This is a list of workshops and conferences I am involved in:
- Program Chair: EDOC 2009, IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference, Auckland, New Zealand.
- General Chair: VLDB 2008, 34th International Conference on Very Large Databases, Aug 24-30, Auckland, New Zealand.
- Program Chair: ACSC 2008, 31st Australasian Computer Science Conference, Jan 22-25, Wollongong, Australia.
- General Chair: ICECCS 2007, 12th IEEE International Conference on Engineering Complex Computer Systems, July 11-14, Auckland, New Zealand.
- Organisational Chair: ER 2007, 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Nov 5-9, Auckland, New Zealand.
- Program Chair: ACSC 2007, 30th Australasian Computer Science Conference, Jan 30-Feb 2, Ballarat, Australia.
- Program Chair: ACSC 2006, 29th Australasian Computer Science Conference, Jan 16-19, Hobart, Australia.
- Program Chair: ADC2006, 17th Australasian Database Conference, Jan 16-19, Hobart, Australia.
- Program Chair: SAC 2006 Data Mining Track, 1st ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 23-27 April, Dijon, France
- Program Chair: ADC 2005, 16th Australasian Database Conference, Jan 31-3 Feb, Newcastle, Australia.
- Program Chair: WEBH2002, Second International Workshop on Electronic Business Hubs: XML, Metadata, Ontologies, and Business Knowledge on the Web, September 2-6, 2002, Aix En Provence, France.
- Program Chair: WEBH2001, First International Workshop on Electronic Business Hubs: XML, Metadata, Ontologies, and Business Knowledge on the Web, 7 Sept., 2001, Munich, Germany.
- Program Committee Member:
- 3rd International Workshop on XML Data Management Tools and Techniques(XANTEC '08)
- 2nd SIGMOD IDAR Workshop (Second SIGMOD PhD Workshop on Innovative Database Research), 2008
- ICWE 06, 6th International Conference on Web Engineering, July 12-14, Menlo Park, California.
- ISTA 06, 5th International Conference on Information Systems Technology and its Applications, May 30-31, Klagenfurt, Austria.
- DEXA 2006-2012, International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications.
- EDOC 2006-2008, IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference.
- BP-UML, International Workshop on Best Practices of UML
- CAMS 2006- 2007, International Workshop on Context-Aware Mobile Systems.
- TEAA06, 2nd International Conference on Trends in Enterprise Application Architecture, 29 Nov-1 Dec, Berlin, Germany.
- UWSI 2006, 2nd Web Systems and Intelligence Workshop, 8-11 May, Glasgow, Scotland.
- XRA 2006, International Workshop on XML Research and Applications, 16-18 Jan, Harbin, China.
- WISQ 2005, Web Information Systems Quality, 20 Nov, New York, USA.
- DASFAA 2005-2013, International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications
- APCCM 2004-2011, Asia Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling
- QSIC 2004, 4th International Conference of Quality Software, 8-9 Sept, Braunschweig, Germany.
- APWeb 2003-2006, Asia Pacific Web Conference
- WAIM 2003-2007, International Conference on Web-Age Information Management
- ER 2011-2012, International Conference on Conceptual Modeling
- XML Database Symposium, Germany, December, 2003.
- ADC 2003-2011, Australasian Database Conference, Adelaide, Feb 2003.
- WISE 2002-2009, International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering
- EEXTT2002, 1st VLDB Workshop on Efficiency and Effectiveness of XML Tools and Techniques, Aug 19, 2002, Hong Kong.
- EWIS2002, First International Workshop on Efficient Web-based Information Systems, Sept 2nd 2002, Montpelier, France.
- DaWaK 2001-2003, International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery
- IIWAS 2001-2011, International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services
- EDBT 2011, International Conference on Extending Database Technology
- SIGMOD 2011, ACM Special Interest Group on Management of Data
- ASONAM 2012, IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining
- MODIC 2012, International Workshop on Modeling for Data-Intensive Computing