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The Prolog Library

The Prolog library comprises a number of packages which are thought to be useful in a number of applications. Note that the predicates in the Prolog library are not built-in predicates. One has to explicitly load each package to get access to its predicates. The following packages are provided:

provides an implementation of extendable arrays with logarithmic access time.

uses AVL trees to implement "association lists", i.e. extendable finite mappings from terms to terms.

provides a means of associating with variables arbitrary attributes, i.e. named properties that can be used as storage locations as well as hooks into Prolog's unification.

implements binary heaps, the main application of which are priority queues.

provides basic operations on lists.

provides a number of operations on terms.

defines operations on sets represented as lists with the elements ordered in Prolog standard order.

defines operations on queues (FIFO stores of information).

provides a random number generator.

provides access to operating system services.

uses binary trees to represent non-extendable arrays with logarithmic access time. The functionality is very similar to that of library(arrays), but library(trees) is slightly more efficient if the array does not need to be extendable.

provides an implementation of directed and undirected graphs with unlabelled edges.

provides an implementation of directed and undirected graphs where each edge has an integral weight.

provides an interface to system calls for manipulating sockets.

provides an implementation of the Linda concept for process communication.

provides storage and retrieval of terms on disk files with user-defined multiple indexing.

provides constraint solving over Booleans.

provides constraint solving over Q (Rationals) or R (Reals).

provides the combination of the logic programming and the object-oriented programming paradigms.

is a specification tool that is based on Generalized Horn Clause Language, a generalization of Prolog.

An interface to the Tcl/Tk language and toolkit.

is a profiling tool for Prolog programs with a graphical interface based on tcltk.

defines IO predicates that read from, or write to, a list of character codes.

is a utility program for generating glue code for the Foreign Language Interface when building Runtime Systems or statically linked Development Systems.

provides a way of running goals with an execution time limit.

provides a cross reference producer for debugging and program analysis.

To load a library package Package, you will normally enter a query

| ?- use_module(library(Package)).

Library packages may be compiled and consulted as well as loaded.

An alternative way of loading from the library is using the built-in predicate require/1 (see section Reading-in Programs). The index file `INDEX.pl' needed by require/1 can be created by the make_index program. This program is loaded as:

| ?- use_module(library(mkindex)).

Creates a file `INDEX.pl' in LibraryDirectory. All `*.pl' files in the directory and all its subdirectories are scanned for module/2 declarations. From these declarations, the exported predicates are entered into the index.

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