/*Edge class*/ import java.awt.*; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import java.lang.*; public class Edge implements ClassInterface{ //Variable declarations Arrow arrow_head, arrow_head_1; Node start, end, representative; int start_node, end_node; double value; int index; int end_x; int end_y; static final double CR_RATIO = 0.9; //0.605; static final int Self = -1; Color value_colour, arc_colour, arrow_colour; boolean show_cost = false; static final int FULL_CIRCLE = 350; //method declarations public Edge( Node start, Node end, int value ) { this.start = start; this.end = end; this.value = value; index = 0; end_x = 0; end_y = 0; value_colour = Color.red; arc_colour = Color.black; arrow_colour = arc_colour; } public boolean New( ) { if (start.Rep().Get_ID() == -1 && end.Rep().Get_ID() == -1) { Set_Rep( start ); return true; } else return false; } public boolean Is_From( ) { System.out.println("Edge, is_from: from "+start.Get_ID()+", end "+end.Get_ID()+", "+start.Rep().Get_ID()+", "+end.Rep().Get_ID()); if (start.Rep().Get_ID() != -1 && end.Rep().Get_ID() == -1) { Set_Rep( start.Rep() ); return true; } else return false; } public boolean Is_To( ) { System.out.println("Edge, is_to: from "+start.Get_ID()+", end "+end.Get_ID()+", "+start.Rep().Get_ID()+", "+end.Rep().Get_ID()); if (start.Rep().Get_ID() == -1 && end.Rep().Get_ID() != -1) { Set_Rep( end.Rep() ); return true; } else return false; } public boolean Join( ) { System.out.println("Edge, join: from "+start.Get_ID()+", end "+end.Get_ID()+", "+start.Rep().Get_ID()+", "+end.Rep().Get_ID()); if (start.Rep().Get_ID() != -1 && end.Rep().Get_ID() != -1 && start.Rep() != end.Rep() ) { //Set_Rep( start.Rep() ); return true; } else return false; } public Node Rep() { return representative; } public void Set_Rep(Node N) { representative = N; start.Set_Rep(representative); end.Set_Rep(representative); System.out.println("updating: from = "+start.Get_ID()+", to = "+end.Get_ID()+", rep = "+representative.Get_ID()); } public Node From_Node() { return start; } public Node To_Node() { return end; } public int Get_Start() { int num; num = start.Get_ID(); return (num); } public int Get_End() { int num; num = end.Get_ID(); return (num); } public double Cost() { return value; } public boolean Cycle() { if ( (start.Rep() == start.Rep()) && (end.Rep() == end.Rep()) ) return false; else return start.Rep() == end.Rep(); } public void Update_Rep() { this.To_Node().Rep().Set_Rep( this.From_Node().Rep() ); } public void Print_Edge( String s ) { System.out.println( s + " .. "); } public void Set_Highlight(Color highlight_colour) { this.arc_colour = highlight_colour; this.arrow_colour = highlight_colour; if (highlight_colour != Color.black) { value_colour = Color.black; } else { value_colour = Color.red; } } public void Draw_Edge( Graphics g , int num_arcs, int arrow_status) { int start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y; int mid_value_x, mid_value_y; int mid_pt_x, mid_pt_y; int pt_x, pt_y; int x_diff, y_diff; double distance, temp, angle, temp1; double opp, adj, hyp, opp1, adj1; Color node_colour; double img_mid_x, img_mid_y; double chord, img_dia; //for arcs double mid_line, img_cir; double temp3, temp4, temp5, temp6; double img_x, img_y; double start_angle, arc_angle, half_arc_angle; double half_arc_angle_rad, temp_ang; int testcase; double img_x_e, img_y_e; double a, b, c, gamma, alpha; double determinant; double numerator, denominator; double tita; double phi; double yonx, xony; double pts_array[] = new double[4]; double pt_angle; int i; //getting the scales for the node positions double start_scale_x, start_scale_y, end_scale_x, end_scale_y; start_scale_x = 1.00; start_scale_y = 1.00; end_scale_x = 1.00; end_scale_y = 1.00; yonx = 0.00; xony = 0.00; phi = 0.00; tita = 0.00; numerator = 0.00; denominator = 0.00; start_angle = 0; arc_angle = 0; testcase = 0; img_mid_x = 0; img_mid_y = 0; img_y_e = 0.00; img_x_e = 0.00; opp = 0.00; adj = 0.00; opp1 = 0.00; adj1 = 0.00; pt_x = pt_y = 0; determinant = 0.00; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { pts_array[i] = 0.00; } start_scale_x = start.Get_Scale_X(); start_scale_y = start.Get_Scale_Y(); end_scale_x = end.Get_Scale_X(); end_scale_y = end.Get_Scale_Y(); start_x = (int)((start.Mid_X())*start_scale_x); start_y = (int)((start.Mid_Y())*start_scale_y); end_x = (int)((end.Mid_X())*end_scale_x); end_y = (int)((end.Mid_Y())*end_scale_y); x_diff = end_x - start_x; y_diff = end_y - start_y; temp = Math.pow(x_diff,2) + Math.pow(y_diff,2); distance = Math.sqrt(temp); mid_pt_x = (end_x - start_x)/2 + start_x; mid_pt_y = (end_y - start_y)/2 + start_y; //drawing of arcs //let the ratio between chord and imaginary radius be 2.5/4 chord = distance; img_cir = CR_RATIO*chord; temp3 = Math.pow((chord/2), 2); temp4 = Math.pow(img_cir, 2); temp5 = temp4 - temp3; mid_line = Math.sqrt(temp5); img_dia = 2*img_cir; half_arc_angle_rad = Math.asin((chord/2)/img_cir); temp6 = (half_arc_angle_rad/Math.PI)*180; half_arc_angle = temp6; arc_angle = 2*half_arc_angle; temp_ang = ((90 - arc_angle)/2)*(Math.PI)/180; hyp = img_cir; yonx = (double)y_diff/(double)x_diff; xony = (double)x_diff/(double)y_diff; //new inclusion tita = Math.atan((double)y_diff/(double)x_diff); phi = Math.PI/2 - tita; pts_array = Circle_Attr(x_diff, chord, mid_pt_x, mid_pt_y, mid_line, phi, tita, start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y); img_mid_x = pts_array[0]; img_mid_y = pts_array[1]; testcase = (int)pts_array[2]; start_angle = Arc_Circle_Angle(pts_array[3], arc_angle, testcase); img_x = img_mid_x - img_cir; img_y = img_mid_y - img_cir; g.setColor(arc_colour); Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g; g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(3, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND)); if (num_arcs != 1) { g.drawArc((int)img_x, (int)img_y, (int)img_dia, (int)img_dia, (int)start_angle, (int)arc_angle); pt_angle = (start_angle + arc_angle/2)*Math.PI/180; pt_x = (int)Math.round(img_mid_x + img_cir*Math.cos(pt_angle)); pt_y = (int)Math.round(img_mid_y - img_cir*Math.sin(pt_angle)); } else if (testcase != 10){ g.drawLine(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y); } else if (testcase == 10) { System.out.println("numarcs = "+num_arcs); arc_angle = FULL_CIRCLE; img_dia = start.diameter; //g.drawArc((int)img_x, (int)img_y, (int)img_dia, (int)img_dia, (int)start_angle, (int)arc_angle); g.drawArc((int)(start_x - img_dia), (int)(start_y - img_dia/2), (int)img_dia, (int)img_dia, (int)start_angle, (int)arc_angle); } if (arrow_status == 1) { arrow_head = new Arrow(value_colour, value, start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, img_mid_x, img_mid_y, img_cir, start_angle, arc_angle, arc_colour, num_arcs, mid_pt_x, mid_pt_y, show_cost, testcase, img_dia); arrow_head.Draw_Arrow( g ); } else { if (show_cost) { if (num_arcs != 1) { g.setColor(value_colour); g.drawString(""+value, pt_x, pt_y); } else { g.setColor(value_colour); g.drawString(""+value, mid_pt_x, mid_pt_y); } } } } private double Arc_Circle_Angle(double start_angle, double arc_angle, int testcase) { switch (testcase) { case 1: start_angle = (start_angle)*180/Math.PI;break; case 2: start_angle = 90 - (arc_angle/2);break; case 3: start_angle = (Math.PI/2 + start_angle)*180/Math.PI;break; case 4: start_angle = 180 - arc_angle/2;break; case 5: start_angle = (Math.PI + start_angle)*180/Math.PI;break; case 6: start_angle = 270 - (arc_angle)/2;break; case 7: start_angle = (3*Math.PI/2 + start_angle)*180/Math.PI;break; case 8: start_angle = 360 - (arc_angle)/2;break; case 10: start_angle = 0.00; default: break; } return start_angle; } private double[] Circle_Attr(int x_diff, double chord, double mid_pt_x, double mid_pt_y, double mid_line, double phi, double tita, int start_x, int start_y, int end_x, int end_y) { double img_mid_x, img_mid_y; double start_angle, node_diameter = 0.00; int testcase, i, attr_size = 4; double[] attr = new double[attr_size]; img_mid_x = 0.00; img_mid_y = 0.00; start_angle = 0.00; testcase = 0; for (i = 0; i < attr_size; i++) { attr[i] = 0.00; } if (x_diff < 0.00) { img_mid_x = mid_pt_x + mid_line*Math.cos(phi); img_mid_y = mid_pt_y - mid_line*Math.sin(phi); if (tita < 0.00) { testcase = 7; start_angle = Math.abs(tita) - Math.atan((chord/2)/mid_line); } else if (tita > 0.00) { testcase = 5; start_angle = Math.abs(phi) - Math.atan((chord/2)/mid_line); } } else if (x_diff > 0.00) { img_mid_x = mid_pt_x - mid_line*Math.cos(phi); img_mid_y = mid_pt_y + mid_line*Math.sin(phi); if (tita < 0.00) { testcase = 3; start_angle = Math.abs(tita) - Math.atan((chord/2)/mid_line); } else if (tita > 0.00) { testcase = 1; start_angle = Math.abs(phi) - Math.atan((chord/2)/mid_line); } } if ((start_x == end_x) && (start_y > end_y)) { testcase = 4; img_mid_x = start_x + mid_line; img_mid_y = start_y - (chord/2); } if ((start_x == end_x) && (start_y < end_y)) { testcase = 8; img_mid_x = start_x - mid_line; img_mid_y = start_y + (chord/2); } if ((start_x > end_x) && (start_y == end_y)) { testcase = 6; img_mid_x = start_x - (chord/2); img_mid_y = start_y - mid_line; } if ((start_x < end_x) && (start_y == end_y)) { testcase = 2; img_mid_x = start_x + (chord/2); img_mid_y = start_y + mid_line; } if ((start_x == end_x) && (start_y == end_y)) { testcase = 10; node_diameter = start.diameter; img_mid_x = start_x - node_diameter; img_mid_y = start_y - (node_diameter)/2; System.out.println("in testcase 10, sd = "+node_diameter); System.out.println("x = "+img_mid_x+", y = "+img_mid_y); } attr[0] = img_mid_x; attr[1] = img_mid_y; attr[2] = (double)testcase; attr[3] = start_angle; return attr; } }