Reinhard Klette, Andreas Koschan, and Karsten Schlüns

Berlin Technical University, Germany

VIEWEG, Braunschweig . Wiesbaden, May 1996

400 pages		    ISBN 3-528-06625-3		about  72  DM

					address for ordering:	Verlag Vieweg
								Postfach 58 29
								D-65048 Wiesbaden

This computer vision textbook (published in German) describes the reconstruction of object surfaces and the analysis of distances between camera and objects. Main topics are static and dynamic stereo analysis, shape from shading, photometric stereo analysis, and structured illumination. The selected procedures, e.g. complex algorithms as Tsai camera calibration, Frankot-Chellapa depth map generation, or Lee-Rosenfeld shape from shading, are discussed at such a detailed level that implementations can follow the given descriptions. Fundamentals are given for these application oriented approaches with respect to camera modeling and calibration, to geometric surface modeling, and to surface reflectance models. The authors also included some new research and laboratory results in shape reconstruction and depth analysis, e.g. based on color images.

The text is suitable for graduate university courses, e.g. in computer science, in several engineering disciplines, or in applied mathematics. It can also be used for autodidactic interests. Theoretical and applied exercises accompany each chapter.

Contents of Textbook
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Deutsch)
Buchvorstellung (Deutsch)

CITR: last update: 22 April 1998