The Office Corridor

You are standing in front of a long corridor leading to a twisty maze of offices, all alike. To one side is a cupboard covered with a thick layer of dust. Someone has scratched the word "Blem" into the dust. You don't know what Blem is, but you decide to remember it in case it's important.

You stop to listen to the babble of voices emanating from various rooms. Somewhere in the distance you can make out an obscene piping. Under the general cacophony is some form of vague chant - the voices seem to be crying out "HPACK! HPACK! HPACK!".

The world begins to spin. Lights, colours, and funny bent things with a knob on one end flash past in front of your eyes. Suddenly, with a sickening lurch, you find yourself in the presence of... Peter's home page.

Peter's Web Adventure / Peter Gutmann /