Zero-order logic and Eccles.

Zero-order logic.

Ever since I found out about this very basic sort of logic, I've wanted to do things with it. It is otherwise called by names such as sentence logic or propositional calculus, and is closely related to the logic of binary electronics. It is the logic of AND, OR, and NOT, and a few other operators which can be derived from these, and it underlies other logical formalisms.

Arguments in zero-order logic are conducted at a very low level. It uses names which denote assertions, and symbols with which the assertions can be combined to give new assertions. For example :

Assertions : A, B;
New assertions : A & B; A -> B.
( pronounced "A and B", "A implies B" ).

There are certain rules for manipulating these assertions : for example,

( A & ( A -> B ) ) -> B.

Suppose that A stands for "It is raining" and B stands for "I am wearing my hat". The the rule above can be expressed as :

"If it is raining,
if whenever it is raining it is found that I am wearing my hat
I am wearing my hat."

Statements like this are in some respects limited because they are very specific.

Most work in logic as treated in artificial intelligence uses first-order logic, or predicate calculus. This is much more expressive than zero-order logic, because it can handle quantification, and can therefore deal with general statements like "All cows eat grass". An argument in first-order logic might look like this :

"If Daisy is a cow,
All cows eat grass
Daisy eats grass."

The two statements about Daisy in that argument are specific, and could be handled in zero-order logic - but the generalisation couldn't.

But if first-order logic is so much more powerful. why bother with zero-order logic ? I have two reasons.

That's all very well, but what do I propose to do about it ?


Eccles is, first and foremost, a character from the unique, inimitable, seminal, immortal, highly esteemed GOON SHOW. Everyone knows that. Eccles is also an acronym : Environment for Computing with Complicated Logical Expressions Simply. ( Eccles is also a town in Lancashire, known for Eccles Cakes. You can't win them all. ) Here we are concerned with the second of these meanings.

This Eccles is a sort of logical workbench which I've been pottering with for a long time now. It isn't specially complicated to do the logic processing ( though there are some tricky bits if you want to make it reasonably efficient, as John Jensen discovered in a project ), but to make it useful you want to be able to tie it in to other software, and finding a good way to do that has been interesting. I have got some way with ELI ( the Eccles Logic Interpreter ), which accepts instructions to carry out logical operations; it works, not too badly, but I haven't had time to look at it for a while.

Several students have put in some work on Eccles from time to time :

More if you want it :

AC47 ( Representing propositions in computers );
AC50 ( Eccles );
AC51 ( Eccles and higher-order logic );
AC53 ( Evaluating logical expressions ).

Alan Creak,
September, 1998.

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