SummaryInh Example

The SummaryInh processing option for mete-tools provides measurements for the SummaryInh metric suite. If the system is provided at a set of jar files, then the Jarfiles Source option can be used to get the measurements from all classes in all jar files in the distribution.

The following will cause mete-tools to measure the single jar file jgraph.jar.
java -Dprocessing=SummaryInh -Dsource=Jarfiles \
     -Dpackages=org.jgraph -DappID=jgraph \
     -Dformat=Html -Dwarnings=None \
     -Xmx1000m -jar mete-tools.jar \
The output will look something like this (both Text and Html format options are available).

  #metric, nesting level, measurement, relevant module count, proportion(%)
SLCCDUI 0 15 39 38%
SLCCDUI 1 14 37 38%
SLCCDUI - 29 76 38%
UDCCDUI 0 8 39 21%
UDCCDUI 1 5 37 14%
UDCCDUI - 13 76 17%
CCIF 0 8 39 21%
CCIF 1 1 37 3%
CCIF - 9 76 12%
SLCIDUI 0 5 39 13%
SLCIDUI 1 6 37 16%
SLCIDUI - 11 76 14%
UDCIDUI 0 14 39 36%
UDCIDUI 1 13 37 35%
UDCIDUI - 27 76 36%
CIIF 0 14 14 100%
CIIF 1 3 3 100%
CIIF - 17 17 100%
SLIIDUI 0 4 14 29%
SLIIDUI - 4 17 24%
UDIIDUI 0 2 14 14%
UDIIDUI 1 1 3 33%
UDIIDUI - 3 17 18%
IIIF 0 1 14 7%
IIIF 1 1 3 33%
IIIF - 2 17 12%
CCDUI 0 23 39 59%
CCDUI 1 19 37 51%
CCDUI - 42 76 55%
UDDUI 0 22 53 42%
UDDUI 1 19 40 48%
UDDUI - 41 93 44%
CIDUI 0 18 39 46%
CIDUI 1 19 37 51%
CIDUI - 37 76 49%
IIDUI 0 6 14 43%
IIDUI 1 1 3 33%
IIDUI - 7 17 41%
DUI 0 37 53 70%
DUI 1 34 40 85%
DUI - 71 93 76%
IF 0 22 53 42%
IF 1 4 40 10%
IF - 26 93 28%

Points to note: