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Conventional identification of a generic MGRF model via MCMC
algorithms also synthesises texture.
Figure 7.1:
Texture synthesis by a generic MGRF model.
[Sample D17]
[t=0 (IRF)]
Recall Eq. (6.3.6). At each step
of the
stochastic approximation, the potentials
and then
the posterior probability distribution
are computed by Eqs. 6.3.6
and 6.1.3 respectively. Then, an image
is generated by sampling the distribution
via either Gibbs sampling or
Metropolis algorithm. During the process, a sequence of images,
, are generated along with the Markov chain.
When the Markov chain attains convergence, the generated image is
expected to resemble the training texture because their joint
probability distributions of selected signal statistics are close to
each other. This approach to texture synthesis is based on the
assumption that visual similarity of textures follows the proximity
of their signal statistics [35].
Figure 7.1 shows a sequence of images
generated along the Markov chain during the identification of a
generic MGRF model given a training texture D17. As one can see,
initialised with a white noise image, the process generates new
images that gradually resemble the training sample. After the
step, each synthetic image appears more or less within a
certain proximity to the training texture and shows little
improvement over the previous one. This indicates that the Markov
chain attains an state of equilibrium and therefore texture
synthesis is completed.
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Previous: Texture Synthesis by Bunch