60 (96.8%) 1790 (85.3%) 29.8
alexei.drummond 2 (3.2%) 308 (14.7%) 154.0

Most Recent Commits

rambaut 2007-09-15 02:37 Rev.: 538

Some typos corrected in Book Section

13 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • doc/BookSection: BookSection.tex (new)
rambaut 2007-09-15 01:25 Rev.: 537

Some typos corrected in Book Section

69 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • doc/BookSection: BookSection.tex (+69 -63), Figure18_11.png (changed)
rambaut 2007-09-13 23:54 Rev.: 536

Some typos corrected in Book Section

11 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • doc/BookSection: BookSection.tex (+11 -8)
rambaut 2007-07-21 00:00 Rev.: 416

FigTree tree now has mean heights

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • doc/BookSection: Figure18_11.png (changed)
rambaut 2007-07-20 23:37 Rev.: 415

More tweaking...

122 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • doc/BookSection: BookSection.tex (+122 -106), Figure18_11.png (changed)
rambaut 2007-07-20 11:01 Rev.: 413

Fixed up the practice section according to Philippe's suggestions

190 lines of code changed in 23 files:

  • doc/BookSection: BookSection.tex (+190 -215), Figure10_TreeAnnotator.png (del), Figure11_FigTree.png (del), Figure18_1.png (new), Figure18_10.png (new), Figure18_11.png (changed), Figure18_2.png (new), Figure18_3.png (new), Figure18_4.png (new), Figure18_5.png (new), Figure18_6.png (new), Figure18_7.png (new), Figure18_8.png (new), Figure18_9.png (new), Figure1_Data.png (del), Figure2_GuessDates.png (del), Figure3_Model.png (del), Figure4_MCMC.png (del), Figure5_Tracer1.png (del), Figure6_Tracer2.png (del), Figure7_Tracer3.png (del), Figure8_Tracer4.png (del), Figure9_Tracer5.png (del)
rambaut 2007-07-17 00:42 Rev.: 407

Added F81. Fixed some references to existing papers.

6 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • doc/BookSection: BookSection.tex (+6 -3)
rambaut 2007-07-17 00:04 Rev.: 406

Adding a new figure

0 lines of code changed in 6 files:

  • doc/BookSection: Figure10_FigTree.png (del), Figure6_Tracer2.png (new), Figure7_Tracer3.png (new), Figure8_Tracer4.png (new), Figure9_Tracer5.png (new), Figure9_TreeAnnotator.png (del)
rambaut 2007-07-17 00:00

More edits to BookSection

130 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • doc/BookSection: BookSection.tex (+130 -111), Figure10_TreeAnnotator.png (new), Figure11_FigTree.png (new), Figure5_Tracer1.png (new)
alexei.drummond 2007-07-15 00:09 Rev.: 402

many small grammatical fixes -- there was a big merge conflict because of different formats for software names -- I thought the bold was a bit intrusive.

212 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • doc/BookSection: BookSection.tex (+212 -215)
rambaut 2007-07-14 23:11 Rev.: 401

Cleaned up the BookSection a bit to make the formatting more consistent, use the more correct term 'dengue virus serotype 4', 'E' (not env) gene. Teletype style for UI components. Bold style for programs. Resized figures. Few typos.

78 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • doc/BookSection: BookSection.tex (+78 -76)
alexei.drummond 2007-07-14 18:00 Rev.: 400

I added the basic guff about Bayesian MCMC and what it is all about. The only thing missing is a proper discussion of the important role of priors...

96 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • doc/BookSection: BookSection.tex (+96 -31)
rambaut 2007-07-14 00:32 Rev.: 399

Finished up the text of the practical section. My latex is still rusty so there may be glitches.

82 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • doc/BookSection: BookSection.tex (+82 -6)
rambaut 2007-07-07 04:48 Rev.: 363

Updated practical section

307 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • doc/BookSection: BookSection.tex (+307 -52), Figure6_Tracer2.png (changed), Figure7_Tracer3.png (changed), Figure8_Tracer4.png (changed)
rambaut 2007-07-07 01:47 Rev.: 362

Moved BookSection into a folder with all its figures

782 lines of code changed in 11 files:

  • doc/BookSection: BookSection.tex (+782), Figure10_FigTree.png (new), Figure1_Data.png (new), Figure2_GuessDates.png (new), Figure3_Model.png (new), Figure4_MCMC.png (new), Figure5_Tracer1.png (changed), Figure6_Tracer2.png (changed), Figure7_Tracer3.png (changed), Figure8_Tracer4.png (changed), Figure9_TreeAnnotator.png (new)
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